Max Payne 3

Why don't any of you lowlife nerds ever play a real mans game like Max Payne 3?

You fuckin twinkle toes there don't know what suffering is. Get outta here!

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Are you trying to say the games hard?

Max Payne was suffering in that it was really bland yes.

Max Payne 2 is where the cocks is at.

here are my thoughts

I almost got 100 hours on it i know fags will scream cutscenes but really you can skip 90% of those its only ever the first cutscene of a level thats unskippable but yeah its one of my favorite games of all time

unskippable cutscenes

>max payne 3
>not 1

I was playing it.
Got all achievements on 360, was in top multiplayer crew and I regard it as best third person shooter ever made.

I was referring to the whole franchise and highlighting 2 was easily the best one.

I did play it. Loved it.

I tried to play it but the cutscenes wouldnt let me so I uninstalled that piece of shit and went to play MP1 instead. Fuck rockstar.

Now we all know that the office is the best level, but what's the second best level?
I like the Panama flashback or NY graveyard levels myself.

>I regard it as best third person shooter ever made.
I completely agree, fun movement mechanics but still has a realistic sense of weight. Shooting somebody feels fucking fun, and that's where I feel that style over substance gook shit like Vanquish can't compete.

Club level is great.

Nothing fun about movement that simulates a fat middle aged alcoholic who struggles getting up from the floor

Did you play much of MP3? The movement was great. Rolling out of a corner and sprinting past bullets while emptying dual Uzis into filthy BRs is tons of fun.

Basicly this is how it goes

You are a story fag? Mp 1 & 2

Gameplay and story? Mp 3

People who say otherwise are blinded by nostalgia and their opinions are worthless


Yes I have unfortunately. It did not feel great at all, the rolling speed and distance was gimped to nothing, shoot dodging was even more useless than usual, running speed was slow as fuck and jumping non existent. Its by far the slowest most awkward movement in the series

Mona is my waifu

The rainforest part was pretty good too makes you feel like rambo

Honestly, I need to go back and finish it. I loved the first two. Been wanting to go back and replay them.

I still have my Max Payne 1 mouse pad hanging around.

Id love to hear your reasons for why MP3 has better gameplay than 1 besides that it has nicer graphics and animations


Just played 1 and 2 for a few hours they felt pretty clunky and old nothing has any weight to it it just felt like i was shooting at enemies with a waterpistol rather than actual guns

Sorry that iam not blinded by nostalgia

because its fucking boring

10 minutes of gameplay every 15 minutes of cutscenes

It's a terrible experience


I don't even consider it a Max Payne game.

So literally style over substance then? Because otherwise MP3 is just 1 except slower/more clunky, with worse slow mo mechanics, with a weapon limit, a cover system and way worse level design.

You can skip all cutscenes except the ones that play at a start of a level

No you cant, you can only skip part of them, often less than half


Maybe we just like different things? The game felt fast paced and fun to me dont know what your problem is

Yes? You didnt play the game then

how the fuck do you make the third game in this series so fucking humorless

max payne 1 and 2 are stylish comedies. this is just a sad guy whining about everything. why the fuck would you do this

The giant gun fight at that soccer stadium was pretty tits

He didnt yeah because he was too busy getting cockblocked by unskippable cutscenes disguised as loading lmao

How about you let the story be told and enjoy it you little babies.

I played like 5 hours before unskippable cutscenes happening after every gunfight got too tiresome, you claiming that they were actually skippable is new to me brother

You played it on the console or pc? On pc only the first cutscene on a stage would be unskippable untill halfway through then you could skip all the ones untill the next stage but i dont know if it is possible on consoles though.

Nope, on PC most cutscenes aren't skippable until an arbitrary point in them, anything before that gives you a "game is loading" icon and prevents you from skipping anything.

But the story sux dick

Huh i guess my 100 hours of playtime and experience failed me...whatevs gonna replay it and skip my cutscenes then goodbye

Look i really am honest about it i just played it the other fucking day skipped pretty much all cutscenes i really really have no idea what youre talking about maybe i can add you on steam and screen you my game and show it to you iam 100% genuine

A sad drunken guy not happy with what he is doing or where he is and after a day of killing people and being shot because of rich brat cunts no one should ever save, then goes home to drink and take pills and pass out...what's not to like?

but i like games

that means i like exploring levels myself, walking everywhere myself, having uninterrupted control over my character etc

this game will take control away from you sometimes multiple times in a single room. you won't be allowed to walk through a fucking door by yourself because it wants to show you a movie of max doing it instead. skipping the cutscenes doesn't actually fix anything, it just means the game now randomly teleports me around the level all the time.

>i'm walking into a room
>cutscene, hit escape
>i'm dangling upside down from a crane or some shit, shooting dudes
>cutscene, hit escape
>i'm in a different room now
>cutscene, hit escape
>where the fuck am i now?

it just takes the basic pleasure of controlling a character away from you. why?

Shit's even more devoid of humor and charm than Max Payne 2, Max doesn't even feel like the same character anymore. It's as you say, just some miserable old drunk shooting hues while complaining

Look dude i enjoy games aswell but max payne 3 isnt that kind of game from time to time i enjoy games like god hand and dmc 3 those games are awesome but i also enjoy stuff like mp 3 on the highest difficulty at times maybe it really just isnt your kind of game and thats fine but look at my situation....seeing all those max payne 3 threads where people genuinly just wanna talk about the game getting shitposted by mp 1 and 2 fags makes me mad

Maybe its due to my adhd that i can seemingly enjoy any game and see the amount of work and dedication put into it and i just hate how a great game like mp 3 just gets these words....UNSKIPABLE CUTSCENE...its like a stigma to dismiss anything good about the game even though the cutscenes didnt bother me at all but even someone like you can say something good about mp 3 i know it.....i know you can...will you?

I like that

both mp1 and mp2 were full of humor and charm. the difference is just that in the first one max is constantly undermining the seriousness of the situation himself, whereas in #2 he's a more serious guy but the entire world is making fun of him via tv shows, the funhouse etc. in mp1 max renders the world comedic, in mp2 the world renders max comedic.

in mp3 max is a sad man in a sad world telling you how sad everything is over and over again until you fall asleep.

Wasnt he also like that in mp 1 and 2 minus the drunk?

Wait so now you are mad that you DO get to skip the cutscenes?

Someone promote this man!

Well he's right to be mad that there are cutscenes in the first place. What kind of asshole developer uses custcenes?

no, i'm saying the cutscenes ruin the flow of the game whether you skip them or not

ALRIGHT! Enough about the cut scenes. Jesus!
I like the oomph you get when you get the kill cam, especially with a shot gun and just see a dudes face rip off. Very satisfying.

Nah he had that cheesy over the top dialogue in 1 that made the game's story a blast. Even moments of self pity and deprecation were light hearted. 3's just kinda miserable.

Yes, the cutscene issues are fucking annoying, especially when they chose to just not remove them even in the arcade modes. I have that shit installed on my SSD and it still forces me to watch half a cutscenes I've seen a million times before the "loading" is done.

That said holy shit MP3 is the best feeling gunplay I've ever experienced and easily fun enough to make up for the cutscene bullshit, mediocre story and poor level design in my opinion. The way the guns animate, the way people react to being shot, the way Max bounces off walls and and trips over cover if you don't time your shoot dodge correctly. The core element is just so solid.

Honestly I think MP2 is great as well, but 3's gunplay is a whole other level. MP1 has aged like fucking milk though and you fags can get outta here with that shit, none of the games' stories are good so MP1fags have no legs to stand on.

see what i'm used to is that when you like something you actually commit to defending it as opposed to pleading for mercy or whatever the fuck you think you're doing

Well you are right which is why thankfully you can skip 90% of them do you think i like to replay a game and just see the cutscenes of it again? I FUCKING HATE IT IT MAKES ME MAD FURIOUS EVEN but max payne 3 in its perfection and glory allows you to skip...90 % of those while in mp 1 and 2 you get a boring ass shitty game that has just some stupid comic strips thats even more annoying than actual cutscenes hell i would say you spend more time looking at the comic strips in mp 1 and 2 than actually playing the who is the cutscene heavy game now?

>MP1 has aged like fucking milk though
Literally how? It's the same fucking game as 3 except faster but with worse graphics/animations.

It is no where near as fun as max payne or max payne 2

Iam not pleading iam just saying thats something entirely different you fag also mp 3 is better than mp 1 and 2 thats a fact

>fucking Panama with that music

You mean it felt realistic which gave it the most weight and the best gunplay?

Clunky now is faster? Alright damn nostalgia is one hell of a fucking drug dont ever go into the fanbase hole or you die coming in and out

>i would say you spend more time looking at the comic strips in mp 1 and 2 than actually playing the games
Ye? I can start up either one of the games right now and not spend a single second reading a comic strip. Can you say the same thing about MP3's cutscenes? Even arcade still forces you to watch some fairly long cutscenes for christ's sake.

In what way is it clunky? You turn around faster, you run faster, you roll faster and further and you get up faster after a shoot dodge. It's faster and more snappy in every single way.

It's more like they wanted to make a Man on Fire video game and happened to cast Max Payne.

Game is okay, plot is embarrassing shit

>Pops pills and drinks
>Kills everything in sight
>Everybody in his line of sight, both friends and foe, die
>He keeps shooting left and right and wins

You are a colossal nostalgia fag like holy fuck dude get that cock outta your mouth before you drown in remedy cum...and fucking hell i loved alan wake you make me ashamed to like alan wake

That's just straight up wrong though and you know it, unless of course you haven't played 3. How enemies react when shot, Max's interaction with the environment and physics and whatnot all make 3 feel a lot different to 1. Not to mention the god awful platforming segments, shitty boss fights and the baseball bat sequence. I mean seriously, it's a game about shooting people in slow motion, what were they thinking with the baseball bat sequence.

Nice arguments faggot really showing everyone that your view is objective and not clouded by any silly bias like nostalgia lel

True dat yall but mp 3 still is da better game i mean come on now mp 1 and 2? Those clunky messes? HAHAHA

>How enemies react when shot
>Max's interaction with the environment and physics
Yeah, slow as fuck.
>Not to mention the god awful platforming segments
They're kinda shit but don't talk about the baseball sequence, it's a nice change of pace since the goal isn't to mow down enemies but to recover weapons which you can do in several ways. You can also recover in like 5-10 seconds after exiting the starting room

Alan Wake is the most repetitive game they ever did

>get blindsided
>run out of batteries
>fetch batteries
>rins and repea

It's one pretty PC game but as a game it's a 5/10.

All opinions in this thread dismissed goodbye fags

Oh yeah youre right about that i mainly just like the story athmossphere and soundtrack i know that the gameplay is repetetive as fuck still a personal 10/10 to me

>Why don't any of you lowlife nerds ever play a real mans game like Max Payne 3?

I'd love to, but I don't like to support games that require me to jump through hoops and create account on other sites when I'm already purchasing through Steam.

I could pirate it, but I already have plenty of other games to play.

Yes, you dense fuck, the different animations make the gunplay feel different, I don't know why you're acting as if that isn't the case.

>actually defending the baseball bat sequence
Come on now, all 3 MP games are at their best when you're clearing out rooms in bullet time. 2 and 3 understand this and spend most of their game time doing exactly that, instead of muddling it with drawn out labyrinthine platforming and poorly implemented stealth segments.

So whenever something is clunky and unresponsive i can just call it fast and dismiss good things as slow? Thanks for those arguments dude

Yes, "feel" different, but they function identically.
Nah in 2 you're spending as much time doing escort quests and walking around empty environments. As for MP3 do we even need to talk about the action gameplay ratio? Max Payne 1 is almost entirely focused on tight fluid levels where you're doing nothing but shooting, so a nice little break (literally 10 secs if you're not shit) in the form of the baseball bat segment is nice.
It literally is faster and more responsive though did you play the PS2 version or something?

>it literally is more faster and responsive


good job 9/10 bait you legitmatly trolled me iam out

Reminder that MP1, 2 and Strnaglehold SHIT on MP3 so hard that Rockstar should be ashamed of themselves.

That looks really awesome.

>Iam not pleading
>even someone like you can say something good about mp 3 i know it.....i know you can...will you?

you're literally begging me to pretend to like a game for you dude

>you fag also mp 3 is better than mp 1 and 2 thats a fact

i see you're compensating now for your earlier begging

but when i said you should defend games you like i meant with actual arguments

When it first came out, Sup Forums told me it was shit so I didn't bother with it.

Is it any better now?

No shit they function the same, they're shooting games. Click on an enemy to kill it. What I'm saying is MP3 feels better, but whatever that's subjective.

Also I'd like to point out that 3's gameplay parts are actually more focused on shooting shit as a ratio than 1 was (shooting shit is literally all that the gameplay parts of 3 are), its problem is the number of cutscenes. Which in a way is exactly what you describe the baseball part as, a short break between gunfights, so I don't really see what your problem is.


I had alot of fun on singleplayer and liked how accuracy and precision actually mattered but then tried multiplayer and saw they threw all that shit out the window for some gay fucking talentless run and gun hiding grenade simulator bullshit

Why not try it out?
Maybe check out a gameplay video and see if you like what you see.

Also don't let others tell you whats good. People have different tastes and you may enjoy something that isn't considered popular.
Also don't follow scores, for games or for films.
Little tip from me to you. Cheers bud. Proud of you. Keep it up.

>Also I'd like to point out that 3's gameplay parts are actually more focused on shooting shit as a ratio than 1 was
Well yeah of course because there's barely any of them. And don't compare cutscenes to the baseball bat sequence. The baseball sequence is a break from the shooting, not gameplay. It still has you in charge and delivers a unique challenge that can be tackled in a large number of way. Not to mention the problem with the cutscenes isn't that they exist, it's that there's so fucking many of them ruining any sort of flow you could get into during gameplay and the fact that a lot of them are long as hell and completely unskippable.

Haaw shit! That looks so fun. Just flying around shooting people like that. He even leaps off the wall!
Looks like a John Wick movie or something.

>Cheers bud. Proud of you. Keep it up.

Thanks, dad.

I love you, son.

>Got all achievements on 360

wow who cares you want a medal for wasting your time on that uber h4rdc0re no death mode

>having fun
>wasting time
I really enjoyed uber h4rdc0re no death mode. I even died to becker one time at the end. I was never filled with such emotions while playing video game ever

Yeah I agree, the cutscenes are pretty damn awful. Still, I'd prefer watching a half a cutscene or dicking around the police department like in 2 over platforming on pieces of string or chasing armed gunmen with a bat as breaks from my gunfights. But that's just me.

describe the emotions you felt user

Wait people actually did that shit on consoles?

I'd understand trying on PC, but playing third person shooters without aim assist with controllers/no mouse is literally fedora-tier

i mostly just felt like killing my dad and fucking my mom but that's normal