Top Notch Quality,Right Sup Forums?
Top Notch Quality,Right Sup Forums?
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Why Did You Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word That Wasn't The First Word Of The Sentence Or A Proper Noun?
>t. retard trying to make money off of what is essentially Crowbcat's video
but it was made 2 whole days before crowbat's video.
stop jerking off some faggot and understand he was late this time and got beat to the punch buy at least 3 people.
Works on my machine
>Shitposting Wojak in corner
Fuck off and stop shilling your video
>autistic screeching in room
not my video faggot. fuck off crowbat and take your shit channel with you.
>That list of devices that interfere with the controllers
What was nintendo thinking?
>n-no, you're crowbcat!
>76k veiws
At least post the real video you copycat cuck
Jesus, what a mess.
>autistically poking the creek repeatedly when the game crashes on a game where the touch screen does nothing
That was more painful than the issue he was trying to point out.
It's Mister Metokur
>tfw you thought this was a thread about Notch
Works for me :^ )
at 6:14
i think the switch is possessed, somebody call /x/.
>Buying hardware at launch
Same sound as my phone after I dropped it.
It's less than 1% failure rate. Even in a part of the video the guy said probably because he dropped it.
Bait is bait. Don't drop the console and maybe bad things won't happen
Sure he did...
>expecting high budget & quality from nintendo
at initial release no less, please don't do that.
Look at the dates you fanboys holy shit you guys hop off his dick.