Can we make greentext threads a bannable offense?

Can we make greentext threads a bannable offense?

There's only one thing that would help this place:
Shut it down for a year.
I'm not baiting.

you'd have to ban 90% of Sup Forums if that were the case


Greentext is the only good thing Sup Forums ever invented.

>ban greentext
How about you fuck off back to plebbit

>getting triggered by green letters

Some user suggest a new rule: OPs pic must be directly video game related. Additionally we also need mods that enforce rules.

that's a lot of work for our guys the mods

You know what would really fix this place?
Hiroshimoot firing himself and letting somebody who actually fucking visits the site and actually fucking UNDERSTANDS ENGLISH take over. How many fucking threads like these have been made? How many fucking times do we have to do this before we all collectively realize that Hiroshimoot only said that shit so that people would get off his back and he could keep selling ads? Fuck me

Make Wojack a bannable offense instead.




Let it end

Ban Sup Forums threads

Every time someone starts a thread with a meme I want to knife them in the neck

Fuck you and your settling dust

>not calling it memetext

I shiggy diggy

Burden of proof lies on the claimant, fuckface. Don't request something without reasoning and then tell us to defend not doing it.

oh please
how can you get Sup Forums crossboarders off Sup Forums
if you faggots cant even get /r9k/ muh blogpost threads banned

Ban twitter/eceleb posters
Ban template meme threads (This is X. Say something nice about X, Now that the dust has settled, etc)
Rangeban everyone so poorfags from third world countries can't post anymore.

proof of what?

every time someone hits enter twice, it's an auto ban

>Pepe and Wojak have gotten popular to the point of being on national news several times
>We don't fucking let it die like the rest of the memes that get popular


Hard ban anyone that console wars for a 10 day period.

Ban anything that isn't strictly discussing vidya.
No anime foot fetish shit. No ecelebs. No twitter shit. Keep it to vidya.

Shadowban any and all Pepe/Wojak/Trump posters.

>how can you get Sup Forums crossboarders off Sup Forums

By banning them.

>ban meme arrows

But why?

Sup Forums wouldnt be the same without meme arrows

I think they're ok if it's actually gaming related and not
>dongus the hedgehog

Because this site now shares largely the same userbase with the sites Sup Forums back then tried to differentiate itself from.

Here's what would actually help

>thread-specific IDs
>ban any and all youtuber/twitch/etc. e-celeb threads
>ban all console war posting of any kind
>ban all Sup Forumstards
>ban all people starting threads with shit like "are there any games where you can" kind of shit that just want to talk about something non-vidya

Only thing that needs to be a bannable offense is starting e-celeb threads. Just make a board for them, that shit is old pre-/vg/ shit nowadays.

How about banning fucking ecelebs and twitter screencap threads instead?

>Banning the one thing that has defined Sup Forums posting since it's very creation
The only thing missing from this statement is calling it meme arrows instead and you'd have the perfect post for Reddit, which by the way is where you should stay.

Youtube faggots need to go.

These are already violating rule 1 of this board.

This please. Add IDs to /vg/ too while you're at it.

Behead those who post ecelebs and youtube virtual babysitters

Why would you want that, you fucking newshit?
The only bannable offense that should be introduced is having reddit cookies or posting eceleb / youtuber / streamer shit.

And yet nothing is done about them.
So basically, the mods need to do their fucking jobs.

>thread-specific IDs
it's like you weren't around any time this happened
it's not a good idea and never will be

Make a /youtube/ board already. Enough is enough holy fuck

>being able to identify samefags within one thread is not a good idea

Thing is they get away with it because it's usually something vidya related that kicks off the thread, but they start it with an image of a girl in stockings with her feet to the screen and there's literally no chance that thread was actually going to be about video games.

>it's an srs roleplays as Sup Forumsermin while complaining about everything Sup Forums is and demanding the culture be entirely changed to match their reddit community episode

>everyone complaining about youtube posting
like it or not, it's video game related, and more video game related than most of the shit you want to post instead

>not being able to identify them without IDs
>giving samefags and excuse to samefag because having different IDs will convince retards they're actually different people
>wanting any sort of identity on an anonymous imageboard

Changing the rules isn't going to help if you can't have moderators or janitors who can enforce them.

Kill yourself.

You posting "who do u like more of the two best friends? xD" threads is not video games

It isn't, discussing the lives and personalities of people who play videogames isn't videogames.

Please hang yourself. Eceleb threads aren't vidya related. Just because they play video games on youtube does not mean discussing their personal life and their sexual companions and their drama is suddenly vidya related as well.

No more youtubers or lets players or streamers or "ecelebs"

Cleanse this place

This is why

>banning greentext

Oh fuck me. Not Moot needs to rescind that stupid "one thread to talk about board" BS, you just end up with redditors making shit threads like this.

Here's the thing.
This will blow your fucking mind.

It doesn't matter if they're the same person. It never did. You're trying to justify your paranoia acting like one person posting multiple times is an unforgivable offense.

Make chris chan a man again

>lets have another thread where we all share the same ideas that we think will fix Sup Forums but will never happen for the millionth time that the mods will end up deleting anyway because no one cares anymore

Thread derailment like this should also fall under the "garbage outside of Sup Forums" rule.

Also noting Reddit projection as part of this as well.

I think it would be funny if they put flags on Sup Forums for a week for april's fools

Bring back roodypoo and candyass

I see somebody who likes to samefag right now.

Can't imagine who's to blame for that.

Eceleb containment board

Apply /r9k/ filter but only to OPs and only after a certain number of reposts to fight the DUST HAS SETTLED WHAT WENT WRONG bullshit

We need to ban threads like Super Best Friend shit.

Those threads are just underage kids circle jerking about people who play video games. It's like if I made a thread about my friend cause he plays video games and me and people from my neighborhood posted in a thread about it.
Shit does not belong on Sup Forums

they're yellow

This is fucking Sup Forums, the entire fucking point is free speech but it seems like a lot of you missed that.

free speech is not what you think it is

Who is that? She looks so familiar
Phone posting should absolutely be banned.

>Free speech
>"I should be able to shitpost whatever I want and post cropped anime porn!"

Yeah man, every board should be Sup Forums, right?

If yoy want an anything goes board, you already have one

You can say whatever you want just on the appropriate boards.

It'll only work if you enact the Final Solution as well.
Range-ban all phoneposting

Sup Forums is beyond help at this point. You can clearly see that people were acting retarded for too long until all the new people who came in thought this is the norm.

Just look at how big falseflagging got. Everyone here feels responsible for stupid shit that someone else says because they feel like part of a team or some shit. Hell, falseflagging has become the go to shitposting methode because it pisses literally everyone off with minimal effort. The only way you're going to fix this shit is by seperating the fanbases because shitposting makes it no longer possible to discuss most things in a civil matter.

so what you're saying is, it wouldn't hurt it might help? yeah i agree

I prefer more moderate approaches which eliminate guaranteed problems, rather than just what you don't like. Other boards have banned frogposting to good effect, so if you are looking for something to get rid of for guaranteed results, that should be next on the chopping block.

No, I rather get rid of e-celeb shit once and for all. They themselves are not vidya related.

Honestly gamer gate can be swapped out with the fappening. I still argue that the fear of Sup Forums was out weighed by the power of boomers that day.

I wouldn't mind a /nin/ board so I can actually talk about nintendo games without endless shitposting

Make an eceleb board and enforce the absence of it here.

how about not responding to shitposts?
i know it's hard but we can do it

Fear of boners. Fuck is it to early.

>Can barely have discussions anymore cause when people say stupid shit I can't help but feel like they're just shitposting

It was the fappening that caused the spike

It's impossible. When you don't get enough attention with your shipost you just reply to yourself, at some point people will chime in. You're also not going to change the thousand or so people who post here every day.

>Hiroshimoot asks for suggesions
>Getting rid of e-celeb shit comes up literally every single time
>nothing is done, mods don't do shit
Shitposting, going to happen. Console wars? Going to happen. E-celeb bullshit? Easy as fuck to moderate yet here we are discussing 30 year olds and how shit they are at games.

We need to get rid of the tripfags to be honest.

The only solution is to shut down the board for at least a year.

I'm happy that you understand.

If however this website isn't to your liking, perhaps you would enjoy reddit more? There are many moderators and the rules are very heavily enforced so you won't get triggered there as much.

Hope this helps!

It's absolutely hilarious that people are actually defending greentext threads. Go in the archive and find one decent thread that starts with a greentext. I fucking dare you

so we should get thread ID
don't listen to faggots who will cry about that, just do it

Just ban e-celeb thread and that's it

e-celeb threads are getting deleted fairly quick for a few weeks now. Except for the occasional one that reaches bump limit, but those seem to be related to recent news like that jontron one 2 days ago.

1. Ban visual novels
2. Have a designated waifu/husbando thread, any posting outside of thread gets a ban
3. Ban /lgbt/ threads such as "what game does gay characters best(posts some barafag bait picture)" & tracer/valhalla/lifeisgay threads
4. Profit

More like it wouldn't help but might hurt.

You can literally change your ID by pressing on a single button.

The biggest issue is moderation.
There are less and less oldfags every year, and then how many of them want or get moderation positions?
The issue is the people in charge are just as new and ignorant as the people who are causing the trouble.

>1. Ban visual novels
Why would you ban video games that officially classify as video games?

I'll head over there once I make sure you make it to safely.