Mass Effect Andromeda

Predict the score on Metacritic
>Mixed or average reviews

Other urls found in this thread:


70-80. Probably closer to 70. The quality is too low, even by Bioware standards, for it to get 9s from anything but the most shameless journos, but at the same time it's an EA game from a big franchise so most journos will give it an 8.

90, Sup Forums will be eternally assravaged and it will be hilarious.


low 70's

there going to be die hard bioware shills and just regular shills giving it 100/100

oh the review score will be 98 though

all AAA games get 90+, it means nothing

There's no way this game gets below 80. They'll pay for some 10/10 reviews to bump the score up. I'll guess 82.

>my face is tired


A part of me wants this to fail so hard for what they did and how shit they've become.

Another part of me wants this to be everything it could be.

What happened to BioWare anyways?

Sjws happened

>I'm sure it'll at least be something half decent, Inquistion was at least mildly enjoyable
>Every fucking day reveals new ways in which the game is garbage
These fucking animations make the first witcher look well animated.

>beginning of webm
>one eye moves independent of the other
>whilst talking to ryder her eyes dart back and forth, up and down


Diversity hires.

They picked up some SJW employees to appeal to the crazies for some extra sales. Then they got some more of them. Then the actual competent people started leaving.

all the good programmers, artists, writers, and developers left
were replaced by college educated nu males, women, and immigrants

Diversity over talent

That isn't the only problem.

Who wrote this?
Who designed the textures?
Who designed the models?
Who designed the animations?
Who designed the lighting?
Who voiced the characters?

It's as if everyone, absolutely everyone in Bioware, put as much effort as possible into making literally everyone seem autistic.

This is The Room levels of quality.


Even Gaming Journos are shitting on it, It's fucking strange. Has something like this happened to a franchise of this calibre before?

Scared off all the real talent, and the interns took over, who happened to be more interested in identity politics than making a good game with a good script.



shit even Lucas did it ok once.

its a Mass Effect shooter from EA
no way it's gonna bomb, if only because of the multiplayer

It wont get a fucking 70. A 70 is what it would get without the paid 10/10s it's going to receive. To get a 70 it would actually have to be a 50.

>hire a few tumblrinas to earn brownie points and get a few extra sales
>the more of them you hire, the more actual talented people you drive away
>even Casey Hudson is gone
>all that's left is a husk of a studio that shares only its name with the studio you once loved

The best part is DICE is now on phase 1 with all that shit in BF1 (Turks are whiter than England for some reason, Germans are black, Russians don't real but black Americans saved Europe)

Yeah I'm seeing this too. I've had very little interest in this due to 3 so most of my exposure has just been this board bitching about it and we all know what that usually predicts

They didn't have a voice acting director or something? How come that a bunch of polish guys that barely speak english can do a better job than an english speaking company?


maybe they deliberately made it shit cause they realized all the good writers left and in an attempt to make a cult classic they made this

dragon age

but thats not fair, thats Bioware as well

id say Deadspace

>forced love triangle!
>microtransaction machines

SOTN levels of stilted dialog, only much worse writing and not enjoyable in the slightest.


so its the videogame equivalent of Plan 9 from outer space?

The answers to questions 2 through 5 are Pajeet. The answer to question 6 is also Pajeet but only for the Salarian.

You rolled a 68, that is what they are going to get. It is fate, and it is destiny. Just let it bomb already so EA relocates its funding to a competent studio.


81. It's not good, but people will avoid extremely low scores due to Bioware pedigree.

To be fair Sonic was never good

the first two were alright

EA has some cash to spare, so low 80 from critics.
Something around 60-70 from users.

85, despite Sup Forums's deepest desires.

Unfortunately a myriad of cosmetic gaffes are not BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY make. It's embarrassing and immersion breaking, but as long as the gameplay isn't disgustingly bad (and it won't be, at most it'll be disappointing to core gamers because squad commands are gone) it'll get decent scores.

3&k was the peak and you know it.

On the plus side, this trilogy starts as complete and utter shit, so there's no wasting time getting invested only to be disappointed later.

yes but worse

If the game is bad Sup Forums will actually be right about something for once


You guys underestimate the power behind marketing and the lack of integrity in journalism.

86 with userscore of 73.

Even the lists Sup Forums shits out are all retarded and the games universally hated by faglords here are actually good. found it out the hard way.


this cant be real

i kind of want to buy it just to laugh at it but i know thats what they want

If this game gets rated poorly, Sup Forums is going to blow the fuck up. It will be a fun day.

>we all know what that usually predicts

yeah we all know new doom was garbage because it wasn't literally DOOM 2 HD

Sup Forums's gone from bad board with shitposting problem to something resembling Sup Forums or Sup Forums but on a larger scale in the past few years and I'm not sure what precisely to blame

Case in point:

GTAIV - 98
Skyward Sword - 93
Breath of the Wild - Most 10/10s ever

This will score a 95.

>tfw your face is tired




[Distant Zoidberg noises]

Around 85 to 90
Around 40 to 65, dropping as time goes on.

Here's what I'm expecting:
>Most people that actually play the game come to accept that the gameplay is legitimately fun, unfortunate writing and animation errors out the ass aside
>Sup Forums spends 1-2 weeks holding its hands over its ears and autistically screeching "NO! BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY!" while posting cherrypicked .gifs about why ME:A is Literally The Worst Game Ever Made And Will Finally Bring About The Second Gaming Crash (Thank Jesus)
>public opinion finally mellows out and becomes something vaguely resembling reasonable like two months after release

It wont get 95. Horizon had the usual AAA paid reviews and is a significantly better game than this will be and it got an 89. This game will be low 80s. Somewhere around 82.

>Critic for Mass Effect 3
>User for Mass Effect 3


I've tried ignoring the memes about this game but HOLY SHIT THIS IS BAD WHAT THE FUCK BIOWARE

Why the fuck would it be a good game? Did you play ME3? It was awful.

because they pay for it.



That's now all i hear

If DA2 got 9/10s everywhere I think this will too but the non-critic non-biotards will shit all over it

>Alright, what happened?
>To who?
>To who, and your god damn father.

Am I missing something or is this fucking gibberish from start to finish? I can't fucking tell what she's trying to say because she speaks less emphatically than Microsoft Sam.

Some people actually seem to enjoy the ME3 gameplay and they might enjoy this too.

See Dragon Age II and Cisquisition.

This is ALL Bioware games now. They're literally incapable of making a new game since Sega gave them the Sonic curse with Chronicles.

Exactly this. EA figured they could replace expensive, experienced staff with trannies fresh out of college and desperate for work (not to mention those loveable, exploitable Pajeets). They killed Maxis the same way.

look into my eyes

and say everything will be ok

I played through the whole thing less than a week ago and it was fine. Ending is a travesty, there are some plot holes, some bad decisions like Tali's face.

Combat design is simple, but generally fun and the non-combat areas like the citadel were pretty nice and immersive.

She corrects the grammar.

Ryder: To who?
Faggot: To whom, and your god damn father. Sorry my face is tired. etc.

90 or higher, regardless of the actual quality of the game.

anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional.

Monolith Soft did sexy ayy lmao women better than Bioware at 1/100th of the cost.

>tfw Monolith and Retro are eternally BTFO'ing Bioware

The only people really left shilling this are the die hard pocket 'reviewers', won't be able to keep the score up. At best, it'll be around 78.

Horizon is a new IP, and they're rated more harshly than established franchises.

This is Mass Effect.

It will get a fucking 95.

86 - 91

You have too much faith in video game reviewers.

Maybe the character is meant to be genuinely autistic?

Like, maybe it's their intention all along? Everyone in this game is somewhere on the spectrum and the entire game is some sort of statement about autism?

Holy fucking kek

I'm convinced the writing was done by the Diversity hires (along with the rest of the game).

What is this face?

Leave your cave

ADD person spacing out about some irrelevant shit


Is the protag meant to be autistic?

high 60's low 70's


High 70s low 80s.

It'll be shit and EA won't buy as many high scores. Most will hate it but there will be retards like Patricia The Gorilla who rate it high cuz she's friends who worked on it

Ah, right. I guess that would make sense if she delivered the line like a human.
What a fucking method actor, I'm really convinced her face was very sleepy.

10/10 for yummy milkies

Whos the artist for symmetra?

It's going to get at least 85.

User reviews will be much less generous. Expect a 5.5 user average at best.

I still don't get it, what...why did she say "and your god damn father"???