How italians play bioshock
How italians play bioshock
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Wait-a minute.
>Chain tattoo
Wow, you actually did that
>The "Silent Duck", also called "Duck-Billing", is the technique often used in which the person engaging in hand insertion shapes the hand to resemble a duck's beak. Typically, fisting does not involve forcing the clenched fist into the vagina or rectum; this is a practice called "punching". Instead, all five fingers are kept straight and held as close together as possible (forming the beak-like "duck"), then slowly inserted into a well lubricated vagina or rectum.
You do know that you're branded as a slave now right? Maybe finish the game first before getting a tattoo
Go back to facebook, retard.
>facebook memes
Are you serious user?
OP confirmed for retard that doesn't know the symbolism of certain tattoos
why not get your girlfriends name tattooed on you next so you are her property you idiot
the worst meme to come out of facebook in awhile
Jansen you faggot, this better not be you
dude, are you serious? i know what the tattoo means... i played the game like 3 times... search in google "Bioshock chain tattoo"
did this thread have to exist?
that's not what he means
you are literally retarded
so you like being a slave then?
What is that expression supposed to mean?
Delete this thread, holy fuck
is like "wtf" in italian
Who the fuck makes these memes
shitty facebook meme pages
Why is this thread still alive?
Is Ken Levine the most JUST game developer?
What the fuck is this new Italian meme shit?
A mate of mine has been posting 100's all damn day today.
Probably because we keep replying.
>he doesn't sage
Please kill yourself, newfag
stop projecting randy
Can we actually talk about bioshock? Let's not waste this thread.
-Where the fuck is Bioshock 4?
-Is 2k still working on it?
-You guys excited for the new System Shock reboot?
-Will they ever fix the physics for the bioshock collection?
>implying sage even works anymore
Nigger that shit hasn't mattered for years. How about I get us both some rope and we hang ourselves while holding each others' hands instead?
>where the fuck is bioshock 4
not happening
>is 2k working on it
never started
>system shock reboot
recent gameplay trailers make it look shit
and no on that last point they dont do bioshock anymore
>"I think the natural expectation was that I would go and do the next bigger and better BioShock game. And I felt, 'I think I'll fail if I do that. I think I'll lose my mind, and my marriage.' And so my solution was to quit," he said.
>Also in the interview, Levine speaks frankly about how he sees himself.
>"I'm not a happy person. I have crushing anxiety all the time," he said. "Which is crazy, because I wake up and I look at my beautiful wife and my beautiful dog and my beautiful home and the beautiful people I work with and these things I've created and these fans, and I say, 'How the f**k can you be unhappy?'"
What a faggot
That sounds romantic
I'll do it if you are my gf(male) for one day
it's meta on so many levels, that retard is just a slave to the AAA corporate cock
>where the fuck is bioshock 4?
In development
>is 2k still working on it?
It's being made by the guys who did Mafia 3, there's no hope for it.
>you guys excited for the new System Shock reboot
I'm more excited about System Shock 3 whose development is being led by Warren Spector
>will they ever fix the physics for the bioshock collection
Why would they bother fixing shit for a cheap cash grab? Shit is still a buggy broken mess on PC, the originals run better.
There's your Bioshock thread, happy?
Randy Cuckford is far worse.
>mafia 3
Thanks for reminding me...
Bioshock Infinite was a financial disappointment, and Take Two killed Irrational. The series is done.
from what I heard the System Shock remake isn't looking good, but then theres System Shock 3 with the devs of the original involved
Wait so there's a sys shock 3 AND a system shock reboot?
Tbh I want to get branded by my girlfriend. Not that I have one.
yes, I'll spoonfeed you
How fucking depressing it is to be a bioshock fan
If the series did get a sequel where would you want it to be set?
Inside a box, as some sort of shrink ray experiment with a tiny Kandorr city.
I like this thread if it triggers /r9k/
An underground city with an old western theme
which things trigger /r9k/?
Normie memes
hi twitter
An underground city set in 1930's chicago
In my school if somebody made that gesture below their waist and you saw it it meant you were a faggot
People with Bioshock tattoos are the best, everyone who has one is a certified braindead consumer sheep.
I like that idea user!
Too bad for them I was a faggot before I saw it.
Way to ruin a thread faggot
>If the series did get a sequel where would you want it to be set?
A America where le slavery never existed because white man used to be slaves 5k le years b4 le game TOOK PLACE "story"aka (((PROGAGANDA 4 THE JEWS/SOCIALISIM/CUMMUNISISIM))))
is how your a #p0c and need to assert urself against le white man ahahahha! le socialist propaganda! you faggots feel for it ahahahha no wonder your games are shit pas le 360 generation
>implying Sup Forums isn't filled with faggots
good thread
during the rise of the nubian dynasty
Can a slav play Bioshock?
>Can a slav play Bioshock?
Even shitty ipu can match 360 graphics nowadays... at 720p... low graphics settings.....
It didnt used to be before 2011, fuck off back to /lgbt/ or tumblr
a man chooses, a slav plays
What exactly is your malfunction?
>It didnt used to be before 2011
Is that Alexelcapo?
No, los brazos de alexelcapo son mas gorditos jaja.
This thread is not what I expected.
It sure as hell wasn't this bad, everyday we have some sort of lesbo/barafag/trapfaggotry thread that just won't fucking die.
I got you.
That's too bad
im drunk and hate the jews/kikes/niggers/spics who took over south side of chicago (60632) where i live.........
None of those are as obnoxious as homosexuals
Refer to
>being this asspained
>I'm autistic
>he doesn't know how to get past sadpanda
Nice prison tattoo.
You got some gabagool OP?
Careful there, posting similar images in one threads can get you banned for avatarfagging.
t. got banned once for posting kot
pls no bully, I've tried everything
Did you try googling? I did it and was able to use exhentai in about a week (that's just how long it takes if you don't wan to waste time playing some stupid browser game).
Sorry that happened to you.
are you okay, SRS?