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What a joke. Switch would do better

Its the Xbox One. Personally I'm surprised it isn't 720.

There's nothing wrong with frostbite, the problem is bioware. Just like bethesda and gamebryo.

The Switch can't even run games as well as the Vita.

its not like the human eye can see more than 720p anyway so i dont understand what the fuss is about.

>There's nothing wrong with frostbite
How do you know that?

Other games have used it and been just fine.

>preordering bathroom simulator


The whole idea of sending something on a 600 year journey to expand mankind (fuck the aliens) is just fucking stupid to begin with. Whenever these two groups of civilization meet, thousands and thousands of years into the future, they'll have evolved into completely different species and will most likely try to kill eachother

whats with all the quips?

just "hurr durr pc master race" faggots justifying spending their life savings on a $2000 shit version of a console.

there is literally no difference between pc and console releases.

Like what? Battlefield game where every thing is baked?
Also BF games always had issues with lighting and skin shaders.

>Mass Effect Andromeda on Xbox One
>xbox one
What? Who cares

Wait, Andromeda used Frostbite engine?

How the fuck it looks so shit?

Resolution doesn't matter any more. Sony can code to the checkerboard

xbone's GPU is equivalent to a 6850, a GPU that was released in 2010. what did you expect? all the games run like shit on it

>those bulletsponge enemies
>that """voice acting"""

>Like what?
Any recent EA game that isn't mass effect I guess.

Thats why i'm asking for exemples.
DAI was a mess with the new frostbite.

That's a bioware game though.

>That's a bioware game though.
Feel free to give exemples then

so why do most games run at 60fps on PC and barely 30fps on consoles?

skyrim on ps4/xbone only runs at 30fps but 60fps on PC. how is that "literally" the same?

im not even a PC fag and even I can see theres a performance difference.

didn't one of the new need for speed games use frostbite? how was that?

>how was that?
Nothing stunning at all, especially for a car game.
Most beautiful car games are still Driveclub and FH3.
The frosbite is overrated AF here.

>The frosbite is overrated AF here.
Oh, ok. I see where you're coming from now.

you know how people were saying how shit bioware is? well, they definitely werent just shitposting.

>How the fuck it looks so shit?

Because unlike DICE they didn't have time to spend on photogrammetry for a 5 square meter MP map with 2 characters to model.

Or more likely, bioware is shit.

>Or more likely, bioware is shit.
I agree with this but, once again, the frostbite engine isn't impressive at all and has serious issues with lighting/shaders.
The "wax" effect is 100% due to the frostbite.

How come low IQ consoleniggers can't argue without spreading misinformation about PC gaming? How poor do you have to be for your life savibgs to only amount to 2k?

Nigger, Battlefront and BF1 are literally untopped when it comes to visuals.