Why do normies love Mario kart 64 so much? The rubber banding is horrendous.
Diddy kong racing is patrician choice. Better multiplayer and much better single player.
Why do normies love Mario kart 64 so much? The rubber banding is horrendous.
Diddy kong racing is patrician choice. Better multiplayer and much better single player.
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A fellow user with true taste. A lot of kids at my school simply couldnt afford it or didn't have a N64. This game was a hot item at the rental store, always out rented not in stock. Some liked Mario Kart 64 because it made them nostalgia about SNES Mario Kart (which is very good actually)
But yeah when it comes down to MK64 vs this, the winner is clearly diddy kong racing.
Crash Team Racing is better
also it had god-tier catchy music
It's another "under appreciated game is the best" when in reality it isn't.
If they're so good, why aren't there sequels?
There are those who unironically think Playstation All-Star is better than Smash.
I seriously feel bad for people who grew up on sony systems. They always have shit taste, As bad as people who never branched off from nintendo.
>If they're so good, why aren't there sequels?
Because microsoft owns rare and most devs left.
why do bad things happen to good people?
They don't.
MK64 is the second worst MK only ahead of SMK
Corporate greed.
I almost think MS bought Rare just to say "Hey look at us! We got the most iconic developer of the last generation!" and then they proceeded to shit on them.
>better muliplayer
>every single character is literally inferior to the mouse mechanicaly
>character balance is toilet tier, with absurd things like Crunch having literally banjo's stats but slightly worse
>sales make a video good
I seriously feel bad for people who grew up with 00s cartoons. They are always autistic. The 90s were a golden age and the 2010s are so shit kids rarely get attracted to them.
Samurai jack sucks, and it's fans are nothing but nu-male redditor man-children.
Point out anywhere I mentioned sales.
Go be autistic somewhere else.
Who the fuck min/maxes in kart racing games. Toad fag.
Oh yeah, whoever gets the bananas wins is a much better game
>it's not shit if you ignore everything wrong
The game is too hard imo. I used to hate its difficulty when I was kid, and still do (now even more due to LCD lag), I don't see point in it, bad game, too simple weaponry and maps.
this desu i cringe whenever someone is nostalgic about crash
Once DKR came out I pretty much never touched mk64 again.
>i have awful opinions
Shut up that game was part of my childhood
Because Nintendo hates it when Westerners (or Western sales) are better than them.
Also Mario and Zelda sell off the name alone.
This, but CTR is unironically fucking fantastic. Every other crash can suck a bandicoot cock
>got an N64
>dad rents DKR and MK64 to try out
>asks which i like better so he can buy it
>decide on mario kart 64 because nigger i am racing cars as toad (i never played super mario kart)
>realize years later how poor a decision this was
>even upset i get yoshi's valley music stuck in my head occasionally over the far superior music of DKR
being me is suffering sometimes
>self-describing irony
>projection over something you dislike
Not even him but that's the trifecta all in one post, nice job sperglord.
You have to go back.
>The rubber banding is horrendous.
>Diddy kong racing is patrician choice
diddy kong racing is the game where opponents magically materialize items if you press Z so just honking the horn leads gets you shot by homing rockets out of nowhere
How is T.T worse
>What is Men in Black: The Series
How dumb do you have to be user
TT is in a league of his own
I have the n64 version and the DS version. DS version is best.
I love the DK Island tracks.
Mario Kart is good but Diddy Kong Racing is slightly better in my opinion .... and a lot of people don't even know the game. Sad!
I love DDR. It still holds up pretty well.
I hate Wizpig though, especially the second race.
Shit is fucking broken. Some of the boss battles are unecessarily broken and unforgiving.
>Nintendo fags
>muh balance
Meanwhile Diddy Kong Racing has better visuals, musics, superior racing courses, tons of more content, three different types of vehicles, and was far more challenging.
As owner of DKR, I disagree. I think mario kart was better. The versus modes in DKR were terribad, so was splitscreen racing. I think the AI was gone if you brought enough players to the game. The courses were also fucking stupid, tedious, boring, along with the weapons and the horrible vehicles.
>Diddy Dong Racing
Hold on, what's wrong with CTR?
You're entitled to your opinion just know that it is incorrect.
Crash Team Racing is also good alternative to DKR
Tell that to those retards praising BoW
>Some of the boss battles are unecessarily broken and unforgiving
I won every time due to sheer bullshit. Fuck the octopus and immensely fuck wizpig.
If F zero isn't your racing shit you're a fucking pleb
The boss battles.. oh my fucking god. How are you supposed to beat that shit as a kid? The shit's so fucking frustrating it's not even funny.
Duck man. Im so fucking tired my hands keep slippin onto the d key like fucking crazy. At that pointcI keep dropping shit and missing out entire words when typing.
It took me hours to beat Wizpig 1 when I played it again the other month.
You have to be absolutely perfect and know how to get max boost by letting go of the accelerator on those boost pads (good luck as a kid knowing how to do that without a guide of sorts)
Worst part is, you fuck up even once and mis-time that pad or get your angle wrong, either he's immediately on your ass or you fall into the water and have to restart.
Wizpig 2 is insane though. You just need pure luck or beyond perfection to win. Its a flying stage too so you got that bullshit to handle as well. No wait. Flying, AND tunnels. AND projectiles, AND electric gates.
Its the sort of stuff that gives people PTSD.
This was literally the first game I ever bought.