This game makes me really fucking angry. This game killed the Wolfenstein frenchize. Wolfenstein 2009 ruined it but holy shit this game is do fucking bad, atleast Wolfenstein 2009 was playable. This is shit. Fuck.
Thanks for listening.
This game makes me really fucking angry. This game killed the Wolfenstein frenchize. Wolfenstein 2009 ruined it but holy shit this game is do fucking bad, atleast Wolfenstein 2009 was playable. This is shit. Fuck.
Thanks for listening.
is this loss ?
also, you cant kill a frenchise by rebooting it you can just fail at bringing it back to life
It's the only good game in the franchise.
Prove me wrong
>Play on the highest difficulty enemies die from one bullet.
>Literally hold W the game.
>Textures poping left and right.
>America fuck yeah.
>Over-exaturated robot cancer fantasy.
>Shitty console port with few graphics options.
>20 Fps slowdowns on 1000$ computer.
>Very bad controls, hold alt plus direction to lean because of ported controls.
>Can't interact with objects in the game.
>Climbing is impossible.
>Kill cutscenes.
>Can't interact with objects in the game.
its a "game" game not a "watch preset interaction with guitar " game
>Play on the highest difficulty enemies die from one bullet.
>America fuck yeah.
the story is actually good and america is not present in it
>Climbing is impossible.
you dont run away in wolfenstein
>Literally hold W the game.
kys fuckboi
>Slowdown on 1000 dollar computer
dude post specs cuz like...i get no frame drops. The game is pretty standard fare but your computer might not be as good as you think.
Is that German?
I have that "$1000" computer. I'm playing 1440p maxed out settings and I'm not getting framedrops. Don't know what you're doing wrong.
i5 4460
8gb ram
r9 390 8gb
it was best price/performance and maybe it still is, it's way better than a 970
There's your problem
It's the CPU. The game maxes out my oc'd 6600k.
Invest in a e3-1231 v3 if you can, used shouldn't be too hard to find.
Wolfenstein 2009 was underrated, fuck the haters.
I've been playing Shadow Warrior 2013 again and that game did a lot of if not all the shit TNO did but better. SW2013 had some wonky level design but didn't have a stupid amount of filler or interrupting the action every five minutes for the dumb plot, or for the protagonist to whine to himself while he stabs a nazi in the head for the billionth time.
Sup Forums is defending this game? Why?
This is shit. Come on...
Because it's great.
Old Blood was great even if it retconned RTCW
>way better than a 970
if ya say so pal. Im a 970 owner and all the issues with it were a meme. Even Arkham Knight and Witcher 3 run great.
I like AMD, I've got an rx480 right now.
But rage's engjne is terrible on AMD cards. Doom's is great though.
I'm pretty sure theres some tweaks you can do to it though
mate the franchise was dead by then to begin with.
Samefagging this hard
The only thing i liked about this game was aethsetics.
I loved how weapons, enemies, uniform, art, level environment and architecture looked like.
Really made my boner at looking how would world look like if best side won WW2.
Also dual wielding was GOAT
Everything else was kind of shit.
I recently played through 2009, it's pretty damn fun but it does get repetitive towards the end.