You aren't just going to listen to Sup Forums shitposting are you?

You aren't just going to listen to Sup Forums shitposting are you?

Go download the trial, it's live.

I'm not going to download it just because you say so either

Please. EA wont pay me if you don't.

Tell that to someone who cares Mr. Pajeet

>tfw the download speed is just 0.9 MB

>assume this is free for everyone
>its some origin access shit
>£4 a month

everyone able to download this right now should kill themselves

Don't be bitter, poorfag.

It's like Netflix for EA games. It's honestly not that bad. I got to play a ton of games I was curious about but that Sup Forums promised me were shit. They were mostly right but at least I can shitpost about Inquisition and Mirror's Edge 2 honestly now. Also there's a free trial going around.

>11 hours of download
Origin is so fucking slow

Can you keep your save for when the full game launches in a few months?

Yeah you can. Also the game comes out next week unless you're waiting for DLC.

>installing EA software on my PC

no thanks

origin access isn't too bad

What for?

i'm not playing PEEBEE POOBOO TEHEHEHEHEEH XDDD the game


>trial isn't available to people who pre-order

Think I might just cancel it.


No thanks, i've never played a bioware game and today wont't be any different

If you preordered through Origin you're an idiot for not having access. The access discount gives you a bigger saving that access costs.

Why am I included? I just said I have it pre-ordered and it's bullshit that the trial isn't open to people who have.

44 GB for a fucking demo? Yeah fucking right I'm going to even consider downloading that. Jesus Christ.

All I want out of this game are more hilarious webms that show how shitty the animations are, thanks.

It's the full game. It just has a ten hour lock that breaks when the game releases.

Because you haven't figured out how to do it for free.
Use German VPN.

Why are you still in robot hell when all you're doing is shilling?

Play some fucking video games, retard.

He is completely right. If you have preordered the game, you should've bought access first as it shaves 10% off, goy

Do you have kids?

but he has to pay for access

Game is fucking terrible, can't wait for you pre-order faggots to try it and find out for yourself

It still saves money... access price is cheaper than 10% of the game

>le alt-right ad hominem prep question

I can smell you a mile away, fuck off to Sup Forums

Friendly reminder that you're literally hated by everyone for doing this in the year 2017.

Are you a robot?

Doing what? No to the question

>full price £49.99
>10% discount £45 saving you £4.99
>access £3.99 per month
>£1 cheaper for subscribing to your shit

fuck off

Assuming you played Mirror's Edge 1, is 2 better?


You're so transparent we could tape you over the gate of Hell and call you a door.


Look to the sky, you might see something "interesting"

Then use a German VPN (on a new origin account), they still have free access there. it should still work.

I just help to raise my wife's son.

They're about the same if i'm honest. Good for free with access but I feel like i'd have been dissapointed to have paid for it.

Avoiding Cancerous money grubbing bullshit doesn't make you a poorfag, just the opposite.

Only poorfaggots fall for obvious scams like Origin Access.

You should go back and play their earlier stuff. Everything up to and including Dragon Age: Origins was great.

Who can speedrun it?

There's a content lock too. You can play as much multiplayer as you can fit in ten hours with no restrictions or you can do the story up to the start of the second world.

I was thinking of playing Baldurs Gate before, so maybe one of these days. As for Andromeda, that's a definite hard pass.

yes i will, shill

Neverwinter Nights?

>Quick Rundown
You win this round you son of a bitch.

I'm getting my publishers and developers all mixed up, but yeah that's the one.

>Having shit internet
Stop being poor

can you play those 10 hours of trial whenever you want or is it only gonna be available today?