What's a good card game I can sink hundreds of hours into?

What's a good card game I can sink hundreds of hours into?

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Magic is the best one. Find your local game spot and go to town, very fun and addicting. I would go still but don't have the money really atm.

Hearthstone is bad

>costs loads emone
>not available in my third world country

I mean, it is there, but its like six people who all played for years each and just wait for fresh blood to pounce on with their decks that cost as much as my car.
I want digital card games.

give duelyst and Shadowverse a try as there currently the best 2 alternatives to shitstone right now

shadowverse has an expansion on the way this month and duelyst just got theres

>That picture
I literally quit jewstone because control was never good.

It's funny, it was commonly said that "CW can never be good because it's too expensive and it would make the game seem P2W!", and yet everything about the game is P2W all the same even if CW has sucked balls for ages now.

It's not P2W in the sense that you need 20000 dust for a deck. It's P2W in the sense that you keep needing 5000-9000 for a new deck every few months, and they keep making packs more expensive and harder to get, aside from playing the game for free being already as good as impossible.


Just kidding. It's not that deep.

That is the price for paying an actual card game.


You think gamers are gross? Try Friday Night Magic. More ass cracks than a fucking porn shoot.

Also, the smell.

Expensive as fuck, too, and everyone's a fucking asshole. Elitist shitbags.

Hearts of Iron 3, with the BlackICE mod.

Unless you are a faggot who can't into strategy games.

Installing that mod is a bitch, I can't get it to work. Tips? I love the game.

Well when I played Hearthstone the control warrior decks were called "wallet warrior" for a good reason. A warlock plays from the hand (handlock), a warrior plays from his wallet, more than half the deck epics and legendaries.

I can't fucking hit legend because the meta right now is literally nothing but rng.

Stuck at rank 1 for days now, and like 60-80 matches just making no progress.

What problems do you have? I just downloaded it from ModDB and followed the instructions written there.

What does it matter if you hit legend anyway? Why treat yourself to this cancer daily?

Because I want to fucking do it so then I can complain about the game and have my opinion not be invalidated by the fact that im shit at it.

Yes, it's been called that for a long while and probably still is.

Thing is, the deck itself may be expensive initially but you keep running the same core cards, and have been doing so since the decktype became a thing. You just throw in a new legendary here or there and tech things between metas.

It's actually pretty cheap to just keep updating your CW list to match the current meta and expansion -- just that it's fucking garbage now.

Instead, Blizzard wants you to spend 6000 dust on crafting an entirely new deck from the exciting new expansion cards :^) but it's not p2w even if you need to repeat the process every 3 months because it doesn't cost 11000 ; )

I love playing Magic with my friends in casual matches were you just throw any cool idea together and have fun. Friday night magic is soul crushing because everyone just plays to win. No cool plays or fun mechanics just bullshit exploits and rushes. Makes me wonder if those faggots even enjoy the game anymore.


Shadowverse is easily the best option if you don't mind being a weeb. It's still giving away packs like crazy and an expansion is just around the corner, too.

If you want more MTG-like stuff you can try Hex or Eternal or Faeria. If want something completely different you can try Gwent (still in close beta tho).


Honestly Blizzard need another card like Pyromancer or Explosive Sheep, some cheap way for control decks that aren't mage to clear early and reliably.

If I could put 4 Pyromancers in my deck, I am sure I'd be able to win half my pirate encounters with a slower warrior.

>That topdecked Bahamut just as it cuts
I remember this and it's still fucking funny and sad.

That was like Hearthstone's Deathwing, right? Clear the whole board, place a fat minion?

its better with the jojo edit

Yes, without the hand discard.

Which probably sounds broken as fuck to anyone playing Hearthstone but the game has some pretty wacky combos going on and is less win more because of this sort of thing, and overall, sadly, more balanced.

Well see I'm a retard when it comes to computers, I'll give it another shot though. I have the steam version and only the non cosmetic dlc. Would that affect it?

Cthun control warrior had its time in the spotlight during old gods meta and many people were rightfully complaining about 30 minute tank up pass games. Saying that cw was never good is false.

Which is ironic considering the C'thun variant was actually the cheapest one with how C'thun was handed out for free and it didn't run a lot of legendaries aside from it and the emps.

shadowverse is the exact same shit as hearthstone except it gets a pass because anime pussy

Eh, you had just a car and Sylvanas and sometimes tinkmaster as tech for the mirror in it and maybe even deathwing, all in all still pretty meaty dustwise. Plus all the usual shit like brawl and gorehowl and shield slam. Its the class specific epics that drive up the cost the most

I remember playing that Coldlight Oracle fatigue warrior and winning a lot. It was very fun and my favorite deck and period of Hearthstone.

All of these cards give you maybe 3% more winrate.
You could play a very, very cheap and basic C'thun warrior.
Play the free cards, craft the armor giving guys, throw whatever else you have, some draw.
It will be a tanky deck with a combo that can end the game on 10.

The avg dust cost was still around 7000-9000 as opposed to the usual control warrior 10000-15000.

It really just goes to show they want to avoid making expensive decks good while pretending the game is F2P friendly.

So relatively new player here, how should I go about spending my vials?

Also, does gold have a use besides packs/prebuilt decks?

Are the pre-built decks worth getting at all?

Within one month Blizzard will release ~100 new cards.
You can save up until then if you want.

Gold can buy packs, arena access, and some single player adventures.

No, I have the same.

Um, shadowbabs?

>this isn't shadowverse general?


No, playing cthun warrior without brawl, shield slam and Sylvanas is stupid. The other cards are somewhat optional, but there are still a lot of expensive staple cards.

Top meta decks really started getting cheap after loe tbqh. Pretty much all shaman archetypes since old gods have been super cheap.

>Top meta decks really started getting cheap after loe tbqh.
Which is really just an illusion.

The problem is that while these decks are "cheap" at 5000-7000 dust or whatever, you have to craft a new one from scratch every time they shit out a new top meme expansion.

>Top meta decks really started getting cheap after loe tbqh.

Nigga LoE cost 3000 gold. That's not cheap.

The only new cards in mid shaman are aya, lightning, spirit, claws, jinyu and chieftan. And you can consider skipping chieftan, jinyu and spirit and go for a more aggressive build, which is even cheaper. That's not even close to 7k dust.

Adventures are far better for f2p players than expansion. You are guaranteed to get all the cards at a fixed price instead of sinking all your gold into rng packs that are unlikely to give you exactly the cards you want, thanks to the magic of pack fillers and meme legendaries.

And adventures also have a much much higher gold to dust ratio than packs in case they rotate out or when you are sure that you will never need certain adventure cards again.

That is why many f2players complained when blozzard announced that they would discontinue adventures.

>discontinue adventures.


Magic is actually an excellent game, a lot of people's complaints about Friday Night Magic are probably because of the current standard environment, which you can honestly completely ignore if you want to play another format. There's also MTGO (MTG Online) which is, by all means, a pretty fucking buggy client, but definitely playable and a hell of a lot cheaper than the actual paper game.

Thanks user I'll give it another go

No you faggot 99% of the complaints are because you have to leave the house to play Magic

oops, it's almost like i'm directly referencing the digital game.
better luck next time, user.


Memes aside, that TES Legends game looks good (mechanically)

But it's irrelevant, not most popular game = "ded" = no one wants to play a ded game = most popular game stays popular even though it's inferior

Hex: Shards of Fate

TES Legends is 90% identical to Hearthstone.

The prophecy system is the most retarded thing ever.

not even memeing, PvZ Heroes is pretty good.

Yeah it's almost entirely identical except for all the things that are totally different.

Which one do you prefer?


Its an okay attempt to stall the game so that aggro doesn't reign supreme like it does in Hearthstone.

Any game that provides a perfectly stable resource system is bound to be overrun by the most aggressive decks possible, I doubt a system that makes the game even more likely to start throwing extra spells onto the field is going to stem much at all.

They're both abusing the shit out of tweening, but the bottom one is MAXIMUM JAPPON-ESE

Shadowverse is the better game, shame about the weeb aesthetic though

>But it's irrelevant, not most popular game = "ded" = no one wants to play a ded game = most popular game stays popular even though it's inferior

That's not how it works and no amount of delusion will make it so. TESL is almost a complete carbon copy of HS and a pretty mediocre one at that, which is especially funny considering how great of a universe it is for a card game. It's just a really low effort product with shitty voice acting, mediocre artworks and uninspiring gameplay. A good product = growing community.

A good example would be Gwent, where the game's actually organically growing despite it being at rough around the edges (it's still in closed beta) and completely different from your typical CCG. Meanwhile Bethesda's paying top HS streamers to do promotional streams to keep their game from dying which isn't helping in the slightest.

Gwent is the best CCG on the market. Duelyst is a turd that the devs are slowly abandoning, you're too late.


Hex or Eternal.

It only throws extra spells if you are losing health, so it doesn't help aggro that much.

Gwent is shit, and its "organically growing" at a planned rate, with the code releases.
Upon its release it will be flavor of the month and die.

>TESL is almost a complete carbon copy of HS

Please don't make me write out an autistic list of all the differences.

PS, no one gives a flying fuck about Gwent, it's literally DOA, and the "ded game" effect has been killing games since before you were born.

Suicide aggro?
Also, it only helps to end the game faster, since the free spell you cast is only going to help your opponent get their spell even faster, which is going to make games end more quickly.

>since the free spell you cast is only going to help your opponent get their spell even faster

The prophecies are minion removal, taunts, draw, etc.
Are you talking about some specific bad card that only hits the opponent leader?

Absolutely agree! Don't forget to preorder Fallout 4™:Remastered™

He hasn't played the game at all, he's just guessing at what he thinks probably happens.

Don't bother arguing with someone who is going to say "I reject reality and substitute my own!!!"

Whoops, you got me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't actually play the game, but a mechanic that lets you get free shit for losing the game is bound to be broken eventually by shitty developers that don't understand power creep.

>it's bad because I don't like Todd Howard

The irony is it's irrelevant whether TESL or Gwent or Shadowverse or Faeria or [OTHER GAME] is the superior game, because Hearthstone will continue to dominate the market share because it dominates the market share (that's right, a circular, inescapable vortex).

You don't even understand the Prophecy system beyond "u get cards when u take dmg!!!" (which is wrong, already tried to educate you but you're a dunce), let alone how the rest of the game mechanics work and how they interact.

Literally as retarded as comparing MTG cards to Hearthstone, or Shadowverse to HS, etc.

How's Eternal right now ? Got in the closed beta and the cards were incredibly dull, no much variation.

>Prophecy is a keyword in The Elder Scrolls: Legends. Whenever one of your Runes break, you draw a card, and if the card you drew has prophecy you play it for free.
Are you saying that there's no possible way to this mechanic to become a terrible victim of power creep? I do know how to read thanks.

Hearthstone's Secret spells are overpowered?

I'm not implying they're broken now, the cards that I've read seem fine. If the designers actually take the mechanic in a good direction it could be really fun, but that said I'm saying that it seems easy to accidentally break.

Getting free shit for losing is one of the most basic balancing mechanics there is.

Eye for an eye can potentially deal more than 30 damage in one turn for just one mana. It's one of the most broken cards in the game desu

It's about the same as in closed beta, some major balancing on cards I never used and they've added maybe 20 new cards

Personally it feels like a cheap way to make the game feel more balanced, when really all it's doing (in the example of prophecy cards) is adding more RNG. That said, getting a chance to come back from the brink can be argued as a pretty fun mechanic, so that's probably all there is to it.


All card games are shit and mostly rng so you might as well play the one where you can win a lot of money if you get lucky

Cunnyverse Anons, are there any Goon-like decks in your game? I picked HS back up and Frankensteined a Goonadin and it's fun as fuck.

Swordcraft shits a lot of small dudes on board, then buffs them up.

I want to buff them in hand though. If I can't throw out three 7/7s for 5 mana on turn 6 then what's the point?

eternal is basically a way better hearthstone with the most generous reward system I've ever seen in a card game.

Nothing buffs them in your hand.

Elana Haven is the closest to what you want to do. Drops an amulet (or two, or three) that buffs all followers on the board +1/+1 every time your leader is healed and runs practically every self-heal follower available.

>What's a good card game I can sink hundreds of hours into?

The best collective card game is Magic. Magic is expensive as fuck though, but Duels exists and is free and okay.

Eternal Card Game was made by Magic pros and is basically a cross between HS and Magic, you may want to try it out.