Red Flags for games Thread: I'll start

Red Flags for games Thread: I'll start
>It's fun/comfy

>appeal to a wider audience

Sage this drivel

Red flags for threads Thread: I'll start
>OP is a massive faggot

>Sup Forums likes it

>You play it for the story, not the gameplay!

>it's made by a Western developer

>comfy is a buzzword like fun
Sign of a dumbass who tries to be hip. Comfy is definable. It means the game is relaxing and de-stressing, good for winding down.

There are good games that you can say this about though

>were going back to our roots/the basics!

>Sup Forums doesnt have constant threads saying how shit it is

fuck that
people told me banished was comfy, it was the most stressful game i've ever played

>It's a living, breathing world!

post an example.

ace attorney

>Early Acess
>Open World

>memed into getting The Witness
fucking iPhone puzzles god dammit, if only I'd listened

>game is locked under 30 FPS to maintain that "silky smooth cinematic feel"
>game has over 1 hour of cutscenes
>cutscenes are unskippable
>disgusting sex fanservice (Nier, Bayonetta, Metal Gear, Dragon's Crown, all garbage and etc)
>DLC and season passes
>game is too casual
>no remappable controls
>no KBM on a shooter

Boy, I could go on all day.

Nier, Danganronpa

Literally fell asleep in the first 10 minutes. NEXT!

>You can kill the final boss from the start of the game!

So.. every thread then?

Are you retarded, the gameplay is great.

>Spiritual succesor

>red flag if game is fun

So ... you like games that aren't fun. Right.


All of thoe are cinematic experiences, not games.

Both are melodramatic anime garbage. Try again.

>there is a ton of porn of it

>its like zelda but
>its like mario but
>its like dark souls but
>its like borderlands but
>its like team fortress 2 but
>zombie breakout survival crafting early access online multiplayer only
>survival crafting early access online multiplayer only
>crafting early access online multiplayer only
>early access online multiplayer only
>online multiplayer only
>its a good GAME but its not a good GAME TITLE game

they're still games retard
>they don't appeal to me, therefore they're not good

>You will never play a game where you have to survive on/against a planet-size organism.
Would completely change the meaning of that phrase and my reception to it

Might wanna give up games, cause your taste is shit and most of what you want isn't going to happen.

hit the nail on the head

Name one good game of the past five years that does none of these

I guess the "Sup Forums doesn't actually like video games" meme is true huh

>Sup Forums shills it

Always a good way to know its shit, for example this year alone

>For Honor
>Horizon Zero Dawn

>It's a console AND a handheld
Fucking master of none

>It's like ____ but

why do people do this. If I wanted to play Zelda I'll play Zelda. You just told everyone that your game is a glorified mod. Get your own fucking identity instead of coasting on established ips

>anime art style or influences

Instantly dropped. Anime is cute and makes for good reactin pics to but the actual losers who watch it and really get into it or jerk off to it are sad people

What is The Long Dark

For your information, I enjoy indie games. And not those pretentious arthouse simulators that emphasize story, but REAL indie games that emphasize gameplay.

be it La Mulana, or Cave Story, or Dwarf Fortress, or pic rtelated.

Oh man that's such a cool premise

It's 100% impossible to make a video game that is completely new and unique and can't be compared to other more well known titles.

Everything is derivative now and it will always be that way.

Its made for consoles and ported to PC

It is such a faggot term that should not have been used to define games in the first place. People that uses it are huge weebs or fucking faggots.

What does that even mean? Not saying those games are good, I never played them. But are you seriously arguing that any overall positive press = shills? So then what is overall negative press?

>Game doesn't have anthropomorphic animals in it

>you can do anything you want

Gone Home

Don't take the bait guys. Don't you fucking do it.

>So then what is overall negative press?
It means the game didn't pay off reviewwers.

>early access
>developer wears thick glasses and has a numale beard

It is possible to be unique for example you don't really have anything to compare to shit like Patapon. Or Megaman Battle Network. Even Gravity Rush's gravity mechanic was enough to let it stand out even though I personally thought the gameplay was shit and didn't like it.

I'm not asking for every game to invent a new genre. Just asking that they do something to set it apart from the herd.


Not an argument.

>What does that even mean?

It means that Sup Forums has really bad taste and (at least it seems) prefers to like games because other either don't or just don't know about them.

Majora's Mask.

>watch gameplay vid of indie game
>looks like an action game, get interested
>attack hits enemy
>number pops up
And that when I close it, because numbers mean the game depends on leveling and/or random drops and/or crafting, which means grinding and other means of bloating playtime.

anything from the last five years though?

neck yourself.

>Fun with friends

Ok fine but we're not talking about reviewers in this instance, we're talking about Sup Forums. You get a game that, at the barest minimum, does it's job without any glaring glitches or monetization and overall has positive reception. Not necessarily critically but among the sea of faggots on Sup Forums. Are you seriously arguing wanting to talk about a new release = shilling?


i wish i had friends

This seems to be the general idea. I think the best example is Dark Souls. Dark Souls was talked about for YEARS while reviewers and casual players were bitching about how the game was impossible. But once it started getting more mainstream attention suddenly it was always shit and all those years of discussion suddenly doesn't count anymore.

>it gets really good about 10 hours in

No. If the game isn't good within the first hour, it's garbage. No exceptions. Fuck you and your waiting 10 hours bullshit for the game to pick up. You are retarded if you do this or hold any game up to high praise if it takes 10 hours to actually become interesting.

If a game fails to impress within an hour, the game and the developers have both failed.

>the game sucks ass and is a total waste of your time


this fucking one.

The game is fucking niche and content is being removed/changed to appeal to people who arenot interested/will not buy the game while shitting on the people that wanted it.

Then when they the shit sales that the game got they will say "hell, we should have appealed to a more WIDER audience, let's do that next time", and thus the cicle of pain will forever go on.

There is some actual truth to this though

Multiplayer games are designed to compete or coop together in. Of course it should be fun by itself to play but the prefix multi should really tell you what youre getting into. If you want something that isnt designed to be played and enjoyed with friends, stick to single player experiences

>disgusting sex fanservice

thank fuck, I am glad I am not the only who hates this shit for non-SJW reasons.

This is literally ghost recon wildlands though.

Boring as sin in single player, but fun as fuck with friends.

You know I'm right.

You're not at all.

>Ludonarrative cognizance

just shut the fuck up.

I just got Ghost Recon. Did the first mission solo and hated it. Jumped online and had fun even if the people I was playing with were random matchmaking guys.

Eating shit could be fun with friends but you're still eating shit.

No I hate it too mostly because it normally a sign of laziness. "We couldn't think of a way to make our game interesting so we put a nice ass on the box. Gamers are powerless in the face of their boners." Alternatively when you're playing a period game and the artstyle is semi consistent if not fantastical and then suddenly combat thong walks into the room and no one else looks like that and no one is going to even acknowledge this shit like it's not weird or jarring or anything. If you're going to be over the top then be over the top but don't flip flop between the two.

>Weapon durability


It's tons of fun when you're actually coordinating with people you know.

My only complaint with the game itself is the weird difficulty spikes in between missions. Any mission where you're just fighting cartel guys is pretty easy and you usually don't need to go in stealthy, but any mission against the purple army guys and the game goes into hardcore navy seal mode where stealth is your only option and if you get caught you might as well just restart the mission.

it's ok to admit undertale was good