What would make you resub, qt?

What would make you resub, qt?

Reverting classes to 5.4.
Will never happen so I guess i'll never resub.

Remove mythic+, dungeons give me aids.

no resilience
no flying mounts
PvP and MOBS reversed
PvP IT TAKES 10 people to take out one healer now a days
Critting = half of a PVPERS health
The classes have niche things they do that stun players like vanilla
Get rid of oneshotting npcs in higher level zones when you kill a person in a town
Make rarer items more rare.

vanilla to wotlk servers

actual pvp content

Remove treadmill mechanics

Replace with actual content.

So, Never Ever.

If they fire everyone involved and then start again from scratch.

>vanilla to wotlk servers
>continue with the A dev team
>no pandas ruining the tolkein aesthetic
>no lead pvp devs who play exclusively on tablets with styluses who decide ability crunch/homogenization is a great idea unilaterally
>find a way to make world pvp not ridiculous, and occur naturally like it in previous iterations (gadgetzan, STV etc)

A big point of contention are raid difficulties and the treadmill mechanics, remove the cavalcade of difficulty tiers, make ONE mode (think Ulduar) with activates challenges and rewards for hardcore players which actually unlock more challenges (more content, lore) instead of having everything through autistic as fuck menus and timers that aren't boss enrages

remove transmog, I know people wanted it - but in retrospect this removed a lot of magic from the game. It was a mistake.

make levelling an enjoyable experience again (more cool dungeons and storylines as you level, maybe even somehow dynamic and changing) I loved the defias/stonemasons storyline for example, and always enjoyed going back to it when making new characters, right now levelling is a complete chore you blast through in empty lifeless zones doing the same things, not expecting amazing storytelling throughout without repetition since there are so many levels now. This is a huge thing to balance and get right with so many expansions and understanding it's something people will have to do over and over.

I felt like it peaked at Wrath. Cata the zones began to feel derivative, (water zone, earthy zone, "fire" zone) Northrend and Outland were actually unique and timeless experiences that felt connected to lore.

In my humble opinion, vanilla to wotlk with some healthy quality of life UI updates would be ideal. and see where we go from there.

thanks for reading

> try out the vanilla Elysium server
> things are going okay, despite numerous technical issues
> someone posts questionable evidence that the Russians running the server are just using it to sell gold
> instead of addressing it like sane people, Shenna and Vitaliy (who own Elysium) sperg the fuck out to the point where several dev team members and admins leave

I'd honestly rather deal with official vanilla servers than go back to that insane shithole.

I played on Nostalrius (first one) and got to level 50 on a warrior, even got the epic sword from ZF then it got DELET by blizz


Should have known better than to play on a private server if your not prepared to suddenly lose all progress.
Only reason i'd like official servers.

Revert back to comfy MoP :(

Cheaper game tokens, and more content.

I stayed subbed through WoD because they were 40k gold, now they've gone up by 250% and since I can't afford to play with money (well I can, but it's not worth it, the game is not that good) it's not worth it anymore.

As for more content, Legion was a step up quality-wise, but the raids were easy enough to do on normal with a PUG in the release week and everything else didn't take very long to do.

PvP is the only way to add replayability, so I'd suggest a greater focus on that, but they made it worse this expac by removing muh goblin glider cape and muh nitro boost belt from BGs.


>Cheaper game tokens
Good luck with that m8, the more functionality they give them the more gold they will cost.
Blizzard is also maximum jew with them.
Charge you $20 for one which can be converted into 30 days of sub worth at $15 or $10 of blizzard credit.

class design is dog shit atm, that is the number one issue.
they need to do massive overhauls for every spec, they also need to massively change whatever development structure is in place that allowed class design to get this shitty in the first place. people need to be fired, something needs to happen at blizzard so better people are in charge of each spec's design.

Item randomization, drop-able items open world dungeons full factionless pvp option.

Sorry I don't want to get the same item 90 times with a higher item level. Everyone has the same shit. ROLLER COASTER RUINS THE POINT OF OPEN WORLD there really isn't shit to explore.

MoP was miles better than both WoD and Legion. At least class design anyway.

MoP and wrath were so comfy

Unironically this was a really good expansion.

Even with Pandas, this is the best expansion.

>Good luck with that m8, the more functionality they give them the more gold they will cost.
I'm aware of that.

>Blizzard is also maximum jew with them.
Yeah basically that's the problem. Because they moderate the market, and because of the price discrepancy you mentioned, they have the power but not the incentive to lower prices.

Legacy Servers.

I mean okay, I just want to ask the question: From a business point of view, what is holding back Blizzard from giving us what we want, aside from admitting "well nevermind we changed our mind"?

As a player I don't understand at all their stance, so do we have an experienced businessman around here to explain why does Blizzard do that

Isn't this token jewery enough evidence that they put profits in front of everything else.
Same with all the time gated shit, maximum profit minimum effort.
Just look at how much hearthstone nets them and that shit probably didn't require a lot of resources to make.

Yeah their monetary system is their biggest failing desu. It gets in the way of their game design, even though they have the talent to make good content. Even when the content is bad, it's usually professionally done. It's just expensive.

>We know the current content sucks and should never be paid for so lets split our playerbase even more than realms and phasing already do by offering them multiple eras to play in. Like private servers except we'll make them pay for decades old content.

Gee I wonder.

I already resubbed this month because I was bored and had nothin else to play.

Was that ever doubted?

It's such an obvious business tactic that I'm beginning to wonder if the problem is in supporting multiple generations in the legacy servers (to satisfying different fans) or in deciding on which specific generation to support in totality (which will piss off people who want a different generation). They're both logistical headaches, in different ways.

>still not max level

stop posting and get leveling slut

except if blizz make legacy it wont just be the current playerbase it'll be the millions of people who used to play and new people who feel like they can join now since its not a game with 20 years behind it

imagine they REMADE wow, just completely from the ground up,not WOW 2 but the same game and remarketed it

it'd be huge

I'm pretty sure that there are enough people interested in each expansion (except maybe cataclysm but who gives a shit) to make at least one realm of each pay off the costs

>split out playerbase even more

As far as I know there are multiple realms currently live, so what would be wrong to cut down on how many there are, aside from "oh no I don't want my realm to be merged with another, I'm emotionally attached to the name"

i'm already subbed
hello warlock


i just resubbed after not playing for 4 years and its pretty fun so far

I'm subbed cause I'm literally too lazy to unsub. I'm not even playing.

If they make leveling and exploring more important than endgame grinding over and over and over again.
I.e. I'm not resubbing this shit ever.

>Cheaper game tokens
You know, they were cheapest when they were first released.

And all the ban waves of bots started happening near the release of WoW tokens. Gold sellers still make a profit but everyone else gets fucked. Everyone, legit and otherwise could get tokens easily but not anymore.

Blizzard increases the token's gold price on purpose and it goes up even higher when they made them transferable to other Blizzard games.

Blizzard is the biggest Jew company that exists.

Revert hunters back to WoD or MoP and I will play. New hunters are boring as shit

I unsubbed before nighthold came out because as a casual i already was in a guild of randoms that regularly had mythic+15 running whenever a good keystone showed up and was more than capable of clearly mythic everything except the framerate loss shitfest that was the helya fight.

When your fucking week in wow revolved around farming for gold/sitting and waiting for a high level keystone to pop because titantforging dillutes the fuck out of the worth of gear drops and you just have to fucking hope rng gives you a good stat roll out it because really fucking boring.

At least in vanilla - wotlk the item values were set and tied to specific difficulties and wasnt designed to force artificial content

>dont play for 6 years
>come back
>enjoyed the first few months of legion before end game kicks in and i realize how fucking atrocious the game is now

its not even end game anymore when literally everyone is given a participation trophy

I'm no businessman, I don't know anything, the reason I imagine is because if they do legacy servers and it does gain a decent amount of traction, they can then see in numerical form how many people they can never sell a new expansion to. If legacy servers were to take off, I feel like that's them admitting "this is our ceiling" they'd be admitting they know their new content isn't doing it for at least some percent of players.

Delet this

Completely revamp the game so that it is fun

making it a fantasy eve online

remove the entire suramar zone

Same. I had fun for almost one month, but with leveling all the fun ended as well.

If they introduced mandatory and proper level scaling. As a level 110 I could go back and do whatever dungeon at its intended level, or be at a zones current questing level. (ie as a level 110 I enter STV and become level 30, or enter Scholomance and become 40, enter BT and become 70). This makes these zones somewhat relevant and challanging again.

It will make it extra relevant if...

>introducing PROPER pristine servers

which should include
>new characters only
>no flying
>return to the old levelling pace (make levelling in general more difficult)
>removing welfare epics/legends

and most importantly
>ONE standard and relatively difficult raid difficulty
>gated or laddered content (in its own expansion only .ie must complete kara and mag to get to SSC/TK, complete SSC/TK to get to MH/BT etc - same with other xpacs)

and EXTRA relevant again if -
for BOTH pristine and normal servers

>level scaling as mentioned above
>Introducing extra content and dungeons where they were removed or not finished from earlier expansions.
>Heroic modes added to vanilla dungeons (for level 60s)
>Normal and heroic + modes only (3 difficulties is just too much and no needed)
>number crunching
>removing RNG and world drop legendaries
>Reintroduce some of the old talent tree methods to the game.
>bring homogeneity back to classes
>introduce GEARLESS and fixed state Bgs/areanas this time around (instead of the 10% shit)
>Rework Achievements (including the introduction of new achievements - players must NOT lose their old ones)

Also, not that this will EVER happen, but especially get rid of the cash shop and all RL money related scams.

Do this and the game will be challenging and worthwhile to play again. Sense of investment will return, and plebs will get to wallow in their normal servers with LFG/LFR.