ITT: Cancelled games/early scrapped versions/vaporware

Castlevania Resurrection, a collaborative venture between Konami's Japanese and American divisions (IGA was producing) for the Dreamcast that was cancelled partially due to disputes between the two teams.

An untitled Castlevania game (Speculated to be a SotN sequel) for the PS3 and 360 that was revealed by IGA at TGS 2008 and then never heard from again. Apparently it made it about a year into development before being cancelled in favour of Lords of Shadow.

Other urls found in this thread:




>the PS3 and 360 that was revealed by IGA at TGS 2008 and then never heard from again. >Apparently it made it about a year into development before being cancelled in favour of Lords of Shadow.

People love to shit on this now, but it likely wouldn't have been all that different to most of the shit that's currently in-vogue.

Honestly, I was really excited for it.
It almost sold me on an Xbone before it got canned, because I never got around to the Win10 update.

Darkside's Phantom Dust reboot for the Xbone, which got canned, ultimately driving the studio under due to how badly they'd been fucked by MS.

A pretty in-depth article into its development.

Pre-alpha gameplay footage leaked by one of the devs.

There was originally meant to be a third Oracles game, tentatively titled "The Legend of Zelda: Mystical Seed of Courage".

>When CAPCOM makes an edgy shitty "hip" and "stylish" protagonist everyone shits on him
>When Platinum makes an edgy shitty "hip" and "stylish" protagonist everyone sucks Platinum's dick and think Platinum can do no wrong and that every Platinum game is absolutely amazing and "WOULDN'T IT BE SO COOL IF 'GAME SERIES' WAS MADE BY PLATINUM"

Mother 3 for the N64.

Outright cancelled, since apparently according to alpha testers, it was total crap and ultimately didn't pass QA. The concept and Ingrid later popped up in the infamous Capcom Fighting Jam.

I always wondered about this one, thought Strider Hiryu would be pretty dope in a 3D fighter

ReCore was supposedly partially recycled from this.

You forgot one:

>>When CAPCOM makes an edgy shitty "hip" and "stylish" protagonist everyone shits on him
Dragonboy was his own character and wasn't trying to pass himself off as a beloved decade old character. That alone makes a whole lot of difference.

Cyberpunk 2077

Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex was considered to be an open world/free-roam style. In the end, the Universal executives decided that shifting Crash to another studio (it was the first post-Naughty Dog Crash game) was risky enough and settled for a classic style Crash game. The Travellers Tales director felt that had Mark Cerny (who was lined up to design the game before the decision was made) did go through with the game, it would've went in a Jak and Daxter/Ratchet and Clank direction. He provided Crash Mania with a pitch animation.

In fact, Wrath of Cortex has a lot of unused stuff, but that's for another time.


Crash had a few more cancelled games, such as a Travellers Tales version of Crash Nitro Kart, a Crash RPG that eventually evolved into Twinsanity and a Cortex spinoff taking place after Twinsanity. After Crash Mind Over Mutant though, Radical realized how badly they had screwed up the series and tried for a return to form with a reboot called "Crash Landed"
The plot would've been loosely based on the first game, have designs closer to the original trilogy rather than the mutant series and a soundtrack with a seemingly broadway feel.

It also would've had a CTR spinoff.

Superman 64 is an infamously bad game, but seems to have an interesting development history.
According to the producer, Eric Caen, WB and DC are responsible for a number of issues they had during development, such as forcing the game to take place in a virtual world and limiting Superman's powers. According to Eric, the final game does not reflect 10% of their original intent. He was also unable to say what was removed, simply saying 'it was a lot'.

Presumably an early version of Symphony of the Night.

Titus interactive even made plans for a Playstation Superman game, built from scratch, which also got canceled when WB revoked the license from them.

As one final note, the beta of Superman 64 is generally considered to be more functional and generally better than the final version.

There was this game called Battle of the Gods years ago that was going to have all the major and minor gods/prophets fight in 1v1 arena battles. The concept art for the characters was sick (breakdancing Santa, Superhero Xenu, Chola Mary, Invisible Muhammad) but it failed it's kickstarter and all the concept art was taken off of their website. I wish I knew the artists name.

Speaking of Superman games, Sunsoft originally had a NES Superman game in development. However, for unknown (but presumably license related) reasons, the character was changed to "Sunman" before the project was scrapped.

There have since been mods to reinsert the Superman graphics

And some believe that elements of the game were recycled for the Genesis Superman game.

atleast a remaster is coming...


Acclaim made a Gameboy Color South Park game, presumably to go with the console version, but it got cancelled as Trey and Matt felt the Gameboy Color was more geared towards kids, so the game wouldn't fit. They own the prototype cartridge, possibly to this day, to commemorate the first South Park video game.
The game did get released, but it was reskinned as "Maya The Bee" in Europe and "Mary-Kate & Ashley: Get A Clue" in America.

damn, woulda been nice to get a huge boobed belmont girl

but im guessing she would be like sypha or something

It was Sonia from Legends.

IIRC, the premise was that she and a WW1-era Belmont (So I guess it'd be retconning Bloodlines) were both thrown through time into the mid-1600s for some reason.

she was canned?
or that she would get a game?

i mean, i know she disappears after crash 1, but was it really a loss besides fapping?

South Park also would've had another game, this one a GTA clone (basically a more actionized South Park version of Hit-And-Run). It didn't get very far before getting canceled. As most of the videos have voice overs, I will instead link one of the cutscenes:

Diddy Kong Racing had two different sequel pitches/attempts


Fuck you. It would have been good.

This looks great.

Nah man it's part of the ARG

The 2011 bioshock infinite.

I was just about to post that
>Oh that's just freaking great
RE gets some of the best examples of this kind of thing.

There was an aborted RE for the PSP as well that was mentioned at a Capcom presentation at E3 and then never heard from again. I've read that it was an early version of what later became Revelations, but how true that is, I couldn't say.

The Original Half-Life 2. It looked so much better than the final version we got. Fuck that hacker for leaking it and making Valve scrap it



Bonk on the Wii. Game actually looked wicked good.

Do we have any actual gameplay to watch?

Post a vid or something.

This will never stop hurting.

There was a 3ds game planned too.


I'm glad we're getting Beyond Good & Evil 2 finally.

Clearly just Uncharted Star Wars.


Yeah made by Nubisoft

Expect Jade to be a dyke

Is there any gameplay out there?


I'm still kinda upset. Actually, somewhat relieved, since now I have even less reason to ever own an Xbone. But I still feel like this could've been something special. A lot of people were critical of what they had shown, but I believed in Platinum and Kamiya. What they had hinted about the game makes me feel like this could've been a game with scale like no other. Imagine a game with a scale that dwarves even God of War or better yet, the Wonderful 101. Something tells me this game would have had regular enemies the size of GoW titans or some shit, with actual bosses being absolutely gargantuan.

Yeap. It looked like a CUHRAYZEE first person shooter with a couple of chest high walls. Amazing concept, fuck you Pete Hines.

I hope we finally get a good Superman game someday.

Like 3 different Ultima games got scrapped because EA is shit. It's fucking bullshit.

there's a romhack that's based off of the scrapped mystical seed of courage game called oracle of secrets

To the user that shared this HL2 beta video with me yesterday, thanks for sharing. It's been enjoyable to watch and some of the cut maps are really fucking cool (like the wastelands and arctic maps).

Agreed, there was also some cool footage and features that never seem to get any discussion going here.
At 4:00 this video shows how the dragon customizaton was going to work.

It sucks the game was never really given a chance, not even here.

Not really cancelled, but GR pitched a Folklore sequel for the PSP with an emphasis on multiplayer connectivity to Sony that was ultimately passed on due to lack of interest in the IP (Since the original underperformed proportionately to its budget). I guess they were trying to pull a Pokemon with it?


Nioh's original Mosou/SRPG hybrid version and then Team Ninja's initial pure action build were both canned before the final OnimuSouls Gaiden version started development in late 2012.

It was something of a Cinderella story really; rarely do games out of development Hell actually end up being good.

Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun

Overrated waifu bait and praise IGA for retconning Legends.

Phantom Dust was a super sylish IP that really deserved better.

It's so bizarre to think that Micro$oft were actually willing to take risks on niche games at one point.

theres atleast 22 belts in this image

It still hurts.

>It's been 3-4 years since any info for Deep Down
Is it dead boys?

Not as good as C&C Tiberian Commando. But I would have happily played both.

CP2077 isn't dead though, it was just halted until CDPR finished work the the W3 DLCs. It's their current In-Dev product.

rightfully so, though.

To be fair, we now know the developers behind it so it would have been utter piece of shit, anyway.

the older builds of BOTW looked pretty fuckin different

and ura zelda

Rightfully cancelled.
We'll just have to wait and see if EA can buy out a decent RTS studio again to have them make a C&C game again.

Between this and Scalebound, I have to wonder why MS just doesn't want more first party IPs.

God I hate blizzard, canceled ghosts.
But to me the worst was all the stuff that didn't make it in WoW.
>azjol nerub zone
>inverted kara
>guldrak raid

They would have scrapped it anyways, most of that beta shit is from 2002-2001 and was already chopped by the time it was leaked

the top right one looks amazing
is it a 2d title with classic gameplay but high res sprites like warioland the shake dimension?

Taking a look at the HUD, I feel like there would have been some weird gimmick in it. If you look to the left of the health bar, around the portrait, there's some weird meter. I feel like that was going to be tied to some weird gameplay mechanic, ala what most GC Nintendo games were doing at the time.

soundtrack really screams alexander brandon

Igarashi completely fucked up two 3d castlevanias, so why would you expect a third one to be any good?

I liked this
if only it wasn't that fucking hard

I missed out on the PSP but this shit always looked interesting to me, at least it got a manga afterwards apparently:

it is alexander brandon

They actually had Clint Eastwood on board for this, surprisingly.

what wouldve been different.

We don't know cause there is next to no info about that game anywhere.
Lot of far fetched theories from 2 heavily scripted pre-alpha videos how it would have been the greatest videogame of all time though.
I think it's just people trying to cope with the disappointment trying to convince themselves Infinite has something good in it.

Good or bad, they understood what the MMO dream was and why current MMOs are garbage.

Daybreak needs to be gassed.

I'm still mad. Fuck Levine.

Elizabeth's tits were way bigger
I'm not joking

the new xcom was originally designed to have very strong horror elements.

I remember Seamus Blackley saying before that when the upper level suits got involved (Especially around Halo 2 launch) it got harder and harder to justify all the crazy shit they were commissioned from developers in favor of safe bets to keep the suits happy to the point where when Matrick came in he basically killed 1st party down to safe choices and took credit for a deal with Square that Peter Moore pulled off (Final Fantasy XIII was Moore's deal).

The Damocles sword with MS is that the more money the division makes. The more scrutiny is upon it. And xbox is making more money than it ever has and is on track to write off the historical loss by next FQ (Never mind Xbox Hueg was a tax write down anyway) so it gets harder to justify projects when you have more moneymen. Compared to the Hueg days where 30 people set up in an unused conference room, grabbed a few dev kits and said "We're making a new Crimson Skies now" (Not joking, that's how CS: High Road To Revenge started development).

Mind you, Fable Legends was complete shit so I'm not surprised they took projects out back and shot them if they weren't looking good.

No one else but me remembers this