Name a better CRPG
Name a better CRPG
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Paper Mario
>better CRPG
>Name a better steaming pile of shit
Can't wait OP
Jackie Chan
wasteland 2 is the best video game to have come out in the past decade you heathen
while the reactivity in Wasteland 2 is unbeatable Divinity OS in general has more fun combat, loot and personally I liked the not so serious colorful style, not everything has to be grimdark
>not everything has to be grimdark
The developers of the game knew this, which is why there are two chapters of the game. One in Arizona, the desert "grimdark" scum hole, and California, which is sprawling with over grown plants and trees over the urban environment. Did you even play the game?
I liked Wasteland 2, but Underrail is a better RPG.
It lacked the continuity & replayablity that waste land 2 had, mostly due to the absence of interesting dialogue options.
Love Wasteland 2. Don't understand the hardon for Underrail though. What is the allure?
That could be part nostalgia though.
Eh but it has that, it is just isolated to the areas they are in. Though there are some exceptions like if you fuck up with some people at beginning, you gonna have a really bad time at the end
W2 is super divisive. Either you hate it passionately or you love it to bits. Kind of surprising.
I'd have loved it more if not for the absurd memory hog issues and the honestly terrible character models, that were made even worse in the Directors' Cut.
Literally ANY this game is awful.
>Love Wasteland 2. Don't understand the hardon for Underrail though. What is the allure?
Several things for me, the fact it allows you to feel lost in the game world, the fact that it's combat is the most fun combat in a cRPG I have played (but shame you only ever get to control one character), the setting is cool, the game is really challenging and the fact I still wrap my head around the idea it was made mostly by people in my small shithole of a country that never made any notable games before.
Fallout 1
>but shame you only ever get to control one character
I gotta say, the squad-based gameplay of W2 was really wonderful for me. In most RPG's I struggle with the choice to either make a mary sue, or make a specialized character and miss out on content. W2 let me have my 4 cakes and eat them too.
The only good thing about that game was the sound track
kill yourself, fallout 1 and new vegas are the only good fallout games
>kill yourself
>the only good fallout games
Nice straw man you under age troglodyte, I wasn't even arguing about the fallout franchise.
I have a love hate relationship with the amount of red herrings in W2.
Squad has a shit ton of items i have no idea what to do with. Every now and then i'll come across somewhere or someone who wants an item i've been holding forever.
Feels pretty good.
Best W2 companions?
It's a shame that they never developed modding tools to go along with the game, it could of fixed all those problems; but then again, it's not a good sign when the developers rely on the community to fix bugs.
Ertan, that dude is hardcore
he genuinely made me smile
>when rose loses control and runs right in front of a god damn robot with 1000+ health
>not having a leader with high charisma and leadership
Also that song reminds me of my girl too much, she's crazy for Joy Division.
The skills in the game kind of piss me off, a lot of the time the skills of your squad over lap - and on top of that, you need certain dialogue skills like smart ass to progress in the game. There have been many times where I would just roam the map waiting for random encounters so I can grind my characters to unlock skill points.
Oh! and scum saving, this game had me scum saving for probably hours when you add it up, the amount of time I spent trying to fix those god damn toasters is infuriating.
Scum saving? Like not spending skillpoints?
Truly a bad habit of mine and W2 did this to me.
Helps a lot when i come across something i can't unlock so i can just throw some skillpoints at it.
Wait scum saving is saving before unlocking something yea? I did that quit a bit when unlocking boxes and things.
save scumming is whenever you reload the game to get a better result than you did previously. Games with a % chance of doing something allow save scumming, that's why I say things should have a fixed skill check.
It's when I try to say, open a locked door with brute force, failing - then loading the game once more to try again until I get the door open. On low chance tries it can take upwards of an hour to accomplish.
The F3 mod by obsidian was not a good game, even if it did improve upon F3.