He was right, you know.
He was right, you know
Other urls found in this thread:
>couldn't beat ALttP
>had to use a guide for OoT
>confirmed he sucks at Mega Man
mmmmmno I don't think so
I only agreed with him on the long cutscenes that play when you open a chest in OoT. I'm glad they finally ditched that in BotW.
being a bad gamer does not change the validity of your opinion
he even regretted making this video, so "no"
he just regret it for the hate it got
Yes it does. If I can't fucking read I can't critique a book can I?
>t. polygon
>Items have no use outside their dungeons!
>Combat is all just waiting!
>turns out items can really speed up combat a great deal, especially the "useless" deku nuts
Nah, he was full of it.
>being a bad gamer does not change the validity of your opinion
every day I get to post this
He's trying so hard to be like matthewmatosis
fuck egofaggot and his animations suck balls
Ocarina of time is boring trash
What is this from?
Wasn't his opinion that three dimensions is too complicated for him to understand?
And I thought that I sucked at vidya.
>Wasn't his opinion that three dimensions is too complicated for him to understand?
no since he loved link between world
He's already said he was wrong and he regrets making it. Said it on video and twitter, I think.
just backpedaling to save his life from rabid fans
apparently tho, it worked with you drones
It's not a "you have to cook it to criticize it" scenario, you faggot.
It's a if you can't drive, you can't say how a car performs scenario.
Nah, he was retarded in general. Spent all his time ranting about SS even if he never finished it.
>SS even if he never finished it.
can't really blame the guy
It literally, seriously and absolutely does though
yes it does DownSyndromePhil
Hello IGN, how are you doing today?
so you're saying the 97 botw got is wrong since no reviewer can play?
Sure, but he stopped playing it because it was too difficult. If he hated the game because it was bad it'd be fine but I can't take anyone seriously if they think SS is too difficult. And it's one thing to say you hate a game or even to make a video for it, but his video was about Ocarina of Time and he rants about SS instead? And he animated that shit so it's not like it was a quick rant, he spent over a year on that video.
has this guy never touched a 2D Sonic in his life?
>he spent over a year on that video.
what the fuck
Cmon nigga I passed this loop when I was literally 3
Top kek.
Nice bait. Thats the Sonic Mania guys displaying the physics of the game
oh wow, that's bad
What went wrong?
that's essentially a 2-D game tho
to be fair I like Dan, the problem is and always has been Arin
Got drunk, discussed politics, Egoraptor and Embyro are liberals/JonTron is conservative, things were said, both disagreed, likely tried to resolve or sweep the issue under the rug, tension was still there, probably passing comments to both, broke it off after some event where they were all together that people usually use as a pinpoint for the split, the end.
But user asked what went wrong.
That Ocarina of Time sucks? Yeah, he was right.
What's even more shocking is the dude is in his 20's so he was clearly an N64 babby. Most N64 babbys fawn over that pile of crap. But somehow one of them managed to grow a brain.
Honestly I prefer ALTTP
Arin doesn't drink.
Same, but I haven't played either in quite some time.
Really, if you haven't played a game in like 8 years you can't really hold a lot of strong opinions on it.
Arin is a tranny and Jon a nazi, they can't get along.
Jontron's recent videos are boring as fuck. The high quality production values are random and unnecessary. I unsubbed from him a while ago. The only positive thing I can say now is that he pisses off SJWs. So that's kinda funny.
>Spent like five years making it
>Got a huge backlash
>"It didn't come out the way I wanted"
Arin please.
>liking Egoraptor outside of watching him on The Tester
It's a shame that JonTron is being targeted now. I'm conservative myself and understand the some of the sentiments that JonTron has spoken aobut, but JonTron just isn't educated or well spoken enough to be doing the sort of discussions that he is getting into.
These are the only guys I can think of that are worse or just as bad at video games than Arin, I love RLM to death, but they can have some shitty opinions when it comes to video games
He has some valid complaints but that won't stop me from loving OoT
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a Nazi.
>is that he pisses off SJWs
Does he? He doesn't even say anything offensive. He tries too hard to be nice.
how long have you been out of the loop?
He recently started going full Sup Forums.
he already admitted that he was wrong and was being a contrarian, stop fanboying over this washed up cuck
It really is a shame. If Ego just kept making game analysis videos people would love him, and no one would have ever known he was actually terrible at games.
Nah, I've listened to everything he's said lately. Nothing offensive. If anyone is offended by any of that shit you're trying too hard to be offended. He hasn't said anything derogatory or antagonistic.
Publicly, maybe. And I wouldn't say promoting the idea of less immigrants is a Sup Forums philosophy. Sup Forums also eats bread and drinks water, does that mean sandwiches and showering are Sup Forums?
SJWs think breathing is offensive
the shitstorm has been going for a while now
It's usually on his Twitter. Outside of that though, he's usually quite nice and reserved.
>being bad at cooking means you can't critique meals
Yeah, exactly. I mean, I don't agree with a lot of his views, but the guy isn't being a dick.
Meanwhile, a lot of the people jumping down the guy's throat are the usual folk just out to fuck with someone or be involved in some sort of mob.
>If anyone is offended by any of that shit you're trying too hard to be offended.
That's SJWs in a nutshell.
he's been talking about white genocide and shit, if you don't understand how that offends people you need to go outside more
Its more like
>Having no ability to taste, but critiquing meals.
Method of consumption is needed for critique, not ability to create.
>food analogy
Elaborate please. Has he said he thinks certain races of people should all be killed off?
That analogy doesn't work because food doesn't really require you to have a knowledge of mechanics to enjoy.
Also >food analogies.
I actually believe ALTTP is the better game but Arin's critiques of OOT are mostly bullshit. The only legitimate point he had was that there are too many "red light, green light" enemy types in the game, which is correct.
It's still valid, faggot.
shoot your reddit triangles all you like.
no, white genocide is a term Sup Forums uses. Basically he's upset about immigrants
Nah, I agree with a lot of his problems with the game. OOT tries very hard to go for that cinematic flair. That results in a lot of the awful 'waiting' that he complains about. Things like having to watch a 7-second cutscene of Link opening a chest every single time. Stuff like that is littered throughout the whole game. It's a valid complaint.
It is not if you use Deku Nuts, but he thinks that they are useless.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with protecting the white race.
Everyone is upset about immigrants though.
He really wasn't though.
Most of his opinions are for the sake of being contrarian and hold no weight.
And it doesn't help his case when he's god awful at playing the majority of video games.
>being bad at cooking means you can't critique meals
It does, actually. Someone who can't cook is very likely to have shallow opinions on food that amount to "I don't like the taste of asparagus!" or whatever.
The 3D game just has weaker, easier sword combat. Your shield makes most enemies a non threat most of the time, so you're just left to wait to hit them or you can use an item to open them up. The 2D games just have much more interesting and dangerous combat.
It's kinda miner though, granted it is an issue.
The person in that webm is very clearly showing that you can jump off loops like classic Sonic instead of having them be magnetic like in DIMPS games.
Needing to wear a bib to eat and misssing your mouth half the time means you can't critique meals.
Not even slightly, and you're pulling a real reddit move by refusing to actually debate why it's wrong and just insisting you're right. The reddit mentality is just downvoting when you're not smart enough to actually use words to prove someone wrong.
Also this user explains why it's wrong fairly well.
He's probably even worse as game dev, user.
That's not a valid point because it exists in literally every game. Parts like that: lengthy animations, elevator sections, door pauses, etc act in one of two ways: buffering/loading something new into the game, or being an artificial segue between different sections to keep a consistent sense of pacing. Every game has something similar and you could nitpick almost any game out there for "waiting" bullshit. He only brought that up because he was scrounging for negative things to say, OOT is not perfect but a hard game to critique. He ignored the few actual flaws of the game and instead slapped together a bunch of non-issues, which demolished any point he may have had.
This misses the point a little though. Deku Nuts trivialize red light, green light enemies but that doesn't necessarily add to the combat variety. More enemies like Stalfos and Lizalfos that bother reacting to the player's movements would have been welcome.
>That's not a valid point because it exists in literally every game.
Personally, I think the amount that OoT has is excessive. Excessive to the point that I don't think the game is all that fun to play. Granted, there's a lot of games that are just as bad. I don't play those games either.
Ye was indeed
Honestly I do like his Megaman and Castlevania videos, but I felt he missed the point in this one. He never actually got to a conclusion.
>z-targeting is shit because enemies do nothing
this retard didn't fight Darknuts, Stalfos, Gerudo guards, Gibdos, Lizalfos, Wallmasters, anything other than the bats he uses as an example in his video
His Mega Man one felt a little disjointed to me, like he knew better than to call X outright better than classic when any megafag worth their salt knows the X series suffered a huge drop in quality by just the second game and classic series had a much more consistent quality that didn't really drop off until the 7th game.
X1 is REALLY good though, albeit too easy/short.
I feel like the point he was trying to make is that Zelda 1 was about exploring the world however you wanted, and that all the discoveries and the achievements you made along the way were because of you. Whereas in OoT, the game dictates the story for you. You're a hero because the game says you are. And Navi is always telling you where to go.
Except it does you fucking twat.
>being a bad mechanic doesn't invalidate your opinion on how an engine works
Does Breath of The Wild have gamefeel though?
Arin loves it, so yes.
I think it does. I'm normally strictly an overhead Zelda guy. BotW is the first 3D Zelda game I actually like. It invokes the feelings I had when playing the original Zelda all over again. That's not something I can say about the other 3D titles. It gives me hope for the future of the series.
Jon's not conservative, he voted for Bernie
he just sorta says whatever will get the most reaction out of people
does nobody remember when he said he wanted to destroy all of Arin's transformers just to do it?
Being a conservative or liberal doesn't mean you have to vote down the ticket every time. A lot of people liked Bernie because he said pretty-sounding shit, even though he had no sound policy to back any of it up.
Jon's views are at least moderately conservative.