JUST Effect Andromeda


>shit animation
>shit writing/dialog
>dead eyes everywhere
>stupid plot



Other urls found in this thread:




>get taken over by sjw
>this is the result

I'm so sorry, Bethesda

Dead stare of hell

what the fuck are those movement animations hahahahah

ITT: Retards get triggerred by a couple cherry-picked animation glitches, proclaiming it to be the worst game in history only to be completely BTFO in under a week

What a fucking catastrophe
>it'll STILL sell, probably even win an award

>the same leaning against wall animation after all these years
Good job Bioware.

see the youtube link, unedited long gameplay video. it's terrible.

What you talking about, this animation is great?

>everyone playing it saying it's underwhelming or flat out bad
>hours of unedited gameplay footage from multiple sources all over Youtube
>b-b-buh it's just cherry picking!
This game is going to be bad.

>t. Bioware

Bioware is on suicide watch

Add this one too


What has better voice acting, Oblivion or Andromeda?

>cherry picked



*yawns loudly*
Nice try :3

it's not hard to pick cherries at a cherry orchard

Mass Effect: Android; Blending in with the human population. Seriously, this animation work is some of the worst shit I've seen in any game.

>that walking

Get ye gone

get ye gone

Is this new NMS?

>N-not my Bioware!!

Don't you have a blog to update.

the fuck is wrong with her hair?

>Highly advanced civilizations
>Approaching Karashev Scale ratings

>Can build goddamn Generation Sleeper ships for Inter-Star System colonization.

>It's occured to nobody to make a semi-ridged inflatable/electro-polymer emergy helmet in case of helmet failure or breach.

>Can motherfucking energy shields, emergency medical system & manufacture multi-layer hard suits

>But can't figure out a sensible way of dealing with a completely blown out helmet faceplate.

This is and will always be an aspect of At least 2 Sci-Fi titles today in the past couple years, and any to come that absolutely kills the premise of a game for me.

For fucks sake.

>"it seems murder isn't exclusive to the milky way"

Fuck me, was this shit written by an 11 year old?

It's like we're back in 2007.

That 2.8GB patch on Release-Day better do some fucking miraculous shit for this games polish & refinement.

There are alot of review copies on the street, and they're painting a picture so grim not even Sup Forums imagined it in their most jaded abyss

looks like a potato : Where are the bones, the muscles?
Why the eyes shader look shit?
Why the hair shader look shit?
They don't know tressfx?
They don't know Maya?
I'm sure a SFM porn artist would have better skills.

The basic gameplay loop you'll spend most of the time with in between boring expository dialogues dumping all the shit they couldn't fit in the unvoiced Codex looks stale as fuck


What about the writing anre you saying the writing was a glitch?

Here's a poem about toilet cleaner...

Here's Tired Face getting confused between poetry and a common phrase...

And here's more stellar dialogue...

All from the same scene as my face is tired, the whole dialouge has even more stupidity. It is four minutes of the worst animated, voice acted and written things, I've ever seen in games, film or the theatre, no word of a lie.

If that is cherry picking it's one big fucking cherry.

Was this shit written by a high school dropout?

Oh my God I can't wait to see what crowbcat does with this game...I haven't been excited for a youtube video in a while

>the proportions are all wrong
>the animations are just outta highschool tier
>people standing at consoles that are knee high
>those faces holy shit
>animations are fucked everywhere
>not even PC Goymer can stand up for how shit this game is

This is incredible.

This puts Tortanic to shame. At least Tortanic ended up being f2p, this thing will forever be $60 bux on origin

what the fuck
what the fuuuuuuck

It's hilarious that there is always some variant of this post in every thread. I know theres quite a few idiots on this board who already preordered this trainwreck so I'm guessing you're one of them.

Jesus, all of her dialogue is incredibly stitled, I have heard dubs of Japanese games that sound more natural than this shit.

Golem is a jewish mythological creature.

no suprise.


Where's the webm with that salarian with the really heavy lisp and nasaly voice?

Why the fuck is every character in this game some tranny looking abomination?

Write what you know

>skip to some random dialog
>looks like character is falling apart while talking
this is fucking embarrassing

I'm watched a few seconds on stream and holy shit the embarassing script
>are you really from the ark? we thought you were dead
>but the radar showed our ship approaching
>I guess, but we thought it was just a mistake, I'm so surprised to see you here (flat voice, flat expression, flat everything)
Vetra introduction scene:
>you're not allowed to do that!
>I can get your son unhibernated sooner
>they said he was unnecessary
>I understand
>all right you can go, they're gonna kill me for this
It's literally cringeworthy as fuck in its entirety, it's like no one even proofread this

Mother of fucking CHRIST this is on another level of appalling. I never usually join in with Sup Forums's shit-slinging but THIS.... what. the. fuck. Someone should be put to death for this.

You fuckers don't understand. Of course the characters dont show any emotion, their faces are tired. Well played Bioware.


Bioware should be dead / It is literally cancer / Why must we suffer

Ok you guys need to stop
Ryder is just severally autistic and Bioware needed to adapt the script so it would make sense within the context of her handicap
Its really not ok to make fun of somebody with a legitimate mental disorder guys

What does that line even mean?

Even fucking Gamespot hate it hahaha


So what was their take on it?

It's an in universe explanation for stone face syndrome

It's just Bioware. I can't believe they were given any credit for writing and story in the last 5+ years.

>Inkling starts walking



Wow those eyes are terrible.

>That twitter video
They look so dead...
And VA are some kind of joke.


They should go cartoony style and have actual expressions, since they can't make them work in realism.

>Golem is a animator
Well that explains everything


>That third webm
My favorite so far

Just one of the many who worked on this piece of shit disaster.

gets worse each day >

It's Dumbed down triple .A. game for today's generation. Hand-holding shite as usual.

its a console game.

It's almost as if making your workforce diverse doesn't actually benefit it in any way other than stopping the media from tearing into you. Who'd have thought?

Usually Sup Forums goes overboard with shitposting but occasionally they're right about something. This is one of those times were it's undeniable how awful this looks, it's shaping up to be an absolute shit show. It's reaching TOR levels of bad, can't wait for the full release to show just how lazily it's been made.

>When you get to the Remnant towers, and one of the consoles is literally Sudoku


>Mass Effect: Androgynous


WE ALL KNOW THE REAL REASON why the game sucks

You can fight like a krogan, run like a leopard...

>Supposed to be a white Scottish woman with red hair
>Her skin and hair are literally the color of mud
>that fucking lipstick
>That horrible complexion



>white people

>have a technoloy to put yourself to sleep for 600 hours
>it is working not like the shit that protheans used
>still not using them to sleep up the reaper threat

>mfw when the game is getting fucking slaughtered on twitter


Why do all the female human npcs have such aweful makeup?
They look like the street whores you see in a Witcher game.

She reminds me of the female news anchor from Tim and Eric.


>just plop in some painted doll eyes breh

I never would have guessed hiring people based on anything besides their ability would result in a lower quality result. Really makes you think.

>Devs will actually be reading it

Hahaha what the fuck

>yfw EA might close Bioware if normies don't fall for the MAss Effect name and the game tanks

>over shoulder shots everywhere
Dead already

How can this be a AAA game?

So what are the romance options for a straight white male?


Holy shit, why is so smug that her father died and she took his place?

Is she even supposed to be so smug and self satisfied with her own father's death?

Pic related is literally her.

It is? Toss me some caps.

Here some OC for you guys.

Toss my salad and go see for yourself

Is that black guy a cripple who can't move his arms? Is this how Bioware does representation of disabled people?