We can all agree that autumn plains was more comfy than summer forest
also Spyro thread
We can all agree that autumn plains was more comfy than summer forest
also Spyro thread
dumping Spyro wallpaperz
Just bought Riptos rage like 3 weeks ago on PS1. I remember playing it a bit when I was a kid but it still held up surprisingly well. It doesn't deserve any sort of awards or anything, but I %100 and I had a great time the whole way.
Just start playing Spyro 2, since i don't have chance to do so as kid.
Great game, i think it's better than Spyro 3 in a way or two.
someone reminded me of the wind blowing at the top of autumn plains and it made me want to play spyro 2 really badly. trying to finish the first before i move on to it, though
The small possibility of a Original Spyro Trilogy remake due to the success of the Crash remake has me hopeful these days.
Would they keep the music intact though?
They will most likely to fuck up the vibrant color & combination with weird filter and shit.
Why would you say this, crash is shaping up to look pretty good now, fuck they even fixed the sound effect for wampa fruit for the turbo autists like me who complained.
Why the fuck were none of Spyro 3's worlds anywhere near as comfy as these?
It was definitely better. Spyro 3 didn't really improve anything at all, it just added shitty side characters that no one wanted to play as anyway.
Probably cause 2 is the only game where the homeworld themes were a different artist from the main score, that and they were much bigger and better aesthetically designed
Homeworld time lads, lets go on a journey
Because homeworlds in 2 is themed after seasons .
and to finish off Spyro the Dragon. the menu map
Spyro games and Kirby 64 are the mist comfy games of that gen. You can't prove me wrong
>tfw you lost all your summer forest images
apologies dragonbros!
ah i miss avalar, gonna probably go back and play more spyro 2 after the imagedump
and now one of my personal fave shots in all of Spyro. goddamn is that one aesthetic castle. no meme. just goddamn
once again we finish where we began, at the spyro 2 opening cinematic, its a shame i cant add in the rain for that extra /comfy/
Wow, these look better than I remember.
Probably the best looking games on ps1.
>Spyro 3 didn't really improve anything at all, it just added shitty side characters that no one wanted to play as anyway
>completely forgetting about skatboarding
back to the dragon realms, or at least the forgotten parts. this games design seems to be focused on colour palette over world detail, which is a shame after the masterpiece of castlework that was 2
Just finished replaying 1 again but 2 will always be my favorite of the two. 3 is a square wheel on an otherwise great trilogy.
Great sky boxes and music. I only had these 2 games for the longest time growing up and I loved every minute of it.
best soundtrack
to me crash and spyro are the prime examples where good art direction can make a games look almost timeless. not saying this is anywhere close to modern smoothness. but no matter what it holds its dated beauty
started playing spyro again on my raspberry pi. its just as good as I remembered.
How hard is it to get this shit running on an emulator?
even as a kid i could see it was just in that game to try and cash in on the skateboarding craze of the late 90's/early 2000's
it just lead to hit-the-lizard challenges where your movement is arbitrarily limited by having to be on a skateboard, or outspin hunter for points challenge which was easy as fuck
the gameplay holds up surprisingly well, i go years without playing then pick it up and charge jumping through every level is just second nature. its either good design or super drilled in muscle memory. likely the latter
and now we end the trilogy back in dragon realms, a night to end a long journey.
its pretty easy really
>download epsxe (i prefer this one cause of smoother gfx)
>find and download your preferred game iso
>setup the emulator
>play with KB or Pad (recommend pad. epsxe auto detects xinput so thats super easy)
>load the rom
>play to your hearts content. there's a bug or two or an occasional stutter. but its pretty damn good
That place is kind of comfy, with underwater structure and all but sadly it's small as shit.
hokay just gonna start posting boss arenas and general aesthetic shots of my fav levels. if anyone has a level request hit me up, i have shots of every level.
i read your text before i looked at the picture, and i thought "dark hollow"
but then there it is.
The challenge is not that hard and there's only like 1 for each skate park anyway.
The real shit is when you tried to rake sick score with those spin and shit.
I always liked the dream like atmosphere of the original trilogy games it feels so surreal, yet I want to just lie on the grass look at the sky
i agree. i think evening lake is probably one of the weakest homeworlds, but still better than peacekeepers
thats exactly why i think i dont enjoy most of the other spyro's too much combat focus not enough wandering around these wonderful worlds that you just wanna BE in
Funnily enough I only had 1 and 3 growing up, and started playing 2 recently on emulator.
God I remember playing these games on a trip to Tennessee for my cousins birthday and everything was always nicer but somehow strangely and comfortingly foreign over there which made the experiences more memorable.
Times were so good back then. I replay spyro at least a few times every year and think back fondly to those listless mornings.
It helps that the games themselves held up fucking fantastically for collect-a-thons too and are somehow still fun to replay.
>about to beat final boss on spyro 3
>turn out that there's stupid DRM where it'll reset your progress back to the very beginning of the game
Holy fuck, this is so fucking painful.
to me the most underrated parts of the spyro art is the skyboxes, i cant even imagine how these were made back in the day. im only used to modern texture/3d software and even then i dont know how this could be recreated in this feel
This is why to me so many modern games look like absolute shit even though they aren't as old as Spyro. By modern I'm saying any gen 7 or 8 games.
i was just thinking today that toasty is kind of stupid, in the sense that i don't even think the boss attacks you at all
i mean it's sensible chuckleworthy that it's a sheep in disguise, but the music is rad as fuck and is quite forboding compared to the rest of the first homeworld, makes it sound like some real shit is coming up
but then it's just a non-threat
come to think of it, spyro 1's real weak points are the bosses, none of them are really a challenge at all
even gnasty gnorc is a pushover so long as you're competent enough to chase him
>Midnight Mountain and Evening Lake aren't peak comfy
The Spyro games for me were what the Banjo Kazooie games were for other people. Loved it to bits.
Do you have spooky swamp & bamboo terrace?
Goat song / level coming through
the giant robot fight was pretty neat. mostly cause the sound of smashing those metal pillars was damn satisfying
Dr. Shemp was good for a laff as a kid too
Frozen Alters had the best music in Spyro 3
comin right up friend
This game's environments ooze whimsy and enchantment more than any other game I have played
>That empty crushing feeling when you 100% complete Spyro 2
dark hollow is great. I always pick that level to play through because of the music. This ones great too
boy was the music for this level totally different to everything in the other games
another personal fav, boy was swimmi around in this level zen as balls
I agree, but it's a close one.
Exactly, you just want to explore every level and hub and you always wonder what's behind some wall or a mountain
because you just want more of it.
I actually downloaded Spyro World Viewer just so that I could fly around the map while listening to the calming soundtrack.
How the hell did they pull it? It is a low poly world but it just looks so good. Colours, design, artstyle, sky and everything.
Thanks mate, loved those stage.
Loved the lantern on the rainy swamp, bambo terrance is very colorful and the pandas is cute.
badlands started as one of my least favorite levels. but as i got older slowly became one of my most cherished
oooooooo oooo-ooo-ooo ooooooooo ooooooooooooooo ooo-ooo-oooo
Name the level.
for anyone who loves the spyro music and somehow hasn't seen stewart copeland talking about it:
I reckon I must have spent 75% of my time on Spyro 3 in the skateboarding level. Good times
>Colours, design, artstyle, sky and everything.
Right artstyle, color usage & good balance of both.
The music help a ton because it work as atmospheric incense.
one of my favourite things 3 actually added was each level having a representative character to chill at home base for a while. the panda was a cute, same with the zen monkey/lightbug dood from spooky.
speaking of npc's. stage with best npc's coming through~
Yeti race was my jam.
being restricted to low polygons really forces you to make your textures pop if you want to have something that looks good
you could tell they really cared about trying to make the fairytale atmosphere perfect, they went all-out in making everything look kind of old and well-worn, but warmly inviting and magical
Colossus my boy
have fond memories of me and my mum chanting that goofy charm after beating that level
and now i ruin my chill standing by triggering the entire thread
that level always felt like I was playing through a light hearted Saturday morning cartoon.
now back to /comfy/ with a little treat
The best part is that the visuals have held up so well even today, I don't think there are many games that look and feel like what the original trilogy does
I used to wander around Frozen Altars just to listen to the music
Good jerb.
This is a good thread. These threads are what make Sup Forums worth coming to.
gosh darn it i blew it. i didn't write Thank you for releasing me!
anyway cue secret agent sneaking theme
this is a pure thread, i am happy i spent the time to put some life into it by posting these level pics. i rarely see a spyro thread so i felt compelled to give this one some hope of longevity
Post spyro reaction images aswell!
dang, forgot pic
My fucking childhood.
That water texture, I am literally salivating.
wew a spyro thread
Spyro 1 was the first video game I ever owned, I'm pretty sure my dad played through it all night to make sure it was ok.
>tfw you can beat the shit out of him and take your money back in spyro 3
feels good man.