Literally overwatch

literally overwatch

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Obviously no one gives a shit.

They already confirmed a classic mode where these abilities are disabled. There are zero reasons to be upset about the abilities.

yeah this board is too underage/casual to care about quake even quakewatch

>take the most common Quakefag whineposts
>combine them into a superwhinepost


this games looks like complete garbage compared to ql and qw.. how did this happen...? at least i can still enjoy the new UT

This. Its not like anyone with half a brain will bother with game modes with that dumb shit. Its just to get sales from little kiddies.

cheeky cunt

The new UT is god-awful and will never be finished.

Good thing there's classic mode with no abilities.

you didn't like it?? i thought it was alright for TDM. not as good as QL but it's hard to find games on QL

So Quake is getting with the times like Doom.

Cool. The PC deserves one proper exclusive after all these years. I probably won't care for it, but have fun.

Got any more of these clips?

No, that is literally NOT what "literally" means.

I'm glad they're doing something to change up the formula.

Despite what you nerds cry about, no one actually wants to play an old-school arena shooter anymore. That's why every single attempt at releasing one in the last five years has had a dead-on-arrival player base.

Looks like Doom 2016 reskin

watch vids with gameplay from people who actually know how to play quake


is this the gamplay you're talking about?


Because it's the same engine?

>optional game mode

hurr ogrewatch

I'd rather have an arena shooter that people play than one that is dead.




>no strafe jumping

>New quake


>class and ability based 'MOBA' shooter

Literally dead on arrival.



are you blind or stupid?

It isn't.

>caring about things that don't affect gameplay

I thought it was fast

Woah. Fast.

Why is everyone saying it's fast?

Because it looked fast to me then another person posted it before me so now it looks like shill posting and I feel bad.

what game?

Why is the bunnyhop window so huge? He jumps every second or so towards the end of the webm and still gains speed.

starcraft 2
the bunnyhop/strafe jump acceleration is automated like it was in casual QL

>press button to kill

Son of a bitch dont watch it


>unlisted video

Hey Todd, how have you been?

Watching Sup Forums talk about arena shooters is pure cringe.

Why the fuck do some of you retards pretend to play/like them when you clearly don't? It's blatantly obvious that many of you faggots have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

I was Global Elite in CS:GO and I'm Grandmaster in Overwatch. I've never played a Quake game before. I wanna git gud at an FPS where my skills matter and I don't want to be dependent on my team.

you guys are delusional if you dont think team matches with abilities are going to be the absolute most popular games modes followed by duel

duel was never popular for any quake game compared to deathmatch or CTF


>Why the fuck do some of you retards pretend to play/like them when you clearly don't?

SO much this.

I hope that is a variable that can be changed on a server to server basis.

strafe jumping is not automated in QL



Of course it is

Im more worried by the fact that just like the new UT the animations are pure shit, compare the animation of him shooting that one rocket in the video the the rocket firing in the quake 3 webm already posted, in quake 3 the moment he fires the weapons violently kicks back whie in the new one he shoots its and the weapons just sways back at the same speed it sways front again, its making the weapon look so weak and soft

>That consoleish / NUDOOM type of movement

Just let it die please, quake is one of my favorite games, let it die with the dignity it had.


my point


my point is duel is a meme

Yes. And duel is the one without abilities.

>uploaded march 1
so all the skill overviews for the champions are already uploaded, just unlisted?

Champions being locked doesn't affect gameplay.
Okay mate.

>literally Overwatch

Goddammit I wish this meme would end.

well tim willits didn't specifically say duel had it disables he said you could change rules for gamemodes and turn off abilities
the question is whether or not you can do that as f2p or have to pay for the full game

cosmetics are locked not champs

Looks like fun. Abilities will probably spice things up too.

inb4 people who never actually played arena shooters in the 90s reply straight out of their assholes.

That is Quake 4 crouch sliding you dumb fucking nigga. One of the characters has it as a movement special.


maybe because all the ones he listed are total trash?

Maybe, just maybe, people want GOOD arena shooters again.

Holy fuck hes a hack.


what is this unreal clone

buy the game.

youlll get all champs

The music kind of reminds me of original Q1 OST.

>Quake Live

Fuck off poser.

>game is alpha
>first thing they did was make loot box and skins

fuck western developer fuck this trash game if you support this game you are the cancer killing gaming.

If you want your old shit why don't you play the original Quake? Really you fucktard wouldn't have accepted anything except for a copy paste of the old shit that you probably don't even play anymore but you speak out of nostalgia.
What's wrong with abilities? They just make the characters more different to play. What's wrong with lootboxes when the game is free?


Quake Live also has 811 people playing right now unlike the sub 100 player count totalasscancer mentioned.

IS there an arena shooter currrently active that isn't a knockoff?
I don't care about age.
What would you say is a genuine choice that is still played publicly today?

Honestly I liked warsow with it's walljumping shenanigans, sad it fucking died on arrival though :/


quake 3

Boy moves like an aim bot. Its kinda spooky.

Why do you even care? It's not like they influence the gameplay, they are there to get cash from the retarded league babbies and you piece of shit can enjoy the actual game without paying a cent

Quake Live
just don't play on the gay clan arena servers

Woah... literally Overwatch....


*Quake 3 CPMA


Will it bring Fatl1ty back to pwn some noobs?




>If you want your old shit why don't you play the original Quake?

EXACTLY! Everyone always says "oh man i want old school arena FPS back" without realising that all these old school arena FPS are still there, ready to play.

90% of the people in this thread probably won't even download Quake Champions anway because they will be too busy grinding the new Cowadoody on their shitty Xbawx or trying to force another TORtanic on Sup Forums.

damn nigga