This board is the worst

This board is the worst.

Every single thread is full of people arguing about the smallest thing of a game.

For example, the new Zelda game, people love it and its a generally great game, same with Horizon, but people go to threads to shit post and rile people up. There's no reason for this. Both games are amazing and yes, The Witcher is great too.

Any sort of console arguments make no sense. You're arguing over a plastic box. "Your plastic box is better than mine!" Who cares? You can play a game on what you want. If you play Deus Ex Mankind Revolution on Xbox, PS4 or PC, it makes no difference - it's the same game.

There must be a way to make Sup Forums better. I loved coming to this place to talk about videogames and now i rarely post due to all the shit flinging. Do you guys act like this when talking about videogames with friends? Do you constantly think you have a superiority complex and must validate your purchases against others?

Please guys; let's go back to enjoying videogames.

Aww baby can't handle the heat?

Maybe reddit is more your speed, friend.


Why did you post this?
There's nothing productive about arguing with anonymous posters on the internet.


>Any sort of console arguments make no sense. You're arguing over a plastic box.


yeah this is one reason why I don't like this board, it literally only criticises unless there is nostalgia

if you read this shit every day it's now wonder if you start hating every new game that gets released

It's the same in the comics industry, every new thing gets hated to death but if the same thing happened a few years ago it's suddenly okay

there are also certain games that you know only gets shit in here but if you come back in 10 years (if this shithole still exists by then) it will be remembered fondly

skyrim is literally shit though, no argument there

There's nothing wrong with deliberating.
Finding out the pros and cons of a product before you buy it is great and completely obvious. To understand when it gets to the point or literally arguing about what's better than the other; that's not the same as deliberating.

>can't tell if bait or genuine
>can't tell if I agree or disagree
Looks like I have went too deep on the rabbit hole just like the rest of this place.

> back to enjoying videogames.

Sup Forums has never liked video games.

It's baffling why people would like to come here and hate everything new. The 2016 DOOM game is amazing and is generally well praised, however, when it was announced, Sup Forums shit on it and dismissed the game entirely, without even playing the game. It's ridiculous.

I was being genuine. Sup Forums is a horrible place to talk about videogames.

To be fair the first part of that DOOM game and the demo were total shit. It turns out to be pretty good overall but damn the beginning was shit. Probably why a lot of people on here didn't like it.

this is exactly what I mean wait for the next doom and suddenly doom 2016 will be the best game ever and the new one is complete and utter shit

it's also pretty boring to sift through 1000+ horizon threads before the game is even out
who are these people wo seemingly spend 99% of their time posting about games that aren't even out yet instead of you know, just playing video games?

also some critic is well deserved, especially in the case of bethesda or bioware, but I am 100% certain that oblivion would be hated to death if it was new
i kind of vaguely remember it being hated before skyrim was out but right now it is praised every time i read about it

I dunno, i thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish, and i played it on PS4 too.

I've never understood people destroying a game before it's even out, unless it's genuinely terrible and is easy to see. Most people on this board do not play videogames and it's ridiculous.

In terms of new games, of course critique is needed, nothing is "perfect". I cannot play Oblivion these days as it's dated, but some people still swear by it, as someone was saying, due to nostalgia.

I mean the no man's sky trashing was well deserved but why do certain people shit all over a microsoft game and hype the new nintendo games to shit

I really can't imagine horizon or the new zelda to be THAT bad, they are probably both fun games

why the fuck do people allign themselves with a company at all, I see this with political identities all the time where only liberals for example are on "your team" but why the fuck to people do this with companies

>house analogy

No Man's Sky definitely deserved the criticism it received. I bought it on release and haven't played it since. I'll come back in a couple years.

Horizon and Zelda are both amazing games and playing BotW on my Switch has been a lot of fun and haven't been able to put it down. However, i will say that Horizon has intrigued me a lot too and i will pick it up when it drops in price a little bit.

Aligning yourself is one of the dumbest things to do. You are literally stifling your own hobby by only sticking to one company.

Don't forget the worst part: non-vidya threads like these.

__ ____ __ ______

you also see this a lot in tech

people are literally happy when a new product comes out and it's shit because it's not YOUR company
this only leads to companies like intel pulling shit like having really bad TIM on their processors because they have no competition

I waited for the ryzen hoped it will be good, was disappointed by those hyping tards at amd but I would have been glas if the product was good

and people go on and on and insult each other as drones because their product is shit and it#s FINALLY confirmed

>throwing tantrum in Sup Forums of all place
>reddit spacing
Didn't even made me think.

I wouldn't know that much about the Intel problem, but yeah, the same thing happened with Apple and the iPhone. Everyone has eaten it up, and now they're taking their customers for a ride. Up until a month ago, i only had Samsung phones, and i decided to try the Pixel and i'm just thinking to myself "why did i only stick with Samsung phones for 6 years?"

It has a lot to do with consumer bias, i feel.

I didn't want to write a wall of text and have never posted on reddit. Thanks.

this is what annoys me the most
there was a time when I went off v for almost a year because every second comment was
>lol your from reddit

shit's so fucking annoying, as soon as someoney isn't being in line with what you think v is, you are reddit
especially if it's a completely normal post that has literally nothing to do with reddit

I am going to be honest I browse reddit pretty damn often, and very very rarely am I ever reminded of reddit especially on v
but still every thread has several people accusing you of being a redditor

what the fuck does the op have to do with reddit, what except the spacing reminds you of reddit specifically

>I browse reddit pretty damn often
Fuck off back to le reddit, scum.
I dont want to see your "kin" around these parts.



>Every single thread is full of people arguing about the smallest thing of a game.
its just a prank bro

I just wish people who didn't share my opinions stayed out of threads that I express my opinions in.

i've probably been on Sup Forums for 7-8years and on reddit for about 1 year
i would notice the difference in speaking between the two and not half as much you'd think sifts over

>same with Horizon

lmao, that delusion

>For example, the new Zelda game, people love it and its a generally great game, same with Horizon
BotW is so good it almost restored my faith in humanity. Horizon feels like a satire of boring AAA game design.

I wish I could leave but the speed and anonymity combined are too addicting.

I'll get so exhausted by the negativity and leave, thinking that this is it this time, I'm gone for good, and I'm back the next day.

same here

anonymity is the best, you just jump in whenever you want and post whatever shit you want

No one is saying that. It's fine to express an opinion. There's a difference between that and going full retard about something, blatantly disregarding what others have to say.

Horizon looks great and a solid game to play. I honestly think i would enjoy Zelda more (especially after putting 90 hours into it) compared to when i eventually play Horizon, but it looks interesting to me. I'll wait for it to drop in price before picking it up, however, i'm not going to completely throw out a game before i have even played it.

I feel the same way user. Apart from i barely post. There's been several times i've posted in threads with a genuine post and it's gone completely ignored because it's not shit posting.

It can also be a hindrance for a true discussion.

>Every single thread
And that's where you're wrong. Sometimes there are nice threads about games that are both good and unpopular/old enough to make them uninteresting to shitposters and platform wars babies.

There's always at least someone who wants to derail the thread.
For example, there was a BotW thread a couple days back which was comfy and people posting stories and screenshots, etc, then some user comes in with a copy pasta that is full of inaccuracies and derails the thread. There was just no need for it and it was ultimately pointless.

>let me tell you how bad this place is
>its very very bad, I don't like it
>you have to be better than this [I'm not part of the problem in any way]
>please, please, stop being the way I don't like
>ambiguious crying baby image which is likely directed at the rest of Sup Forums

user, I don't care how long you've been here, or where you come from, bitching never solved anything and all of the problems you've listed are your problems.

People on here enjoy console wars, they enjoy shitpostin, they enjoy rivlary and fighting and calling this place shit, and don't pass it off as "b-but it was never THIS bad!" because it was only marginally better and still a shithole.

Some of the best things about Sup Forums stem from a complete lack of slef or external moderation, the only thing making people post in specific ways is their own biases and the idiots who fall for groupthink memes spun by shitposters. If you want a place where people are civil, polite, considerate, snooty, huffing thier own farts USI cases go to Reddit instead of forcing youself to stay here. Otherwise, the moshpit of post whatever the fuck you like rage and baww will continue regardless of your whining, because

>lets go back to enjoying videogames
Sup Forums always hated fun

I blame those le tried gamers fuck those faggots here.
>le I can't enjoy anything but i hate every new game