Why does every youtube/twitch video gamer get it wrong?

Why does every youtube/twitch video gamer get it wrong?

>Interrupt commentary to shout out subs or donations
>Donations or subs have a sound clip that is super loud and ruins the stream
>Long annoying intro
>Calls their subs something like "bros" or the "germalets"
>is a 5'7 manlet
>does sponsored content they obviously hate

Only person that seems to do it right is pic related, all good youtubers start to stream and never return like star_

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E-celebs are cancer and don't belong here you pathetic waste of a pulse.

NL is reddit incarnate

Yes but the egg is shit at almost every game it plays and it never learns

Proof? He's got a 10/10 japanese waifu

She's Korean.


Because that's what their viewers like to see and gets them more money.

Every big channel is cancerous, especially now when big game companies have started giving early access to their games. Everything is Mr. Positivity all of the sudden, and no criticizing allowed!

The first 4 things are things that WORK.

If you shout out subs or donations, you get more subs and donations. The sound clip adds to it. The intro builds branding, and making a name helps fool idiots into thinking the streamer is their friend and they're part of a community.

When twitch gaming first started, no one did that shit, and people who figured it out made more money.

It's annoying to people like you and me, but it works on normal fags, and you're a fool if you think almost everything any successful streamer does isn't calculated as fuck.

And she's a 5/10 at best




Post pics

Why does he keep advertising his friends? Like he's namedropped a person whose name I can't remember several times during his solo isaac videos and during the nlss. wish one of his **friends** would call him out on it

Star_ is a better streamer than Youtuber when he plays singleplayer/co-op games.

Why would they call our the only reason they make money? Nobody watches if nl isn't around

Weren't the nlss people already successful streamers/youtubers with a loyal fanbase before doing nlss? except for dan that is


NL is more popular than all his friends combined

She's cute.

Only maybe Austin and he's peanuts compared to NL. NL shouting out subs at the end of a show is like 3 minutes long, he's raking in cash.

Nek only started out because of nl and needs him
Rob isn't funny
Baer has a hot wife and mostly died YouTube anyway
Josh has a real job
Dan won big brother


NLSS duo Power ranking
>Elder god Tier
Egg and Nick
>It's gonna be social engeringering
Egg and Dan
>The salt will flow
Egg and Rob
>it's always decent
Egg and Austing
Egg and Bear

done right


>Elder god Tier
>Egg and Nick
this, a lot of people hate nick but his bantz with NL are pure kino

Streaming is a business and the things OP lists are proven ways to increase revenue, just look at cohh or sodapoppin both are annoying, one is an absolute cunt, but they do these things and more, and rake in money. Also don't forget charity streams they're great for advertisement and makes it look like you actually care when you quite often don't.

It's unfortunate but sometimes you will find someone who cares about their community but unless they start exploiting their community they won't be making much money in comparison because streamer revenue comes from tips / patreon and things like that which directly come from the consumer.

stop watching front page shit

the only streamers I watch are gamers who are better than me like WR speedrunners or occasionally tournies.

>Dan playing advanced mindgames with NL in that For Honor series
The dude is a madman

>"Baer has a hot wife"
>thinks kate is cute

Your taste makes that claim dubious. Post her.

The only problem I might see people have with Nick that always drives the discussion into a weird direction, but I always hold that that's why you watch them anyway.

I can't believe he still uses that fucking scream.


>after an hour NL is double teaming people and enjoying it

Dan is a real villain


>no name streamer, have like 100 followers and never get more than 300 views at a time
>good at the game but very quiet, only talk when chat asks questions which i answer in depth (mostly pertaining to the game's balance)
>people keep asking me to talk more and more
>"please comment on what you're doing, I want to know what's on your mind while you're playing like this"
>"please add a subcription shoutout and allow donations

>just want to make a comfy quiet stream of a good player pubstarring
>end up quitting because weird faggots won't stop jerking off over my voice

Never again.


Streaming is 100% easier than fucking with editing of videos and uploading them.

Replying to youtube comments is much more of a chore than just yammering on and on with a live chat and glancing to a question randomly.

Streaming is just way too easy compared to making videos.

>dan converted NL to the dark side

How is Broteam not dead of liver failure yet?

>jerma streams tf2 again for the first time in forever
>nostalgic faggots keep donating hundreds just for seeing him turn the game on and interrupts whatever jerma was doing
>his gf makes him too nervous to make stupid jokes like he did before, no sphee

>Implying that ever happened
You quit because your streams were shit and you couldn't get an audience. Nice story though.

>that s++ tier docket with Afterbirth+, gang beasts, and Pinturillo
>no fucking josh
>barely any fun
>not enough people for a great gang beast

He's the best boy.

He has a bunch of fucking amazing shrieks for month anniversaries now.

Reroll my run.

I miss off world trading company videos

Superior canadian dolphin hybrid body.

this run is proof that NL's raw isaac skill is world-class

You need to thank people and make them feel special, otherwise they wouldn't give you money. They also give money so the streamer will read their messages and they can feel like the streamer cares about them.
Very basic stuff.

after seeing her she is at minimum a 7 on the asian scale. Her skin and teeth are flawless. Nice eyes and smile, the only obvious negative is that hairstyle, those bangs are atrocious and her face is way to wide for that hairstyle.

Likely the bangs are to cover up shitty eyebrows, but there are better ways to do that.

She has her hair dyed gray now and she looks like an old lady.


>wife has been living in canada since she was a child
>still speaks like a fucking retard

>all those people bitching at NL for saying that dataminer is shit


>that fanmail episode where someone sent him and his wife a sailor girl outfit, a captains hat, and a box of condoms

Shes pretty average asian-wise but I would fuck her.

>Donations or subs have a sound clip that is super loud and ruins the stream

I'm not going to say "liked" because we all know how that word goes down with Sup Forums.

But is NL Sup Forums's "Least Hated" streamer?

no jerma is, but nl behind id say

He used to be good until he started to do shit with his retarded friends, that stupid rock faggot that would make high pitched noises every time some followed him, fuck that cunt.


Broteam is a treasure.

truly a Canadian wizard


isnt that the dude that used to stream shirtless until twitch made it a policy to not allow that

>Interrupt commentary to shout out subs or donations
I experienced this during an MGS blindplay.



Money corrupts! so learn your lesson and drop those bitches as soon as they get too big to produce acceptable content.

>Interrupt commentary to shout out subs or donations

because they give them money and they want to thank them for it.
>Donations or subs have a sound clip that is super loud and ruins the stream
>Long annoying intro
they have a mental illness
>Calls their subs something like "bros" or the "germalets"
their entire career is based on pretending losers that watch their videos/streams are their "friends"
>is a 5'7 manlet
>does sponsored content they obviously hate

is this just some shitty bait thread or advertisement? or you a moron and need to ask basic questions?

>Watching anyone with a sub button.
>Watching anyone with more than 50 viewers on average.
There are thousands and thousands of streamers on twitch, who many do a great job. But they don't get seen by the likes of you, because they're not popular enough to receive asslickings from sycophants.

Maybe you should have donated excessive amounts of money to your favorite streamers before they realized normalfags will take care of them and shut-in NEET fucks will only complain when they change.

I have 1600 hours in Isaac and still don't have Lost and Keeper

Power of canadian moose magic?

NL is honestly one of my favorite human beings

The only good twitch streamers are speedrunners.


Vinny Vinesauce doesn't do any of those things.

He's an unfunny retard who jumped to Overwatch when it was expedient.

Quick question to anons - do you prefer lets plays (fucking around with live commentary) or rather more informational videos (such as strategy guides and reviews)?
Is a deeper voice more preferred than a squeaky one?

You're voice shouldn't be the draw, its what you talk about