What are some games with tornados in them?

What are some games with tornados in them?

T. Likes tornados and shiet

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I always liked the segment in Skies of Arcadia with the strong winds and twisters. I guess the dark rift kind of counts too, but its more of a hurricane.


Mad Max has some neat ones kinda

Dragon's Dogma
you can make them


the game sucks tho



Any more?

Sonic Adventure in Windy Valley



bullet witch

Fuck that "game".

>no game where you run a guild of mages

Painkiller, graveyard boss

those are some crazy people

I want to experience that one day

Life Is Strange.
Just play it, it's really good.

Ace Combat

Is that bit of cloud on the right a second spout forming?

That game is so fucking gay
I agree


Doesn't Age of Mythology have a tornado god power that just shreds bases?

>liking tornados
tornados are fucking terrifying
how the fuck could you like them
i'd legitimately would rather have earthquakes than tornados

t. somebody who lives in an area that actually has tornados

No One Lives Forever

People who like tornados aren't stupid enough to live an area where torandos happen. Most of them live in sane places and travel to tornado alley for storm chasing.

Because they're fucking cool
Giant tubes of wind that come down from the sky and kill you are pretty awesome, I'd rather be intrigued than afraid

T. Also lives in area that gets tornados

Life is Strange.

>storm chasing
>aren't stupid

If you study meteorology and actually pay attention, it's not nearly that dangerous. Only retarded amateurs get killed because they're too stupid to understand what they're chasing.

Roadkill has tornados. the game is pretty shitty tho


Rumble Racing

alan wake

>This cool shit was fucking cut in favor for bioware-tier endings

Dontnod is fucking garbage

Assassins Creed: Black Flag

Technically a waterspout but w/e

Admiring tornados in a position where you wont get injured is pretty cool

Is their anything more terrifying than a Tornado ,black holes don't count

gasdump in zombie master


Twisted Metal's waifu TWISTER

Forgot link




>posting cut content

fuck off

superman returns. its even a boss battle!

You cheeky son of a bitch.

the guy filming this lives but his wife died.

ayyy that's cool I didn't know AC4 had those.

Zelda Wind Waker has these too. I love games where I can be on the sea and see some wild shit like that.

What is this " t. " everyone keeps using?

t. newfag


means regards. It's internet slang

There's a Garry's Mod map series called GMSC that randomly spawns tornadoes that fuck shit up, if that counts. The night themed maps were creepy.

It took me a while to learn just what the fuck, it basically means "posted by:"

Floating in the middle of the ocean
at night

I'd take a tornado up the ass any day of the week if it meant not having to undergo that.

Tornados can't happen at night, God pulls his punches

The Solus Project, though I didn't care much for how they seemed to make a beeline straight for you upon forming.