Are Sun/Moon the worst pokemon games?

Are Sun/Moon the worst pokemon games?

The region is tiny and there's almost no post-game (it's better than XY's but it's still shitty)
The kahuna are shit compared to gym leaders too

also the pokemon have shit designs (webm related)

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>also the pokemon have shit designs
Gen 7 has some of the best designs ever. You're just a faggot, OP.

No, Black and White are.

This is the correct answer

Sun and Moon aren't the worst, but they're down there. The Pokemon designs are good, but everything else is shit. The meta is shit, the engine is shit, the plot is shit, the region is shit. This game is a massive disappointment.

regardless of whether you think sun/moon are bad or not, they're better than XY in every aspect so they're not the worst

I thought they were better than X/Y. X/Y were really boring.

>also the pokemon have shit designs (webm related)
Stopped reading there.

I know everyone is just gonna call me a barneyfag or whatever but yes, they're absolute shit. X/Y felt like a multiplayer/3D patch to the series so I could sort of forgive it, but this was straight up linear cutscene corridor shit that hurt to play with no real payoff. I don't know what's worse, 4 hours of garbage or 20 hours of garbage.

I think the pokémon designs were better in gen 6 than in gen 7. In fact I think gen 7 has the worst and most inconsistent designs of all pokémon games

>generic fart factory LE THICC Xd mememon
literally gen 7

I actually agree with you. Even if your "friends" were shit in X/Y they actually left you alone for most of the game. You never get a moment alone in Sun and Moon and it feels like you're always following somebody, which ruined the sense of adventure I liked so much about the series

Actually wait
I called it "absolute shit" but every one of these games has at least something I liked, in SM it was pelago, alolan forms, and the scanner. The festival plaza seemed interesting but it needs more fleshing out.

I'm usually down with no mons, and Gen VII had some good ones, but I just don't feel them like I did, say, Gen VI. The starters are frankly mediocre, everything is so fucking slow, and the beasts just feel so unbalanced.

>Best start to a generation
B-but muh trash bag and ice cream cone! Inanimate objects can't be Pokemon!

Whoops, I mean new.

And shills say there are good things about Shit and Poo when this thread has demonstrated the exact fucking opposite?
>worst plot
>worst characters
>worst new Pokemon
>worst music
>trials are a downgrade from gyms
Tell me why we aren't considering this as the Sonic 06 of Pokemon?

why nu/v/ always think Sup Forums is a hivemind?

Remove the nostalgia goggles and Gen 1 is the worst

>bugs and glitches everywhere
>zero postgame, less postgame than in any other gen
>usesless types with useless attacks (Ghost, Bug, Rock)
>others OP as fuck, far worse than now

If SuMo were so good you'd think someone would present positive aspects of it. But they don't. Because there isn't. Fuck off NoA employee. SuMl being shit is something Sup Forums universally agrees on.

its either oras or black/white 2

i disagree

Im not the biggest pokemon fan, but I thought Sun/Moon were the best in the series.

They felt more modern.

Pokebarneyfag, didn't you move on to shitposting about Zelda?
Also, where are those autistic graphs you always make? They're always really fun to laugh at.
You're really losing your edge, dude.

Honestly, the exploits and completely different aesthetic style puts it above FRLG

B/W killed the franchise for me so hard that I never ended up playing what are apparently the best Pokemon games, B2/W2. The entire experience was dull from start to finish. I did like a lot of the Pokemon in it though.

I can't wait for bae to show up.
Also you fart fags need to get gased.

it's pokebarneyfag again

Best Poke lolis

Yes. The only people who praise it heavily are people who don't actually like Pokemon but like the idea of it and are enticed by the formula being changed on a superficial level, and storyfags. It's like BW1 again, except this time more casuals buy into it and the game's much worse.

XY was better in every department except PvE balance and characterization.

Because Sonic 06 is a very specific level of terrible, and as bad as SM is as the worst entries in the main series, it's still nowhere close to the level of Sonic 06. Anyone who claims it is has clearly never played Sonic 06 for themselves to truly understand the shitshow it was.

Really? I thought the region was more enjoyable than vanilla Gen IV, at least. To each there own, and I guess we still haven't gotten a region that was as fun to explore as Johto

>Gen 1 is the worst
So are you done fapping to your le chikkun chan folder XDD

>B/W killed the franchise for me
Yeah for you.
Meanwhile you missed out on one of the best gens that actually made the adventure aspect feel fresh and new.

Are grass types the most kino?

>Also you fart fags need to get gased.

But that's what they want.

Of course, I love most pokemon games and played each one of them at least 3 times
but SM is complete unplayable garbage, I had to force myself to finish it, and I never touched it again
It was so bad that it convinced me to not touch the next set of games because they are probably going to be very similar
the only good thing about SM is that the artstyle is an improvement over the chibi art in gen 6, litteraly everything else is worse

>An objective analysis
>first four are subjective
>two are opposite

X and y are the worst in the series and doesn't get it easy just because it's the first 3D mainline game.

I almost fell for it until I saw the Fan Community part.

Has bacon pants showed up yet?

Nah, X and Y at the very least improved on several features like the Pass Powers which became O-powers and far more accessible and didn't remove any battle features.

SM on the other hand just fucked everything up and left just about everything up to RNG from the Plaza to SOS battles.

>niggers and spics as a problem with gym leaders

Stopped reading there

Don't post waifus.

>>bugs and glitches everywhere
wrong, unless you actively search for them, you rarely encounter bugs
>>zero postgame
It's about content, not postgame
gen 1 had more content than sun moon if you forget the online content

gen 1 is still probably the worse because it aged terribely, with bad menus, terrible HM mechanics, and ugly sprites
gen 2 fixed everything and every games that followed were an improvement
and gen V was the peak, everything that came after is shit

>tfw not a SuMo shill and can actually see dogshit for what it is
Feels good man.

>still can't come up with positive things to say about the games that singlehandedly sent the series to it's grave

Kill yourself.

Yeah, that's exactly what I said in my post. BW killed the franchise for me, so I never got around to playing the best Pokemon games, B2/W2.

Y'see, I loved IV the whole way through. I don't even really remember anything about my experience with BW because it was so uninteresting to me. I loaded it up a month or so back out of curiosity and was surprised that I had actually finished the main quest-line because I had completely forgotten about it. The only thing I could remember was my Bisharp and Darmanitan.

Why not? They're the only good thing Sun and Moon have going for it


As a single player experience everything it did to the series was either the same or worse. The multiplayer options are better in gen 6 though.

which pokemon has the best post-game content?

Why is she perfect


HGSS, Platinum, or Black 2/White 2

>saving samples

Black and White 2 has the most content in general

When was this made? Who even references Twilight anymore?

Go away, grandpa.

Fresh and new

You mean the first game in the series to add literally nothing to the core Pokémon formula except muh infinite use TMs

Wow, they really changed evolutions. Remember when the pokemon just glowed white and that was it? Now its like watching a Transformer go into fighter mode.

>being this wrong

It has a shit regione and a bland polemon design, but I thinks that N is the best rival of al pokemon games and single-handely save the game

>Pokemon evolve in the middle of doing some all-out blazing glory attack

Thats what they need to fucking do.

Couldn't be anymore wrong

>people who use muh pokedex entries to defend new designs when they'd probably defend shit like voltorb and muk if gamefreak wrote le deep pokedex entry about them

And Triples
And Rotations
And Hidden Abilities
And the Global Link
And multiplayer from anywhere on the map
And Pass Powers
Keep in mind that this is just BW.

What you're thinking of is SM where not only did it add nothing to the core Pokemon formula but it removed large parts of it that gave the game some variety and flavor.

Gf always remove things from past gens

>the absolute fucking state of Pokemon right now

These faggots need to be gassed. Not joking.

So what happened after these two games? The lack of quality after the jump to 3D is pretty apparent. XY could be excused because it was their first time doing a main series game with 3D models, but ORAS and SM seemed unnecessarily rushed.

Getting real tired of Game Freak removing features from games instead of keeping and improving shit, too.

How does it feel knowing you're the only person on Sup Forums who thinks that SuMo is good while actual intelligent people can actually see it for the abomination it is.


>Comparing shit like triple battles which you did like 3 times in the actual game to stuff like the addition of abilities or the physical special split

Neck yourself

(I will admit B/W2 fix alot of my issues with the first ones)

Yeah, the gimmicks.
This is the first time we've had battle modes and features that actively help the player out be removed from the game.

After all everything on that list survived the transition to gen 6 but it was gen 7 that went and removed everything but hidden abilities and the Global Link.

Fortunately it seems that the series is being put out of its misery after Shit and Poo basically killed the series due to the amount of negative reception it got.

God no. Last time in a long time in a long time I actually enjoyed a Pokemon game. Music was great. Pokemon were great. The change from the tired gym formula was awesome. X-Y,Black-White were literal shit

Didn't get to play the game sadly.
Was hyped for the Pokédex, and because I wasn't gonna get it, I decided to just Bulbapedia it and the most of the designs are really bad, save for some amazing ones. (Wimpod's evo, some UBs, etc)

>mfw emerald is better than ORAS

what the fuck went wrong with the 3DS games? Super Mystery dungeon is the ONLY good pokemon game for the 3DS, how did they manage to fuck up this fucking hard?

pokemon postgame is always garbage except in gold/silver anyway

B2w2 were the lowest selling games

>Negative reception
>Shit and Poo
Are you 12?


>Pokemon were great.
do I have to remind you that this is an actual pokemon? some sort of fish dog?

>>Comparing shit like triple battles which you did like 3 times in the actual game to stuff like the addition of abilities or the physical special split
Triples and Rotations did in fact change the way that players played the game regardless of if they were necessary during the main game. That's like saying double battles were a meaningless addition in gen 3 because they were scarce but now they're the main battle format considering everything is "balanced" around that.

That said the split was more along the lines of BST boosts in gen 6 didn't really impact how you played the game as much as the tools you used.

>Tiny cherry turns into anime plant girl with sailor moon-esque transformation
>shit design

To be fair, SMD is pretty damn fantastic.

Thats a mermaid and??

I blame Ohmori. ORAS with its one year dev time was clearly rushed in general with some bright spots amidst the darkness and I thought it was due to Masuda shadow directing for Ohmori preventing the latter from doing a good job, but after the shitshow of SM I'm convinced Masuda really did care about Hoenn and it's only thanks to him that ORAS had the good it did that wasn't just carried from the original RS.

Hopefully whatever is next for Gen VII has someone other than Ohmori directing. Or Masuda, because while I do think he's better than Ohmori, the best games had neither in the director's chair.

Sales =/= Quality

I pirated BW2 and bought fucking XY.
Yes, I am worse than Hitler kill me

It's a sea lion you mong.

>I liked XY/ORAS/SM

They're not 'perfect', but I had alot of fun with em'.

Sun and Moon are pretty shitty. I hate being stopped every 5 minutes so people can explain random bullshit to me.

They were the second best selling third versions after Yellow actually.

lions live in the savannah, not in the sea. Mammals cannot live in the sea

I like it, only pokemon hardcore fans don't like

>85 posts

What are whales?

Who cares about post game in Pokémon? Why does anyone give a shit?

GSC Kanto is overrated as shit and the Battle Frontier is just seven different varieties of cheating. Just condense that shit into a battle facility and be done with it.

should i play white 2 if i played white 1?

i want to catch them all, i dont care about the story.

BW2 > HGSS > Platinum > BW1 = Emerald > SM = FRLG > GSC > RBY > Dash > XY = ORAS

Prove me wrong

Australia is that you?

What's wrong with Dash?

Yes it is.

They dont care, because they know it will sell like hotcakes

This is one of the best pokemon designs in the whole series and you autists shit all over it just because bad pokemon design has become normalized after all these years and now you have bad taste.