>hylian crest tattoo
Hylian crest tattoo
Other urls found in this thread:
>swtor tatoo
all persons with tattoos should kill themselves immediately
we are united by our love for jim davis
>assasins creed tattoo
Now where could my pipe be...
>pipe tattoo
>mario mushroom tattoo
Ooo, ouch, sharp dude, trim those edges a bit.
>NPC steals your pipe
t. someone who willingly puts cringy shit on his body
if you can't handle the edge go to reddit
>Tribal tattoo
I'm glad that meme died out
>fireflies tattoo
Bro, its like, my life
You're not so naive....
>PS3! GAME ! Tattoo
I don't have a tattoo, kid. And if you wanna look cool, go back to funnyjunk you underage fuck.
all of the day bro
stop projecting lel
>I don't try to look cool, I don't care how people think of me
>What about -- OTHER tattoo??
>Half Life Lambda tattoo
>cat brush tattoo
I'm not a tattoo guy and I think most greentexts in this thread are right, but how about a nice can of fuck off and die
>faggy garfield meme
>think it would be neat to have at least one small tattoo somewhere on my body
>can't think of a single one I wouldn't regret immensely in a year
I can understand why you would like that but it still is fucking disgusting to me. These people do not give a shit about their own body at all
I got the hitman fleur di lis on my back, a few inches across. It's ambiguous enough
>faggy frog poster
Same thing here user
Best we can do is not getting inked
Thats why pop culture tattoos of any kind are stupid.
Why would you brand yourself with something you will probably lose interest in probably in less than a year?
>orange sharpie
lmao what a pussy
That's not the true meaning of the strip.
>another risk is the tattoo artist fucking up and leaving you with a permanent ugly doodle on your body for the rest of your life
ernie barguckle
This is an 18+ website.
>t.user, 0
worst "retort" I'ver ever seen
what upsets me is that likely after all this new content they will take another 9 year hiatus
>metriod screw attack symbol
>Who's there?
>symbol of torment
user, 0
Jon Arbuckle.
I have Amuro Ray's call sign on my right shoulder and I haven't regretted it yet.
Not the unicorn the OG one
The Cat Has Your Pipe
bitch would be infinitely better without tattoos
If I wanted to see art I'd go to a museum
>A nice can of Fuck off
Is that supposed to be clever?
>is that supposed to be hot? Holy kek she fucked up. Oh yeah... nothing says hot like smokey design coming out your ass and an ugly Asian dude on your back...
Tattoos have to be earned in some way, this is where the beauty come from.
Even the ugly ass prison/sailor tattoos done around the first half on the 20th century have some kind of preciousness because of what they truly represent, not some hipster ass excuse for getting a "bird-flock-emerging-from-a feather because it's sssoooooo meee and ssoooo deeeeeeep"
I like this.
Dark blankness
Blank darkness
user, well uh... *coughs* I got a blowjob from a guy when i had my emo phase and uh then lost my virginity to some emo slut and had about 3 gfs after that and *coughs* a treethome with 2 other girls. so that makes 6 or so
>tattoos have to be earned
lol no you just need the money
Max Landis!
>all that coughing
sounded like he had some of the AIDS
Or you just like art or enjoy something enough to make it part of you.
>someone I know got a south park tattoo
>Tfw best friend is a retard and gets vidya tatoos
>Tfw he has a fucking Bioshock Infinite Tatoo
Garfield went to shit when Liz stopped rejecting Jon and he became a little less of a loser
Jon Arbuckle, 2
Top bantz my man check my 'too
>skinnyfat white 20something with a wagecuck job and a le epic jaded attitude
Great meme
Max Landis who?
There's a pornstar with a hylian crest tattoo
we all have that one retarded friend, don't we? Mine is one of those "zelda is muh life" autists, one day he'll end up with a fucking triforce tattoo on his forehead
>Rather go to a museum to see art
>Can of pepsi is left on the ground at a museum art gallery
>Visitors actively avoided knocking it over because they're unsure if it is art
Have fun admiring a hobo's lost knitted cap and half-empty 40 on the ground.
Just ask yourself this question:
Now where could my pipe be?
And of course the second one I got.
>pokeball tattoo
>He doesn't have the light, radiance, the magical light, the radically radiant light of truth and truth's belonging love and nature of light and loving truthful radiance.
Don't be bold and make bold statements, I know perfectly well where my pipe is
Live action Jon has very feminine eyes
my latest
>all art is modern art
do you have brain damage?
this literally only applies to modern art though
>tfw nearly got a mass effect tattoo before mass effect 3 released
fucking dodged a bullet
They don't even understand why modern art is the way it is of course they are. Sup Forums is perhaps one of the least cultured boards.
Here's your (You). It was on the ground.
I would never do this in my life
But fuck, those kind of tattoos looks beautiful.
She's yakuza, that's why the tattoos are like that.
Objectively the best answer itt
But that would mean you respect hyrulian crest tattoos
thus, what the fuck are you doing here normie faggot rrree
Jon Arbuckle, 0
to be honest, I was thinkin about getting the X-com logo
Xcom is my favorite series
I started with EU and 2 and from there I've been branching into the original ones
>you will never have a shirtless bossfight with this guy in a dojo
>want a small Brand of Sacrifice
>would feel off if I didn't have it on the back left of the neck but don't want an always visible tattoo
I hope you got a refund, these look like shit, sorry bro
Garfield went to shit when Garfield's girlfriend stopped showing up around '98 or so.
They are fine