What's his name again?

What's his name again?

Tron Fuhrer

Not gonna lie, former Jontron subscriber here. This is fucking hilarious watching Jafari crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the audible dot com codes.

Fuck off.
This is a non eceleb zone


Jon "Israel Must Perish At The Hands Of The Persian Empire" Tron

funny how you or no one else ever complains when it's a 2 best friends thread

that's pretty interesting don't you think?

E-celeb threads are acceptable
Sup Forums threads are not
This is the later, not the former
That's my opinion

> crash and burn

Outrage only helps e-celebs build a more loyal and dedicated fanbase. I haven't been following his shit that much but if you think guys like JonTron and PewDiePie are "weaker" just because they pissed off a lot of people, then you really need to take another look at the outrage culture that the Internet produces.

Incidentally, I honestly don't see why people are "angry" about JonTron. Nothing he said feels particularly offensive to anyone but the whiny and thin-skinned.

>E-celeb threads are acceptable

neo-Sup Forums everyone.

You should be laughing at the crashing and burning of SJWs, not /ourguy/s

Jon "best content on Youtube" Tron

>crashing and burning of SJWs
lol name 1 SJW that's doing this and I'll admit defeat

Fat Faggot

Jon "Wealthy blacks commit more crime than poor whites" Tron

The Young Turks

Jon "Minorities Belong to the Safari" Jafari

You're replying to a Sup Forums meme that makes fun of other posts that are perceived to be obvious falseflags. The original saying is "Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes." and they just adapt it to every guy on their side.

they had nothing to do with jontron

try again

Middle Eastern faggot

Adolf Hitler

>everyone on Sup Forums hates jontron
>he makes some anti-sjw comments
>everyone on Sup Forums loves jontron
like clockwork

James Rolfe

It's not crashing and burning if they're just appealing to a more loyal and insane liberal niche. Pure numbers don't directly translate to more success when it comes to e-celebs.

>E-celeb threads are acceptable

fucking kill yourself

Neither of those are acceptable.

> Sup Forums meme

Jesus, I think I've finally reached the point where I'm getting out of touch with Sup Forums culture. Guess I'm getting old.

>Pure numbers don't directly translate to more success when it comes to e-celebs.

that's all they have though
their entire success is all based on the number of clicks they get

"E-celeb" threads have been acceptable for as long as I've been here. And no, that wasn't last Summer. I've been here since 08. The attempt at calling vidya related entertainers "e-celebs" and trying to get rid of them is a fairly recent thing (within the past 4 years or so)

In other words, the Neo-Sup Forums here is you.

>All his other e cel3b frie ds tu4ning on him and using his situation to show how much of a good person they are because they accept immigrants and shit

I still like the completionist guy but it disappoints me how he'd rather turn on his high school buddy than be on his side. You really can't have different opinions I guess.

Wow Lewis from the Yogscast has gained some weight

>"E-celeb" threads have been acceptable for as long as I've been here. And no, that wasn't last Summer. I've been here since 08. The attempt at calling vidya related entertainers "e-celebs" and trying to get rid of them is a fairly recent thing (within the past 4 years or so)

>In other words, the Neo-Sup Forums here is you.


Jon Jafaryan

Was gonna say; hasn't JonTron fallen out with 90% of his friends in the past 18 months?

If anything they've ensured that the numbers will be more stable and reliable, without spikes and valleys. It's the same shit Breitbart pulls and they're just as bad as the Young Turks.

If you just play things up and push out anyone who's "on the fence," you have a much more reliable and loyal fanbase who's going to do a lot to support you. They could always just open up a Patreon if the Youtube bucks start to peter out and they might even make more money that way. We've reached the point where we can monetize fundamentalism on a global scale.

I consider it a badge of honor when I can stare at a gibbering meme spouter like they're a retard spouting nonsense.

"I-it's a meme!"

Why are neo-nazis always such fat weaklings?

Problem is we're not talking about their video game content, are we? Especially from someone who hasn't made a video game video in years.

This is just a side note, but those people probably weren't his "friends" in any real sense if they can just drop him that easily over some Internet comments.

Jon "Everything is going to be all white" Tron

Precisely, which is why I said that e-celeb threads are fine and Sup Forums threads (which is what this really is, since the only subject people want to discuss are his views on the current American political climate) are not

At least PewDiePie fought back when WSJ kept warping his videos out of context.

This debate was pathetic.


There's that word again, I don't believe you understand what it means

The Bear Jew

yeah but PDP isn't really a neo-nazi, no matter what WSJ says. he just makes edgy videos for his kid crowd

I'm talking about guys like JonTron who are full-blown nazis even though they wouldn't last a week in a military camp.

Jon "Pull the trigger, kill a nigger" Jafari

CGR and Koralik are fine though

>You really can't have different opinions I guess.
Are you dumb? Jon didn't say something like "Fuck Nacho Cheese, Cool Ranch is where it's at", he's been saying things that suggest he's either a bigot or that he's so retarded at speaking that he needs a government appointed worker to communicate for him.

Jon Aryan Jafari

Eceleb #1476

>Full blown nazi
I mean I haven't been paying that much attention to this whole thing but isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?

How bad was the debate? I didnt watch it because i dont take cringe too well.

Someone who calls someone a bigot is, by definition , a bigot.

>hey, flooding countries made by white people with 3rd worlders and making those white people pay for them is wrong


I got deja vu from these two posts, I swear I've seen these exact posts before.

I mean I only browse on Sup Forums every couple weeks looking for game reccs so its unlikely.


>immigration is bad
>completionist is the child of an immigrant
Omg why doesn't he accept my opinions?! Liberals are the real bigots if you think about it.

Funnily enough, so is Jontron