Nier 88

>Nier 88
>Zelda 98

Which game deserved its score more? Which game is more overrated than the other?

Other urls found in this thread:

Zelda should be 100, Nier should be 100, Nier: Automata should be 65

Actually consider suicide


Well I regret having bought BotW and I haven't played N:A yet so I'm going to say the latter deserves its score more.

Nier should have either a 92, or a 29.

For me personally Nier Automata is better and I've already sunk more time into that than Zelda despite Zelda having a half week head start.

Literally giving a shit about some arbitrary score.

Nigga just play the one you want.

Nier should be 95
pls mememagic

Why are you retards so obsessed with metacritic scores?

Nier should be a 80

Zelda should be a 80

I'm too fucking lazy to bother looking shit up. What are people even criticizing Nier for? I'll admit a fair amount of reason why people give a shit about Nier is because 2B is a delicious waifu with a great ass, but the game itself is pretty well made and enjoyable to play. Zelda is great, but holy hell is it overrated as fuck. Jim Sterling's review is the first honest one I've seen and it's been causing people to start pointing out its flaws

>not playing both

they're both good games worthy of anyone's time why be stupid and limit yourself?

-like my japanese animes
-it's not like my souls games
-some bugs (for an openworld game)

Nier Automata is a 6/10
BOTW is a 7/10

>Which game deserved its score more?
Which score? Nier is too high, definitely a 7 at most. Zelda is fine.

>Which game is more overrated than the other?
Nier is overrated on Sup Forums, therefore it doesnt deserve to be popular, knowing we'd fuck it up. It's for our own safety.

So just people finding reasons to bitch about Japanese games being from Japan, got it


Zelda is a 10
Nier a 9
Horizon a 7


The whole zelda franchise is one of the most overrated media ever. Theres a reason every girl loves Zelda, even though they've never finished or played one.

They're both better games than Horizon: Zero Dawn. So at least there's that.

>complains that zelda is 98
>plays tf2

HZD = Nier = Yakuza = GR2 > Zelda

>being this upset and bring up Aloy's game out of nowhere

How awful it was of your parents to not abort you as soon as they discovered the downs.

H:ZD = BoTW > POWERGAP >>>>>> Nier Automata

I enjoyed Nier more then Zelda.
Zelda is not a 10/10 perfect game like people seem to think and get mad at people for not thinking so. Its like a 7-8 at best, but because its Nintendo and Zelda I guess it gets 2 bonus points.


I'm not the one who has saved pictures of retarded girls. What would your parents think if they saw your collection?

Zelda > Nier > shit > HZD

>button-masher loli simulator
>toddler's first open-world game

I can get behind that Nier gets repetitive at times and not everyone likes that you have to play a game multiple times. It's a matter of taste but in my eyes that is valid criticism. Personally, I never thought that a Yoko Taro game would score anywhere in the high 80s so I'm just happy with it and think the story alone is worth that score.

Zelda on the other hand is completely overrated simply because of its name and should get the same treatment. If people can criticize Nier or hell, even Horizon for the most mundane things, then it shouldn't be overlooked in BotW either. Zelda is in no way a 10/10 because while it does gameplay right to an extend with the amount of freedom you have, it completely lacks an engaging story and has the same issues every other open world game has. That is filling the world with meaningful stuff. No 900 Koroks, 120 shrines and a few bokoblin camps sprinkled around the whole world aren't enough to justify an otherwise pretty empty open world.

If I had to rate Nier and Zelda, i'd give Nier a 9/10 and Zelda an 8/10 simply because I value a good story more than gameplay alone.


>I'm not the one who has saved pictures of retarded girls.
Really? Could have fooled me

>What would your parents think if they saw your collection?
That I'd been playing Horizon: Zero Dawn for PS4.


Nier > HZD > DQ:B > BotW

>Nier Automata is better
Go home Taro

Son ygger/10

>Criticize Zelda

You might as well criticize the Pope.

Literally no game so far this year has surpassed an 8/10. A 9/10 is like RE4 or SotC levels of good.

Zelda is touted as a possible candidate for the "best game ever made", while simply being a rather traditional collect-a-thon open-world game. Meanhwile, Nier Automata is is one of the most creative games ever. The OST alone BTFO's Zelda so hard that makes it look like an unfair fight.

>Good story

Do you watch anime? Because it's literally full of melodramatic anime cliche.

>he ends up guest starring in a cartoon his daughter watches and makes her happy
>lol what a faggot

I think Nier is overrated. Believe me, I even delete all of my save data after I finished it. :^)

... but I wasn't being self deprecating.

Should we talk about the "story" in Zelda? I mean we really could but it's not possible to highlight important words in red/blue on Sup Forums so you'd probably get lost if we did.

I'm laughing at you for thinking Nier has "good" story.

I didn't insinuate Zelda's is better. Do you always project this much and act like a victim?

What things happen in Automata that are anime cliches my dude?

If SotC is 9/10 then Ico is 10/10.

Not that with repetitive boring combat it isn't

Compared to Zelda it's an actual story and need I remind you that the post you replied to was discussing Zelda and Nier sooooo..

project on that for a bit ok?

You okay there, little buddy?

Just because something relies on cliches doesn't mean it's bad per se. The way a story is presented plays a huge role in how it is perceived and Nier did a pretty good job with that.

I'm not saying that it was perfect or anything, but I found the way it was told and the overall story pretty engaging and that is something I value very highly, sue me. The best gameplay in the world won't save a game for me if it has no decent story.

Sitty fie? C'mon baby don't do that.

>replay the game 8392828 times
>innovative storytelling

Sweet I figured you'd eventually respond with nothing giving me a free pass to go to the bathroom to make my own Dump of the Wild.

Automata deserves Zelda's score

Get you some, boi! Dump hard

Nice reading comprehension. Tell me where I said anything about it being innovative, I'll wait.

They both aren't very good and are insanely overrated on Sup Forums.

They're both shit. Best games released thus far this year are Miku and Danganronpa. Get better taste.

White kinight

>Miku and Danganronpa
>Get better taste

Never played breath of the wild myself and I don't plan to get a switch but maybe some day I'll play it on my WiiU.
So far though Nier: Automata and Tales of Berseria are incredible fucking games and I'm thinking of of them is already my personal GOTY.

>every single trope and cultural cue is a cliche

I know you're an uneducated pleb whose only window to Japan is animu and vidya, but please at least know your fucking place.

>guy who literally didn't finish the game and a turkroach are the only negative scores for Nier


>get better taste
Man, I really don't know what to make of this. First you say that Miku and Dangitronpaul are better games, which clearly leads me to believe that you are the one with shit taste and then you post my Zombiefu. Stop that.

Who cares. Just play games you like.

Nintendo fans haven't had a good game in literal years so just let them run around with Zelda held over their heads for a month or two.

Think of like being a parent and your kid is excited about something to the point of running around telling everyone it's the best thing ever.

This is the same thing right now with Nintendo fans. They'll burn themselves out eventually.

Cant the same be said of Tarofags?

This is actually the one time where I believe the score for a Zelda game is completely justified.

Yeah, just like s0nyggers with bloodborne, except that shit lasted for over a year because they still had nothing else in that time.

Not really

Tarofags never had a good name and they all know it.

No, stop caring what other people think about """your""" game

Critic sites don't mean shit and they are always brought up to shitpost

>when you get BTFO so hard you don't reply so no one will notice and quietly leave the thread

The best victories are the ones you don't have to brag about earning.



Ones shitty waifu bait where 90% of discussion talks about a generic charcter's ass that you play as less than half the game as.

The other game is an actual videogame that happens to be another good zelda game.

Zelda is review bait, NieR is review poison.

>Simple combat
>Minimalist story that lets you mash buttons through cutscenes and not miss anything important
>Non-offensive characters
>Everything can be done in one playthrough
>Goofy physics engine for meme webms
>basic jingles and few actual songs so casuals can turn off the volume and listen to their normalfag music over it

>Complex combat with genre hopping
>Complex story that requires you to actually pay attention and takes a precedent over gameplay much of the time
>Sexualized female leads
>Requires multiple playthroughs to see entire story
>A soundtrack that actually demands your attention

>implying 90% of Zelda discussion isn't muh Link in drag and muh garudo woman abs

Nintendo pay for the reviews

fpbp. Automata is fucking turd.

No, Tarofags are not insufferable assholes who are incapable of taking criticism and they don't invade other game threads to bash games that even remotely similar.

true, review wise most Taro games are middle of the road so a game rated over 70 is a treat.

Yeah, just like with StarFox zero and 1-2 Switch
oh wait

>Complex combat
Not really, it plays well but it's not that complex and any idiot could beat this game.

Berseria isn't good. Automata is good. I bought both. Berseria is disappointment city. It's low quality last generation, slacker made disappointment.

But yeah Automata is great. My new favs

Nier is the most overrated game of the decade most likely
Maybe in a few months people will realize how absolutely awful it truly is

I mean, I guess you're allowed to think that but now I just think you're retarded.


>2 currently active threads discussing Zelda's thigh gap on the front page right now

And you're right BotW is just ANOTHER Zelda game which is why I'm playing Nier while BotW sits in my backlog since I know what's going to happen for the uptenth time in a Zelda game while Nier is at least new and refreshing.

Now go back to your thigh gap, tall woman, femdom, crossdressing, elderly loli, fish/bird/etc fucking fetish game threads. excuse me your BotW threads.


Don't act like this isn't what Sup Forums has been doing 24/7 ever since BotW's release.

>Nier is at least new and refreshing.

They don't pay for reviews they get people off on nostalgia and thus get a free pass. Zelda getting a bad review would be like a major Disney animated film getting horrible reviews.

It's not going to happen because nostalgia will blind reviewers to any number below 88.

It's cheap. The dungeons are so bland it's almost nightmarish going back and forth. Good characters, bad look. Vesperia tier graphiks. That's fine 9 years ago but not now.

N:A might legit be the best game of this generation.

Do all platinum games have terrible broken combat or is Nier Automata the exception?

>Don't act like this isn't what Sup Forums has been doing 24/7


Funny, I had no problem with the graphics or dungeons. They were extremely inoffensive.

sorry but zelda is better