I'm still mad.
Tales thread.
I'm still mad.
Tales thread.
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I don't get it
Who's the strongest Tales protag and why is it Ludger?
Wait so they have berseria cast in zestiria anime? What gives?
>is mad that alisha armatizes
>but doesnt say anything about special snowflake rose doing the same thing even though it made no fucking sense
Tales is shitty through and through. Even the one thing they do well (banter and conversations between party members) grows stale after a while.
It is the definition of weeb trash.
You can't armatize Alisha in game. And she was pushed out of the story for most of the game despite being way better than rose.
The stories are connected. Berseria is a prequel to Zestiria.
I'm actually very happy she armatizes. I'm upset about her treatment in the game. Sorry my wording was vague.
>is a prequel to Zestiria
Oh ok. I dropped zestiria after like 5 hours. Berseria is holding up alright so far, 12 hours in.
This is probably one of the best parts of the show apart from the berseria cameos and this makes you mad?
Daily reminder aizen became Dragon for mankind sake and only to get kill by lailah shepherd. Lailah fuck the world more than artorious.
You should be mad that the game couldn't be anywhere near as good as the anime. Fuck baba
tales of berseria 2
No my wording wasn't right. I loved this part. I'm mad about her treatment in the game.
Keep it up!
Basically. Holy fuck this anime just feels so much better.
If I watch anime will there be spoilers for Berseria in it?
I think they are working on a 3rd game for these stories.
Not if you play through the first few hours of Berseria. They haven't gone further than the intro sections.
>tfw Sorey purifies a dragon in the anime
>can't purify Aizen in game
Alisha was in a lot of promotional material for the game before it came out.....and shes barely even in the game at all.
>play her DLC
>can't armatize
>bad dungeon design as usual
>boring boss
>fox guy didn't do anything
what was the fucking point?
To shut up Alishafans and to rub Rose in everyone's faces a little longer.
At least the DLC was free for a period, made it feel like less of a ripoff.
Neither Rose nor Alisha mattered in the end anyway. Mikleo won the Shepherd bowl.
I don't think I have ever wanted mods for a game more than getting Alisha some proper treatment.
The only problem with modding her over Rose (I don't know if she can exist alongside the characters) is she doesn't have many weapons in main story and then you'd have to create models if you want her to armitize.
You could just port over her DLC self, but it'd take a bit of work in general just to keep her around longer.
>I'm mad about her treatment in the game.
Well, yeah. There are many reasons why zestiria is generally disliked.
They do mention the villains ultimate goal in the two latest episodes during berseria.
Reminder to download the playable Artorius DLC. youtube.com
This but for Alisha.
Zestiria X game cashgrab with Alisha's story integrated in the base game?
Maybe rewrite some of the stuff and don't ever fucking get Baba again.
Wait wtf happened, is this the animu?
might pick this up now then.
Do it. The anime is actually good and gives Alisha some main character level airtime and development.
I'd buy that.
>People praising the anime
It's fucking dogshit even on it's own. It has zero consistency, drags it's feet and the final confrontation just popped out of nowhere.
People are praising it because compared to the game, its not a steaming pile of shit.
>People are praising it because compared to the game
And I'm saying compared to the game, it's even worse.
I could list examples but on Sup Forums we've exhausted this argument and have come to an agreement that even though the game is terrible, the anime managed to be even worse.
Literally the only thing the anime has done was make Alisha relevant, but removed all reasons for her being relevant so now she's just hanging around, and people love it because girls.
mad at what?
that the game was shit?
that the anime was also shit?
goddamnit tales festival needs to come sooner and save me from this shitty tales universe
I'm only watching for velvet namedrop at this point. They sustain me.
If I didn't like Symphonia, will I dislike the other Tales games? The battle system and characters didn't do it for me. Should I still try another game?
Berseria was great. Zestiria was pretty bad but at least thank it for giving us Berseria.
What the fuck was with that anyway? Why have two episodes dedicated to Berseria if they're trying to completely cut off any connection to Berseria by changing how malevolence works?
What did namedropping Velvet accomplish?
Why was it so fucking important that Sorey get a book about Velvet?
While we're on this.
Did they actually retcon Dezel being blind for no reason?
What's the point in letting Rose and Alisha armatize if they can only do one attack each and then be on the verge of death?
Why did Symonne turn into a dragon when her entire thing is she CAN'T become a dragon because of her oath?
Why are there literally no hellions except these shitty CGI ghosts?
How the fuck did Heldalf get so many seraphim to the north and turn them all into dragons alone without them just peacing out?
Why is he ignoring Artorius's Throne/Camlann/Elysia?
Why did they completely remove ANY confrontation Heldalf had with Sorey after the war scene?
Why didn't Sergei teach Sorey Lion's Howl? We're not going to get Lion's Howl vs True Lion's Howl anymore.
Why the fuck hasn't Zaveid said DICK ALL about Siegfried to Sorey?
and last of all
Symphonia is pretty dated. Try Xillia 1 and 2, Abyss, Vesperia, or Berseria.
Waifufags started to waifu a character before her game was even out.
Then when the game came out she wasn't all that good or important a character and it's apparently bamcos fault they wasted their jack off sessions on a shitty retard.
Frankly I wish it would have served as more of a wake up call to these idiots than it probably did though because they decided to not care about the personality of a character when her design is cute.
Berseria handles both the battle system and characters very differently from other tales games
also its the best tales game currently on pc so maybe check it out
I cant believe how wrong they got the anime
I can't believe all the dumb decisions made just to pander and trick people into believing it was good
even normies are starting to realize that the anime is shit because of it's poor pacing, character development, character variety, and no sense of plot
Let's not forget the fact Sorey is going to purify Heldalf and Heldalf will say "thank you, my son" and they will live happily ever after.
Im just glad the equipment system isn't as fucktarded.
Still all these micromanaging minor stat boosts and upgrades really strikes me as kind of a pain in the ass. I wish we'd just go back to a NORMAL system where there was simply just a new weapon every so often in a store or chest or whatever. Im up to my tits in gear I don't feel like sorting through.
To be fair it's not like the game gave them a whole lot of plot and character to work with.
Sorey is about as interesting as a brick and most of the game was one over glorofied easter egg hunt.
Is slutty girl Jude's game any good?
Why is the anime so shit? Do I have too play the shitty game to understand it?
I didn't realize you could master skills half way through, I just thought it was like Zesitria.
Still, with grade bonus and Dire foes I was raking in 100 grade every 2-3 minutes.
Im only about 15 hours in and it's pretty good. A great deal better than Zesty anyways.
Eleanore best girl. Though I predict sometime in the next 5 hours or so she's going to do something really stupid.
because 4 Weapons, 9 Dual MAs and 2 exclusive MAs on top of a transformation.
You would shit on the anime more if you have played the game.
I think I might give Berseria a shot, it looks pretty interesting.
equipment with skills and overall having more importance in character stats and abilities has added an extra layer of micro managing that tales games do not need
though if I'm being honest, I don't like how skills and artes are handled in xillia 2 and abyss of needing to find special disks and to swap them around constantly for all the characters
stay away from both zestiria game and anime, they're both shit because they fucked up the story, charcters, and world in two different ways
I think the big issue I have is I can't really tell if a new piece I find is better than what I have because I plus three or whatevered it and you can't really predict what the new max of the new gear will be
Does anyone have a webm of symonne turning into a dragon?
Rate the lolis
Edna > Sophie > Suzu > Presea > Elize
I haven't played any other tales games besides those 5 though
>I cant believe how wrong they got the anime
It's not like they got anything wrong. They just blatantly retconned a lot of stuff to make it more interesting for people. So it's not a matter of tricking people into believing it is good. It is doing things a lot better than the game ever did.
Elize is a canon slut, so I like her a lot.
sick bait my dude
really interesting anime when its mostly alisha screen time, rose getting shit on for being a character that doesn't fit in this kind of world, other characters getting less screentime and development, and all of these issues but no yeah veeeery interesting
MORE interesting. It's all relative
The sequel better have a QTE where you punch Lailah in the face for five solid hours.
In fact, that can BE the game and I will still buy it.
I swear to Christ all the fucking shit she said made me want to drown her.
I don't watch the anime but I'm so happy for her.
finally, the best girl get what she deserve
>Sorey is a fat fuck and a total moron. Also his hair-feathers are stupid
>Fag is fag
>Marylin Manson tries to cosplay as the lucky charms leprechaun
>Alisha = who.jpg
>Zaveid = Japanese Gaston
>Rose can't decide which anime-stereotype she wants to be so she schizophrenically flips between all of them
>Generic mwuahahaha saturday morning cartoon villains so generic I can't actually remember their names
I have no goddamn clue why THIS is the game they decided to make a prequel to but it worked somehow.
You shut your whore mouth.
I unironically thought this was one of the best vidya plots I ever played. The storyline and characters are so tight that I can't name a flaw.
>it's even worse.
t. someone who never played the game
If anything, they both equally shit for different reasons.
Why is Zaveid so much cooler than everyone else?
>what was the fucking point?
To ship alisha with rose, and to please alishafags.
Namco tried to shut it down and make everyone shut up though the damage already done.
What about lailah?
Lailah does not exist. You are mistaken, good sir.
That's how she signals that she needs oniichan-coq.
I've played Vesperia, Xillia 1 and 2, and Zesteria.
Out of all of those I only like Vesperia, but I really, REALLY like Vesperia.
Is Berseria worth playing?
Damn, they really gave Baba and his shitty waifu the finger didn't they?
First Berseria, not the anime.
They left a lot of loose ends intentionally between Zesty and Bear for there not to be a third. Unless the economics just ain't there they should be doing a third title.
One too many characters that exists solely for comic relief. Bienfu could have been removed entirely from the script and nothing of value would have been lost.
despite it's few faults its still the best modern tales game so far
But she does and she did nothing wrong.
I just wish there wasn't so much DLC. I mean you run with pirates the pirate costumes shouldn't be DLC. That is so lame
>few flaws
Those can be easily fixed.
Well, Rose got an armatize too.
For all her problems armatizing wasn't one of them. It's not that she could do it because she was a special snowflake. She could do it because she was Dezel bitch and she'd been spiritually trained or whatever by getting brainjacked all her life.
>generic weeab game
>the girl in the picture is probably a 900 year old vampire with a magical hymen and wizard powers
>disappointed about something in the game
take your shit taste and go back to neogaf
maybe because his a mary stu?
zestria was a fucking mistake. kinda like xilla when you look back at it. wish they would make a new setting without half assing it.
I find most Tales music to be average but Zaveid has a really great theme.
>Hey Sorey, did I ever tell you that the Shepherds were originally evil and the first Lord of Calamity came about because of their actions, not the other way around?
>She was a good friend.
>tfw her VA is dead
fuck this gay earth
Xillia could have been good if they didn't rush it.
Zestiria had bad gameplay, music(Save about half a dozen tracks Sakuraba DIDN'T do) storytelling and characters.
But the setting/lore of it was pretty cool. It was a good foundation for Berseria to build on.
Only Baba. He got NTR'd by the girl he scrapped out of the plot.
So why didn't Loegres all get demon'd once Johan Liebert and his bird bailed?
I went back expecting to find I'd caused a zombie apocalypse and was disappointed.
Go Shiina is the greatest. I mean I know Legendia tends to be divisive (which frankly puzzles me as I liked it a lot) but have you heard it's OST? Absolutely glorious.
Get in line. They need to take a new stab at Legendia and toss in a Chloe ending.
>she was looking forward to getting better and finding herself a husband
>that feel when now she'll never marry you
I wish he had more work in the Tales series. I find Motoi Sakuraba to be pretty mediocre these days.
>proper treatment
The entire game needed a proper treatment. What the fuck happened? Games used to have decent story and characters. FF9, FF10, Tales of Symphonia etc.
Berseria, Zestiria, FF 15 are absolute dogshit. fuck you and everyone who keeps buying these shit games
Carrie Keranen isn't dead.
Xillia anime when
Seriously, even an OVA would be nice. Why the fuck would they skip over animating Xillia? Don't they want more glorious Sawashiro?
Her Japanese VA is
Seraphim and shepherd domain keep it safe.
>animating Xillia
Please no. The game was awful enough, unless they actually fix of some of the story and characters then maybe it'd be something to look forward to.