Why did gamers reject her

Why did gamers reject her

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Didn't get into some crappy show about 2 brothers who drive around killing monsters?


She actually hates "gamers" and her audience.

She's gone as far as to cross the street because she thought some nerds would recognize her (I wouldn't, she's plain af)

So that's mostly why

Plus anyone who has to establish their bland personality as "I'm a nerd" should commit sudoku

She's like 40 now and hasn't found a guy cause she has a whiney voice and is ugly as fuck

She plays entirely insufferable characters at every opportunity, and never comes off as genuine.

She actually looks like a bioware character model.


She has no dick.

I would use her as a cum bucket and anal slave.

but I saw a pic where she's carrying what I assume to be her baby.

I wish she actually took the time to answer it.

Because he's not wrong, and if she can fucking defend herself maybe I'd have some respect for this fucking cunt of a human being.

But she wouldn't, because she knew he was right, and she'd be exposed as the fraudulent no talent piece of shit she is riding the coattails of all things vidya and geek culture which is the saddest, most pathetic shit ever, Wil Wheaton is guilty of doing the same thing after he was done with Star Trek, which literally nobody like him on.

I masturbated with her pregnant pictures when I was mastrubating with pictures of pregnant girls

The Guild is a shit series, and I don't think she should have been rewarded for it.

>Wil Wheaton
God I hate this fucking piece of shit so much

She plays every single dyke character on TV and is an annoying person

I find I can masturbate to pretty much any pregnant celebrity.

Why would she bother answering a dude who can't even use wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felicia_Day#Filmography_and_other_works

Only good characters were the indian and older mega nerd, whole show was a full toilet bowl of floaters

I can't think of a single redeeming quality, gave up on that shit more than a decade ago it feels like.

posting sage in a joe camel thread

>mfw they finally killed her off in Supernatural

I think that's the hilarious part. Bioware inzentionally males their girls ugly in the games, even if zhe model actually does look good. However, that goblin got a 1:1 transition into their game. They didn't even need to ugly-fy her, as she was already perfectly ugly from the get go for bw.

b-but muh nerd culture. I bet you dislike The Big Bang Theory to. Fucking neanderthal I bet you play football.

>She's like 40 now and hasn't found a guy

Isn't it sad that women have gotten so annoying and shitty that it's actually overridden our biologically programmed urge to sex them up? This has happened a few other times in history, causes civilizations to collapse and the men to go off and be monks until all the shitty women die off and are replaced by a generation of girls who are desperate for male protection and attention.

We play a real white man's sport, thank you very much!

Because she is nothing.

What did she do?

i wish it wasnt done off camera though
wouldve given a standing ovation if they showed it

Her character was forced as fuck good riddance


passes her "prime"

A glorious picture.

Pic related, it's her best acting scene; dead.

She rejected gamers when she said she would cross the street whenever she saw someone with a gaming t-shirt

also she's uggo

sincerely literally who

>I stumbled into some acting jobs, but I'd take any money I could get

yeah she's a real connoisseur of the trade

Did you just confirm his point by posting the wiki link? Because that's what it seems like to me. She has been in a handful of mediocre games. Plenty of other women out there have actually contributed something meaningful, she is not one of them.

Because Eureka was good before she showed up.

Make fun of felicia day to my face and see what happens

Did she ever post any more preggo pics?

>Why did gamers reject her
>she walks to the other side of the street when she saw two guys wearing quake/video game related t-shirts
>calls all gamers misogynists and racists

she was the one that rejected gamers.

To be honest she does have some really creepy fedorafans.


stay safe Felicia!

I was alright with her until she went full anti-gg


Where have you seen this story about crossing the street?

She wrote about it. I hope those gamers weren't POCs otherwise she's a racist for crossing the street to avoid them.

> feliciaday.com/blog/crossing-the-street/

confused her character with her self then turn herself into a "personality". so high on her own crack she proceeded to claim she spoke for the people that hated her all along.

Apparently she did a lot for video games?
Least thats what people tell me. When I ask for an example they get all mad. I mean all she did was make a video and voice act in several games.

I still dont understand why people praise her. There are women who did a whole lot more than her yet arent recognized as much.

Then there was that whole "Im a gamer but I am afraid of them as well" thing. Now that she has a kid Im hoping people would stop sucking her dick and she can fade into obscurity.

Buying her way into Shadowrun as a hireable NPC made me wish there were a way to kill those fuckers off permanently. Then again, all the backer NPCs were cringey af

I dunno, the NPC in the basegame that was the NFL backer was a cool dude,

In order to reject her I'd have had to accept her in the first place.

She was crowned "queen of the nerds" by media hacks due to being a bot hideous woman who repeatedly insisted on how nerdy she was.

I think it was also just lucky timing to have a topically popular web series before YouTube got inundated with such things.

But no, I don't think she contributed anything other than herself, which is fine I guess, but I don't understand why I'm supposed to thank her for it.

Supernatural is BASED kys

>I crossed the street in fear because GamerGate would cause these men to rape me even though I have nothing but good experiences talking to strangers about games!!!11
Why are American women so fucking melodramatic?

Such a loser she had to fuck some 80 yo

Yeah, vork and tabu or whatever his name was the only redeeming part

Jesus Christ, she's so fucking ugly.


That picture looks like someone put a red wig on spock

fucking hell

>Quake shirt

Pretty fucking cool guy, I'd ask him about his day



Supernatural is fucking awful, acting is awful, storyline is awful, CGI/costumes are awful
The show should be called Superawful

That's pretty much it in a nutshell. No matter what the subculture, they all have one thing in common. They despise posers and shockingly, in most cases those posers are attention who then cry about not being accepted into something they don't actually give a shit about to begin with.


That's just not true

And some fucker in another thread wants me to "man up" and marry this shit? Give up my freedom and money for this shit?


its okay to like shit sometimes, user

>self appointed "queen of the nerds"

>"I can't stand this subculture so i'll appoint myself as an authority figure so I can control it!"

Felicia day isn't popular? I thought she was an icon in le nerd xd culture

Doesn't she have a ton of mainstream appeal? Or am I completely out of touch?

Saying she's popular is like saying things are epic

Pity she popped, she had a 10/10 belly there

Wil is the biggest cuck on the planet I swear to god.

She's one of those people that uses the fact that she's a "nerd" as a marketing tool. Like it's not even "they say they're a nerd but they just play zelda" or some shit it's all just PR for them. Same shit as wil wheaton. Dude was the worst character on a show 30 years ago and somehow this makes him a "nerd" icon (by the way why the fuck is nerd treated like a trendy name for a subgroup of people, it's an insult designed to mock)

Beyond that though she's just a genuinely shitty actress and from everything I've seen and read a pretty shitty person too.

1% of 0 is still zero, Wil.

>She's gone as far as to cross the street because she thought some nerds would recognize her

It was literally because of Gamergate.

Pregnant people are fucking disgusting and people who have ever been pregnant are only slightly less disgusting

What bothers me about that image is the facial tattoos. You'd expect to see those on a mage or shaman but no, little miss Mary Sue had to have tats on a techie because just being a manic pixie elf wasn't special snowflake enough for her.

So literal boogeymanning?


Tallis from Dragon Age 2

There are plenty of women who have actually contributed to video games. Felicia Day is not one of them.

What u mean?

>no black women


there really isn't anything shittier or bigger proof of being an asshole than the humble-brag.


Because her world.of with show wasn't very good, and brought in a lot of 'nerd' to nerd shit.

She was part of the group of people who didn't largely contribute to nerdy bullshit but profitted from it.

Then there were the /r9k/ers who hated her because she's a woman

World of Warcraft* wtf autocorrect

What was the guild even about?
A wow knockoff? A generic Dnd story about donut steels?

It's ok bro I'm with you.

Why the fuck do these women do this? Whats to gain after they demonize us all? Is it just money?

Right, I get that, but I thought she was popular among people who don't really play games, but were into gaming culture because it's popular. Fake nerds. Hipsters.

She's not so bad...

Wat u mean?

There's nothin wrong with not liking games and just being a booth babe as long as you don't pretend you're more than that.

whatever happened to that star wars thing hennig was working on

no dude
that means he's a fast nigger

Reminder that this cunt is the new Forrester on nu-MST3K.

I made that pic... I couldn't find any black women who had made a decent looking game

I did manage to find one indie british black girl, who made an awful looking "star trek"-like (e.g. red shirts, and bad UI) game

couple of "scene" girls who didn't seem to have actually made anything, and were "indie lol"

maybe they just don't market themselves very well