Mass Effect Andromeda


>shit animation
>shit writing/dialog
>dead eyes everywhere
>stupid plot

Other urls found in this thread:

>>shit animation
>>shit writing/dialog
>>dead eyes everywhere
>>stupid plot

Didn't stop Breath of the Wild from being a Godsend to normies.

>Sup Forums hates this game
>It hates it so much that there are 11 threads dedicate to expressing just how much Sup Forums hates it

Jesus Christ.

>durr I hate this game lemme just shill it for free
Fucking kys


>all attention is shilling
who in their right mind pays money for this cancer after seeing these threads?

The animation's bad, the writing's bad, even the voice acting is bad.

This salarian is fucking AWFUL compared to Mordin. The Krogan sounds like shit (is it a female Krogan or something? It sounds like an April Fools character)

and to Sup Forums hilariously enough.

Why does this game look so dated?

Yes it's a female.
Eve sounded more or less the same in 3.

Deadly Premonition had more emotion.

I pre-ordered it and there's nothing you can do about it, loser.
How does that make you feel? Lmao

Nah man. I dunno if you haven't seen this in a few years but Eve sounds WAY fucking better.

>Implying I won't by it, then post it to Sup Forums and watch the delicious autistic rage.

bioware hires based on SJW views instead of skills.

No, Eve was a woman with a husky voice. This is a gay dude.

MMO graphics.

i'll pirate it, which pretty much cancels out your sale
How does that make you feel? Lmao

They don't sound too taken with it.


>who cares
>never was good in ME to start with
>who cares
>same as above, never had a good plot line

>mfw im downloading the trial now and OP is a fag


>Being a poorfag


I'm honestly shocked. I thought MEA was going to be bad but everything shown so far has been beyond my most pessimistic predictions and it just keeps getting worse. This is going to be a bigger disaster than Dragon Age 2.

jesus christ, I guess I was super spoiled by Witcher 3 because this looks like PS2 animations

"Oh woe is me, you bought a shitty game"

How am I suppose to feel? You do you man.

Are her eyes made of porcelain?

I hate when people get introduced this way. and its like "hes the best wrench monkey this side of the galaxy" and the character has like a cigarette in their mouth over a barrel of fuel or something.

Why is it always like this?

is Microsoft Sam the Tempest computer?

>camera holds on ryders face
>expression does not appear to express any human recognizable emotions

it keeps doing this

regarding that trial they're giving: is it 10 hours starting at 5:30 or is it a 10 hours bank that you can play whenever you want?

>this is _______, she can shoot a space racka out of orbit at 6000 clemborts with both eyes closed

>*character mentioned looks up, says nothing, then looks back to her work*
>ignores the character and speaks directly to the introducer "lets see how long this one lasts, they better play by the rules"

WHY!? I hate that shit its so gross.

why is he such a humongous faggot?

Second one looks like the protagonist is super baked and someone is trying to explain something that she wouldn't even understand sober.


>dad dies
>lol whatever

Their faces look blurry lol

Aww was the switch too expensive for widdle poorfaggot?

Sorry you're buttroasted you can't afford to play the best game of all time, mate.

>mary sue biotic was an asari commando

>that broken DoF


these animations are literally worse than in me1 10 years ago
what the FUCK

What I love is that she looks like she just came out of a Tarantino film. Even have the lazy italian eyes.

Bethesda are better than this ffs

hes even more awkward than me

>that hand placement


they are absolutely shitting on the game lol

>False equivalence

Stay poor, poorfag.

you're welcome™

No that image is exactly correct. Im saving it for later use.

What I really cant take seriously about male ryder is that the fucker wears fucking dancing shoes. You cant be any gayer than that

BOTW still manages to have better animation than Andromeda

No, it's not, there is no equivalence between buying a game you don't like and eating shit. If this was any other board I'd sad that I had to type that, but being Sup Forums I've come to expect it.

I'm glad that after getting so many high quality games from the past few months we finally get a chance to relax and enjoy the schadenfreude of a AAA trainwreck again.

>I'm doing something that isn't fun doesn't feel right and sucks
clearly you don't know what an analogy is.


Whats he looking at?

Why do they all have mad eyes?

what expression is this supposed to convey?

it's like christmas for Sup Forums

Heh, see this game? Its my favorite game ever, its so much fucking fun, and its educational so I can learn!
It only cost me $2000, so it was pretty cheap too!
Oh? You can afford it? You think its not worth the price?
>poorfags will never learn

How come the female Ryder delivers the lines so much better than her manlet brother?

I thought frostbite games supposed to look good

It's fascinating how they can butcher Frostbite like that, even Need for Speed games weren't this bad with it

>you dead?
> :^)

What the fuck?

Clearly you don't know what false equivalence is, an analogy requires some correspondence between the two situations playing a game and eating shit have, quite literally, nothing in common. Holy shit I just remembered why I've not been back here in 3 years.

Uncanny valley effect: Andromeda

Giving it too much credit.

>Uncanny valley
more like: shitty unskilled SJW studio: their game

>Mass Effect Andromeda Anonymous 03/15/17(Wed)18:27:59 No.37061
why the fuck are you losers so obseessed to shit on a game THATS NOT EVEN FUCKING OUT YET?

you cucks gonna kill yourselves when it comes out and ITS REALLY FUCKING GOOD

How about you try to say something nice about the game for a change?

i keep saying that : their dev don't know how to make eyes, while everyone does since 2013.

No, I'd be pleasantly surprised. But so far, what I've seen has left me very concerned.

so what makes the "pathfinder" supposedly special anyways?

No the equivalence is from buying a game you know to be shit and eating shit.


The VFX work is pretty good.

The game is a reaction face gold mine.

Lets hire women who got into gaming in 2007 - 2008 with zero talent because diversity quotas effect.

I like the gay Krogan.

Uncanny valley is when it is ALMOST life-like, but not quite, which creates an unsettling feeling.

This is just bad graphics that look like they came from 6 years ago.


>he doesn't want to go deep sea exploring again
What's the matter faggot, hate fun?

The messages you can read are ok

She's not even looking at him.

was she distracted by something? or did she have a stroke?

>Face presets so I can't even bring back Tyrone Shepard


If it's anything like the BF1 trial, the latter

The exploration and customization are steps in the right direction. Compared to ME2 & 3, I mean. No idea if these features will be good in the game, but the fact that they're there at all is a welcome change.

Shitting on Bioware threads are the only reason I come here
Watch all the tumblr newfags get upset

Sweet! I remember that game! Elementary school rocked.

The combat does look kinda fun.

The jetpack is nice.

>tfw you will never hate a game you've never played so much you need to bring up how much you hate it in every unrelated thread

not a fan of the jetpack animation desu



It's identical on the Wii U, which you can get for sub-200 faggot


Yeah nothings more fun than having a buff hispanic faggot cry on my shoulder about his dead husband and then immediately hit on me

You get an A for reading comprehension.

I'm fine with that number as long as those seven planets have big areas with lots of stuff to do.