What expression is this trying to convey

what expression is this trying to convey

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I like the description I saw in an earlier thread. This is what autistic people think actual people act like. I'm sure it will be useful for case studies well after it comes out.

She's taking a huge shit.


Being proud of the nasty fart she just ripped.

Spess diapers thread?

what expression is this trying to convey

Removing an ingrown toenail

Can't wait to see SFMs based on this scene.

Taking the BBC.

when you remember that thing you did in highschool


She's cute

The sensation of an extra large shit passing through her tight o-ring.


She looks like she is dealing with heroin induced schizophrenia, not tiredness. Human eyes don't normally twitch like that, never focusing on a target, with tiredness.

Jesus this game is horrendous

>my face is tired


>my face is tired

fuck, it's like bioware knew their animations were shit and slipped that line in there to make it seem like there's a reason why she's looks like a plastic person.

>not BKC

Reminder that La Noire was six years ago

inserting a buttplug, a decent size one

>my face is tired
what did she mean by this

This is art

LA Noire used a large array of HD cameras to directly translate facial movements into data used by the game so what you're seeing is essentially an actor's face recorded into the game

Andromeda seems to mostly rely on shoddily implemented procedural face animation during normal conversation with occasional facial mocap during specific scenes.

Can someone develope autism

>my face is tired from dealing with... everything... and right now I just want to know what happened with... Alec... Not how he died, I pulled those logs, what happened with... Pathfinder?

Has Andromeda got a dynamic speech system where they throw in different nouns/names depending on your past choices or is this just terribly paced dialog?


Having trouble passing a lump of shit and then finally pushing the fattest part out

happens all the time. many such cases.

>High-ranking official
>Drowning in make-up like a slut

Yup, confirmed for Bioware


Dull surprise!

>Dr Pathfinder, my face is tired

That's the "Someone just hit my ankle with their fucking scooter and i'm trying not to shit myself" special.


Its trying to convey expression.

>this is vidya in 2017