Post characters who did nothing wrong and still fucked everything to pieces

Post characters who did nothing wrong and still fucked everything to pieces

O-or don't that's cool too...

That's not Terra

Terra did many many things wrong

She was still wishy-washy and fooled by Malificent into thinking Terra was going evil, and then of course made the worst decision possible at the end of the game. Now Sora and Riku have to clean up her mess.

Terra WAS being pushed into darkness though, the fact that Maleficient was so easily able to take over him but not Aqua is proof enough. Her only mistake was exactly what you said, but she just wanted to save her friend T_T

He was being pushed into it but the difference is that he had no real control over that. He didn't willingly take Aurora's heart. His whole quest was basically trying to find a way to prevent that from happening again. Aqua basically bitched him out for it when he had no control over his own actions, even though she previously kept saying she didn't believe Malificent.

Everything Aqua did right or at least not wrong was negated by Terra doing literally everything wrong.


Aqua is the only good thing to come out of that autistic as shit series

Aqua is just Kairi that can fight. Riku is the only really good character. Maybe Roxas but he got cut out because Sora.

Grow up

Kairi is way more uguu~ than Aqua and looses her points

Find a better waifu

Not really. Aqua and Kairi are both very similar, it's just that Aqua is older and can actually fight. They even have their whole point of meeting.

>Find a better waifu
Give me some criteria because that's a vast ocean. Or maybe you mean waifu as in 'perfect waif that has no personality aside from being endearing', in which case yeah, Aqua is a good waifu but a bland character.

She did a lot wrong are you joking

>good design
>likable personality
That's literally all you need. Japs have the right idea.

She's a woman, her very existence is wrong.


Literally one thing wrong at the very end which would have required about a decade of foresight to see

>knock the guy out but then save him without any means of his being observed
That's far less than a decade. She was also a bit of an indecisive busy-body who spent more time trying to talk down to them than talk to them, not that any of them had good communication skills.

She didn't reel Ventus the fuck in when she had a chance, or taken care of Vanitas. Which I'm sure she could have.


>tfw SquareEnix created the morally grey protagonist to end all morally grey protagonists
>in the bastardized sequel of a spinoff that was arguably of better quality than any mainline FF title before it
I'm still fucking mad.
RIP Ramza

>or taken care of Vanitas
I don't think she ever got the chance. First time he just fucked off, and second time they both passed out. In fact that is more on Vanitas if anything, since his being gone when she woke up implied he came to first and thus could have killed her then.

Really wanna play this game because tactics had an amazing plot but fuck that judge system