What's the hardest you've ever laughed in the vidya?
What's the hardest you've ever laughed in the vidya?
>in the vidya
Well, I dont know a lot of games that give you the option to laugh, I guess Spinal's skeleton Run and maybe his taunt.
Those are pretty hard laughs he makes
That's a tricky thing to pinpoint. It was probably when GTA V launched and I spent hours just sprinting around and using the ragdoll button so much. My dad walked in and compared me to a cat that got some expensive bed and plays with the box instead.
Was in a coop only server in OFP:R game,we usually had custom message for deaths,orders,teamkills and stuff as some people with tunnel vision was unable to read orders and coms due being drunk or stoned 24/7 like Kyle.
Little we know that one of those drunk tards was also a shaman and managed to make custom teamkill death messages based on who killed him.Happens that Excalibur and Cooperaman were in and during a raid in Nogova they manage to TK him
Message was like
>this Piggy was excaliburied thanks to cooperman cooperation for ending my stupid life two minutes straight after missions start
Server imploded and this thread died.
Skeleton walking animations with Haste spell in HoMM III
Playing F3AR online with a friend, griefing people whilst reading Anal Cunt lyrics to him. We were in tears, and my parents came in concerned, thinking i was genuinely crying in the middle of the night.
South Park the Stick of Truth Gnome fight the whole scene was hysterical but the gnome getting killed by the dad's balls was the GOAT.
The "this is the part where you die" part in Portal 2.
Trevor going to meet the FBI in a helicopter with "fuck the feds" written on the side.
The Romeo and Juliet play in NieR is legit hilarious.
This made me laugh back then.
Not 'in', but Mass Effect Andromeda threads
Shotgun kills in CSS.
Probably San Andreas tbqh. I haven't played many "funny" games, where comedy or satire was a large aspect of the game.
first time playing exanima
Watching the intro of Bayonetta 2.
Not a lot of games make me laugh or even chuckle. youtube.com
Is probably the only time I've ever laughed at a game, it's so unexpected
planetside 2 kills me with laughter because i play NC
>rolling in my vanguard
>notice a parked reaver repairing
>pass it and look back
>a lightning driver drifts into the reaver blowing it up while playing deja vu on proxy voice
>lose tank because i can't stop laughing
i wish i recorded that moment
Mass Effect Andromeda threads right now, famalam.
preach it brother, 2 hour demo that is fucking awful, people still defending it. Jesus christ
Fuck I remember when they had those stupid snowballs for Christmas I spent at least 2 hours just whipping them at shit
Probably some csgo game where something outrageous happened or where there was funny banter.
Reign of Kings with couple of friends during the early access was the hardest I have ever laughed. The game had so many fucking bugs and ridiculous shit.
I don't think I've ever done a Big LOL at the vidya but I have been overwhelmed by how amusing something is that I'll just grin wildly
Examples include:
>In Bravely Second when Yew is remembering his older fat bishop friend and his dumb face pops up in the corner all :D
>Lisa when you climb the big dumb rope
>Nearly every part of Barkley Gaiden, I didn't play it when it came out so when I played it like last year it was a beautiful time capsule. When she leans in to kiss Cyberdwarf I went bananas
Probably not the most funny moment I've had in vidya, but definitely a memorable (copypasta) moment in Dark Souls:
>do some dickstab forest invasions with new character
>not working out so well because of gangbang squads, although I get a few decent matches
>start to get tired of getting raped, form new strategy for when I'm outnumbered
>new invasion, gangbang squad, what a surprise
>run off to the cliff area that leads to the hydra in the basin below
>get snagged on some trees in the process like a dumbass
>host is booking it towards me
>continue hauling ass into the cliff area with the host right behind me
>get on the ladder that leads down below as a desperation move
>host charges me with a running attack but misses completely because I'm on the ladder
>falls into instant death water below
>laugh my ass off for a couple minutes
I tried doing the same basic strategy for more invasions, and while I didn't get the host to fall off the cliff again, it got me a few victories because my guy was a caster and it was real easy to hit them with some magic on a narrow ledge.
I don't think I've ever laughed at anything organically created by vidya, just spontaneous things like glitches and bugs.
I miss the glitch threads we used to have
When I heard that boss theme from Blue Dragon I lost it.
thoroughly humiliating my brother in DBZ Budokai 3 with mr satan while he rages
typically we were pretty even in the game but that time i was on fire
>That mission where Russell hammers it full speed on his motorcycle through the barrier/explosives and blows himself up in Bully
motherfucking god hand
played through it with a friend one night, good times
tf2, gmod, and the dark souls games too, just because of how much ive played them
The BEST boy.
Hard to pinpoint.
Probably Counter-Strike 1.6 or Source
So many ridiculous things happened, so many great and hilarious conversations I can't count.
old CS community was fucking great.
look at it now..
playing soulcalibur 4 with friends
Watching my friend try and rocket jump and fail in Serious Sam multiple times
Watching and playing Andromeda tbqhfam
>Gang of friends all together in Teamspeak
>We start playing Half-Life DM:Source
>We're on crossfire
>Fight breaks out at the silo
>Friend pressed the nuke button and I set up mines in one of the room
>He lobs in grenades and kills me as the rocket launched into the air
>Other friend goes "Oh that wasn't half bad."
>Nuke sets off killing and crashing the server
Get rid of that yeye ass haircut, niiiggaaaaah
Shenanigans years ago in one of the TTT servers I used to frequent.
Hearing that an opposing team in a tournament had to forfeit due to one of their players having their PC being taken away due to CP being on it
Qry wins again
saints row 3 co op
me and a friend both went full nude with TF2 masks on and ran around in the streets
They had CP on their PC?
Probably the first time I heard Batman say "You're safe now" in his autistic monotone voice.
MGS3 has a lot of intentional and unintentional funny moments.
My favorites are some of the codec conversations, like the ones about glowing mushrooms.
Another funny moment I remember was when I was playing some Street Fighter 4 offline matches with my friend a long time ago:
>I was playing El Fuerte, he was playing Akuma
>I wasn't that great at the game, he was better than me overall but I still did decent and I would win some matches
>I liked El Fuerte's shenanigans and would frequently use his dash move only to feint backwards with the light kick maneuver during his dash just for some mixup
>during one match he was zoning me out from full screen and he had a good bit of ultra meter too
>get the brilliant idea to dash at him and feint backwards to bait out raging demon
>he falls for it and activates raging demon thinking he'll get me easily
>use my own ultra immediately afterwards
>was a little worried it might miss because it might land too short or too far, but it was actually perfect
>yell out "FLYING NIGGER BUSTER" because it was such a perfect bait & punish
>KO'd his ass with ultra finish
Any source for that cool story?
I'm currently doing saints row 3 co-op with a really good friend of mine.
I'm cosplaying as Judy Hopps and he hates every second of it. I told him to do Nick but he won't go for it.
Fighting games have a lot of hilarious moments of pure bullshit
Can't find a good image, but it was probably on Spartan: Total Warrior, there was this villain called Sejano (I think that was his name), and at one point he summons a skeltal dragon, and one of your companions said something like "your mother is uglier than you Sejano". The edgy and autistic twelve year old that I was keked a lot.
some chat banter in a multiplayer game
The guy had a nice healthy dose of CP and lolicon stored to his hard drive and online storage
Ghost Quarters Combat Tournament
probably when we botched the payday 2 train heist while playing with friendos
>playing TTT
>late night, like 8 people
>at max two people regularly in VC, sometimes a third and fourth chime in
>we're on the OoT time map with the huge windmill
>the guy who keeps talking us jokingly asking for the mods to give him a special rank for his birthday
>you can buy The rounds from the point shop
>one round it's five fucking Ts
>he climbs to the top of the tower next to the shop
>dropping Ts left and right with headshots
>it's Dr. Kleiner with his hand on his head screaming IT'S MY BIRTHDAAAAAAAY
>I activate the T trap and electrify him
>as his body falls from the top he starts screaming
TTT is stupid
What's with the amount of hackusations in 1.6? Shoot someone through the wall once and they're calling hacks for the rest of the game. I'm afraid to wallbang if I'm new to a server because I've been banned so many times for doing too well.
Well shit, wrong thread.
Trolling team mates in the left 4 dead games always gave me stomach cramps from all the laughter Id be doing.
>running from tank
>run past a door
>close it in a team mate's face
>open and close it repeatedly so they can't just open it and get through
>they fumble at the door while the tank catches and kills them
>about to escape on helicopter
>see a team mate struggling to make it
>don't help them
>as soon as they get close to the chopper, shoot them to incap them, triggering the escape cinematic for the rest of the survivors
>play vs mode as sirvivors
>immediately kill myself in order to gimp my own team
>playing infected
>see a smoker choking a survivor
>i kill the smoker, freeing the survivor
Oh man, I laughed just typing that shit out.
Remembering that saints row 2 coop playing two humongous fat ass wearing bikini and make up, mainly riding a scooter. Also it was hilarious to drive some kind of little cars.
First thing I couldn't get into Sr3 is why did they put some kind of limit? that's just retarded.
>Dragon's Dogma
>my strider pawn gets grabbed by a gorecyclops
>the other two pawns start focusing
>I climb up, cut the helm's strap and start stabbing the eye
>as soon as the cyclops lets go, my pawn does a brainsplitter all the way down
>mfw the 4 HP bars the motherfucker had left just vanish in like 1.5 seconds
Are you 12?
Going along with a character in game laughing pretty hard. One of the male miqo'te voices laughs pretty hard too.
>playing UMvC3
>friend is middling at fighting games
>spam the Frank West cart assist and Dante's guitar one
>at the start of the match mash like a fucking madman and get 3 pieces of evidence
>X factor and go into Turnabout mode and fucking trap him with the flowers to the point where he can't move and so juggle his next two fighters infinitely
>one match he goes full rage mode and cuts me down
>Phoenix still alive
>fucking destroy him with level 3 X factor
>we're both one hit away, he's Vergil
>he does the full screen super
>advancing guard and use the level 3
>we're fucking shouting OOOOOOOO like we're watching football and calling goal
Don't mean "was he twelve?" Left 4 Dead came out almost a decade ago
Oh yeah
>log into expert game
>wait until the survivors are all grouped up
>molotov the ground at our feet, wiping us
Fuck Im literally im tears as I type this shit. Fuck I can't stop laughing.
clips.twitch DOT tv/ConsiderateFrigidShallotOSkomodo
Maybe he was 12 when the game came out.
played Ultima VII recently, that game made me laugh quite some times
>What's the hardest you've laughed
>playing expert dark carnival
>3 friends while I'm the random
>fuck with the guy who has a stick up his ass minorly along the way but try to finish
>we're at that part with the carousel, all on edge
>I shoot him right as the tank spawns and incap him
>gets up on death's door, we're ACTUALLY at the carousel now
>Run ahead and start it, Molly the entrance
>walks into fire and falls backwards dead
L4D1 ragdolls are fun but 2's set animation is a real gem
This is also great.
that's not even close to laugh-worthy
you might get a lil' shit-eating grin out of it but you don't have a laughing fit for standard asshole techniques like that
If you mean as done by the developers then probably every single bit of Armed and Dangerous, if you mean in multiplayer/single player then it was halo 3 Custom games.
>that kid I kept getting matched with on L4D1 campaign and shooting to B&W while he actually reee'd is done with college
>I'm still here
Probably Red Dead Redemption online multiplayer with a friend. We'd joust with knives on horses but one of us would usually cheat and use the explosive rifle instead. Or we'd steal wagons and ride them off cliffs. Good times.
I think you are twelve.
Played DayZ with friends, we got a bunch of cars, set out to refuel, got attacked by zombies during the refueling, and then someone pinged out due to his third world tier internet and nobody noticed. We were cleaning up after the fight, I notice his gun's still aimed and he's not moving, he audibly pings out in Teamspeak and everyone else starts walking in front of him.
"What? Why?"
Then all the bullets he was trying to shoot erupt all at once when he reconnects and everyone starts getting hosed down with bullets. I'm pretty sure we would have been fucked if I didn't put medical equipment in the car.
It's not that funny in text but I could barely breathe when it happened.
not counting multiplayer games, probably it was the LucasArts games that were actually pretty funny
What zombies lmao
It was long before the standalone.
I laughed really hard the first time I watched CHINESE
It wasn't me playing though
This is so unfunny that i actually burst out laughing
Not even memeing
>I miss the glitch threads we used to have
Have you not seen all the Andromeda threads?
Recently,breath of the wild's ball maze shrine was pretty funny to me. I spent 5 minutes trying to do the maze until flipping the controller upside down and finding the bottom side of the panel and just using that. Very cheeky feel
Also, getting smacked off a mountain and rolling down it for a good almost 10 seconds, unable to die because I had a fairy on me.
And also stealthily shooting an enemy in the back of the head with an arrow from afar, except I missed and killed nearby goat who walked by instead
Emptying a sub machine gun into the final enemy in that club level of max payne 3. Before that it was watching a dude infront of me get mantreaded.
Oh god L4D2 was one of the highlights of video game experiences for me, next to classic WoW raiding and playing KH and shit for the first time.
Had 3 friends that would drink and smoke while we played versus all night. It was great because we'd wreck and get wrecked evenly. Holy shit nostalgia, I can't play those games anymore just because I know I'll never come close to the amount of fun I had with them.
>be ten
>playing burnout map on roblox
>me and some other guy agree to race
>we pick the fastest cars and blast through half of the map, drive under tunnel, him next to me but separated by the support beams in the middle of the tunnel
>5 seconds later out of nowhere suddenly another player in a police car drives directly into him, the two exploding into atleast a thousand pieces in seconds
>laugh so hard i start choking and crying
It's not as funny now but holy fuck you had to see it yourself to understand how fucking hilarious it was.
First time I played Sumotori Dreams I nearly puked from laughing. I don't really know why, it's not really that funny but I fucking died watching them jiggle their way around
Reminds drinking with friends
Andromeda threads on Sup Forums
Pic fucking related, this shit had me in literal tears the first time I saw it. I don't even know why I find it funny but the way he says NO I DON'T WANT THAT (ALSO THE GAME) always gets me.
Metal Gear Solid 2 Video Selection
There was a feature to swap character models for a cutszene. Old ass office lady as Vamp was funny af back then.