Why do we hate DaS2 again?
>Ascetics to respawn bosses and more
>Able to use weapons' full moveset in the left hand
>Upgrading shields improved stats, not only stability
>You didn't lose momentum from falling 2 feet
>Poise wasn't as retarded as in 1 or as useless as in 3
>Fun NPC invaders that didn't just act like another enemy
>Interacting with the environment, unlocking secrets, example lighting all the scones in the Gutter
>Other secrets like the pig and pickaxe
>Lockstones and Branches manipulated the environment
>Getting wet reduced lightning res while boosting fire res
>NG+ added new enemies and items
>Rolling in poison made your poison build up continually even on dry land, because you were covered in it
>Rolling snow/water/poison visually covered you in it and it would slowly disappear
>You can activate several blood pools at once, resulting in hilarity
>You could be invaded while hollow AND if the boss was dead but at a lower chance
>You could burn an effigy to block invaders BUT ALSO block summons
>Poison builds were not only viable, they could be strong
>You could roll in more directions while locked on
>All magic was more fleshed out, also hexes
>White phantoms can't Estus with an invader in the world
>Small soapstones
>Drinking Estus could be a gamble because of regen over time instead of instant
>Twinblades, lances
>Fists were viable
>Corrosive urns, didn't need pyromancy to break equipment
>Broken armor and weapons got a broken texture
>Chests could be broken, making hitting them to check for mimics risky
>Trapped chests
>Stamina management was more important; attacking with no stamina made the swing slow
Why do we hate DaS2 again?
Apart from the first item you listed, I agree with everything. I really hate the ascetic mechanic and the non-respawning normal enemies.
Artificial difficulty with the ADP bullshit
I put over 1000 hours into it
>invincibility frames tied to a stat
Because it was boring. I can't really put it better than that, but I played through the game and was constantly bored just waiting for it to get better, but it never did.
Because the other games are better. That's all there is to it.
All that is good but it doesn't change the fact that the core gameplay feels clunky and gross, and that the animations and graphics even in SotFS are somehow a step down from DaS1's.
Oh, and continuing what I said here , while almost everything you posted was a big plus, there are many things that did not go that well, like individual level design, world design, enemy variety, enemy placement. I really like this game, but while it improved some things over the first game, it also made some things worse.
>Able to use weapons' full moveset in the left hand
I actually like DaS3s system with this a lot more. And to be honest it's upgrade over powerstancing as well.
> lighting all the scones in the Gutter
What does this do? Never lighted any of those, just ran through the level every time.
>Chests could be broken, making hitting them to check for mimics risky
Hitting a chest once will NEVER destroy the chest, you have to hit them at least three times for that to happen. I've hit chests with the Fume UGS and they still take that same amount to be destroyed. So there's no element of risk whatsoever.
All that this will do is that you'll get bored, destroy one chest just to see what happens with the loot inside, and rob yourself of an item - probably a ring. There's literally no reason for this entire mechanic to be in the game, and at worst it's a detriment to the gameplay. Ideal comparison for most of Dark Souls 2.
It doesn't change anything, it just lights the place up.
>soul memory
>invasions timer
>lazy, linear level design
>What does this do?
A NPC invades you.
Don't forget gutted lighting system and absolutely hideous visuals with repeating textures up the ass at every step.
>Fun NPC Invaders that didn't act like another enemy
Oh so like in DS3, except in 3 they were more of a challenge and felt more like players.
>Lockstones and Branches manipulated the environment
Did they fuck. Lockstones were more or less a way to make Illusory Walls more obvious, that was it. I did like the one in the Cove that sent the stretch armstrongs scurrying though. Branches were shit as fuck it was a tool to extend playtime that in 2 wasn't so labourous, in SOTFS they fucking stuck stone bastards everywhere to force you into one linear path only to return later when you got another branch.
>If only any of these effects mattered long term, They could have done a lot more with this but they didn't.
>NG+ Added new enemies and items
This was something I actually adored about DS2 only items they added were the new boss souls that you could get via bonfire Aesthetic though.
What kind of retard would hate good, premium content like this?
Don't forget:
>actually varied environments, something Four Hours of Brown Bricks: The Game did not have
>combat system that wasn't a broken attempt at shoving a Bloodborne peg into a Dark Souls hole
>rolling conditions.
rolling into things was a nice touch, it seems like something they just forgot about in 3.
>Ibvaded While hollow with dead boss.
Could always be invaded with a dead boss, the issue with this is it just ignores the lore aspect in favor of PvP, you wont find humanity on a hollow.
>Burn an Effigy to lock out PvP
Yeah this was stupid, seeing as you can just cancel the burnt effigy whenever it made it a very non-commital "Oh I'll sweep the area with an effigy on and then remove the effect to take the boss on" Not to mention the game applies a the effect onto if you've recently beaten a boss so you're souls are safe from scaaaary invaaaders.
>Poison Builds
Still viable, idk what the argument is here.
>Roll errywhere
Yeah Adaptability sucks, and DS3 still has this minus the stat to spec into.
>Magic and Hexes more fleshed out
I preferred Hexes as a dark side to magic and pyromancy, I'm glad that returned over just up and blatant dark versions of magic spells.
>Small Soapstones
Seemed look like handholding to me, just a way to keep a summon on you even after killing the boss. Not to mention the ones they added in SOTFS in bell towers "oh hey you willingly entered this pvp zone, how'd you like someone to tank all the damage for you?"
Let me list the things that it did wrong.
>Downgraded graphics
>Wanky animations
>Shit level design
>Shit bosses in general (vanilla bosses were atrocious)
>Too many healing items
>Shit zones in general
>Tied the roll to a stat (minor since leveling is easy as fuck but still)
>Durability on weapons
>Fucked parry for everything outside target shields (debatable, parrying on DaS was easy as fuck tho)
>Shit hit detection
>Shit covenants, worse than the DS1 ones.
If anything, the only good part of the game was the PvP but most people play DS for the PvE. DaS2 has the worst PvE content of the series and the "Dark souls DLC makes the game good" meme needs to die, outside a few sections the DLC is pretty fucking average at best, like the vanilla game.
The only people crying about soul memory were babby edgelords who liked to make twinks and get easy kills on scrubs with overleveled equipment. With the way tiers worked and the ring that absorbs souls for you that even became a non issue. Go back to your blood lords or whatever the fuck you /r/darksouls faggots call yourselves.
B-u- b- b- bu-b-b-bu-bu-bu-b-b-u-u-b-u-bu-but it-t-i-t-i-i-it-it-its a-a-a-a-a dre-dr-dream w-w-wor-wo-wo-world!
>Drinking Estus could be a gamble
Yeah real risky those slow gen estuses Also how about 99 Lifegems to add to the limited healing items? No don't want a life gem, okay have some Rogue Water? Aw no not thirsty okay want to gain some more spell uses back using some Amber Herbs?
God DS2 had a lot of shitty ways around healing yourself and defeating any risk in the game by being able to chug gems.
>Twinblades, lances
Yes those are weapons.
>Fists were viable.
I miss this not gonna lie, God Hand Cestus only playthrough till I got bone fists was so fun.
>Corrossive Urns
I mean, equipment breakage wasn't too huge against enemies, even players would cotton on before you did anything they were pretty useless.
>Broken armour and weps got texture.
This was neat
>Chests could be broken making hitting them risky
They could always be hit 3 times, it was never a risk unless you're a retard who wants to let off an entire combo blindly against a chest. Even on the first playthrough you'd learn to just hit every chest once and be fine. Also DS2 chests were fucking hideous.
>Trapped Chests
These were neat, wish we had a few more of those.
>Stamina Management
I mean you can't attack with 0 stamina, but I get what you mean, that's not changed.
Lifegems are an objectively good feature to edge out trash damage without using estus and DaS3 fucking needed them too so they can nerf estus. Also since half the enemies were designed for the rally system and they took it out.
Quantity over quality
aesthetics/art style
lore rape
levels too linear, no shortcuts because bonfires too abundant and warping from the start
world (earthen peak)
worst hitboxes
The problem with soul memory is that it counts souls you lost.
So, a person who is good at the game will be much, much stronger than someone not good at the game, just by stats alone.
That means they will NEVER be on equal footing unless the other person starts over on a new character.
You can throw all that at me but if the atmosphere sucks, the levels are bland and the iframes cause base level frustration there's no point.
Also a direct sequel to these games is a fucked up idea to begin with, spiritual sequels or nothing.
>ps3 version
>early DaS2 pre DLC
>3rd play through with 2 friends, doing each boss 3 times in each world for fun
>SM is super important especially during lowet levels
>get invaded at Heide's tower
>it's a cheater
>infinite HP, maxed out late game gear
>we were 3 low levels that just beat first giant and pursuer
>spams gestures
>we knock him off into the water
>justice wins.mp4
>drops ~3400000 souls
>friends only get about 10k
As a person who enjoyed doing mostly co-op with randos in 1, SM can fuck right the hell off. 2 never allowed me to appease my autism by sitting in the Parish equivalent for hours just helping/watching players struggle through a level or against the boss. Early game DS2 for me always amounted to getting too many souls because of co-op and then dead fucking online game until after the four bosses. Fuck Soul Memory. Fuck you. Fuck whoever thought of it.
Dark Souls 1 or 3 don't have an area like Frigid Outskirts or Iron Passage.
thank god.
Walking and running animations are garbage so moving around the world feels bad. The game fell at the first hurdle for me.
You never listen to what Sup Forums says
DaS 2 is the best in the series and always will be
well, you could make an argument that Izalith is pretty crappy, and that the Demon Ruins' maze like structure is padding out the amount of time between you and the best pyromancy in the game, but neither of them are as offensive as Outskirts, Passage, or Dragon Shrine.
Nah, they have Lost Izalith and multiple shitty swamps instead.
>world design, enemy variety
Da fuq? These are the two things DS2 is extremely good at. It has more enemy variety than both DS1 and 3 and the most non-linear world. Level design isn't as good or pretty as in 3, though.
Lifegems are objectively superior to the insane, stackable, constant regen from blessed weapons in DS3.
I've been replaying it and I honestly think it's pretty fun even if it's not better than the other Souls games
I have no idea why they removed ascetics. It's nice to be able to fight some bosses again without the need to go through the whole game again
how many times are you going to post this?
it has what I like to call Hotline Miami 2 syndrome
the squeal picked up where the difficultly of the first left off, instead of resetting it like most AAA games
casuals are gonna casual
Oh gee i dont know. I dont see any reason to hate this game OP ,you could say we are crazy
>DaS3's system
>Almost every weapon has a shitty block and does only the R1
>No matter what weapon you're holding
And the dual wield just replaces twohanding a weapon except you get 3 L1s you can mix in with your R1s. It's a bit of an upgrade in terms of effort put in but it's dumbed down and there's even less variety than there was in powerstances when you only consider the unique ones.
DaS3 doesn't have invaders that feel more like players. They're the same dicerolling dumb AI as always.
Neither did DaS2 but the rigidly scripted DaS2 invaders were at least fun.
you need to have the regen weapons equipped, meaning you forfeit some other weapon you could have instead
in DS2, youre able to buy 99 lifegems, and not care about making mistakes ever again
From what I remember DS2 didn't add in a thousand windows.
I had a lot more fun fighting Creighton in DS3 than any invader in DS2.
Not to mention the amazing being summoned by NPCs like Sirris and Anri were incredibly fun moments.
Except you do, because lifegem healing is easily outdamaged, even by weak attacks, and contrary to belief can't bring the fight to a screeching halt.
If it doesn't present problems in a fight, then it's not a problem for the game.
Blessed weapons healing can be easily outdamaged too.
So what's the argument?
agility is actually very good.
soul memory is bad but it could be improved.
lifegems are good wtf are you talking about?
idk why is everyone bashing lifegems they help a ton unlike 1 and 3 that make you go back to bonfire. at least 1 gave 10 at the start while 3 wants you to get back to bonfire 24/7.
I don't hate DS2 it's a good game, I liked it enough. It's the first game that made pvp tolerable.
But it still can't hold a candle to the first or 3rd games. Or even DeS for that matter.
It was still a little disappointing which is why I didn't buy any of the DLCs.
Maybe after the ringed city, and if I get bored enough I might pirate SotfS for a quick playthrough.
Waiting for a sale on PSN to get SotFS. I played it on PS3 on launch so 60fps will be game changing.
>Blessed weapons healing can easily be outdamaged too
>What's the argument
Really the only argument you've made against lifegems is that they prevent you from making mistakes, which doesn't make much sense.
Using lifegems doesn't suddenly make your character immune to critical mistakes like being attacked during the heal, falling off ledges or being mob attacked. I'm really just curious at this point. Does being able to enter every fight with full health instead 75% health seriously ruin the game that much for you?
I'm not even arguing against blessed weapons. In fact I think lifegems are better and more convenient. Having conveniences is not a bad thing especially when they don't remove the difficulty from the meat of the game, which is the combat. The only thing they do is remove some survival aspects, which I already don't like in games that have no problem presenting challenge.
This. None of the bosses or areas felt very memorable. I think it's a great game but I don't remember it nearly as much as other souls games
adding onto this, Nashandra is such a boring shit and the lords weren't built up at all until you reached them. Vendrick's story was alright but that's not saying much
>Artificial difficulty with the ADP bullshit
>he can't into timing
git good shitter
>Really the only argument you've made against lifegems is that they prevent you from making mistakes
I'm not even that guy but if this is what you got from
>youre able to buy 99 lifegems, and not care about making mistakes ever again
then I don't know what to tell you, other than maybe work on your english comprehension
More mechanics doesn't make the game better.
Bloodborne is a great game BECAUSE they removed a lot of the previous Dark Souls mechanics and focused on polishing the remaining ones.
The entire series is overrated sonybro dreck
>user laims lifegems make you not worry about making mistakes
>mistakes always kill you regardless of healing
>mfw only pointing this out
No, you... would need pretty shit reading comprehension yourself to assume anything else.
The Fragrant Branches and to a lesser extent the lockstones are on the worst editions b-team made to ds2.
Almost every point you made is correct.
I'd even add in that weapon degredation was done extremely well. DS2 is a great game, but it’s still the worst of the three.
Small improvements to the mechanics don’t change the fact that DS2 had:
>the worst level design of the series
>the worst story of the series
>the worst world (Lordran > Lothric > Drangleic)
>the worst OST of the series
>the worst bosses of the series by far (with very few high points, mostly in the DLCs)
>the easiest base game (only one I can do no-death runs on)
>absolutely awful textures
>floaty, weightless combat
I didn’t even mind the Agility and Soul Memory nonsense. But if we’re comparing apples to apples, DS2 is worse than DS1 or DS3
I’d still heartily recommend DS2 to anyone, though.