Let's have a fucking Alpha Protocol thread

Let's have a fucking Alpha Protocol thread.

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>fail speech check
>punch out embassy guard
>knock out the rest of embassy guards


Friendly reminder to do a martial arts only beat 'em up style playthrough if you haven't already.

>first post

And that's pretty much thread, guys.

Also, one of the best and most annoying bossfights fucking ever.


Mina is a betraying whore, Scarlet ending is #1


Has Tyranny outdone Alpha Protocol in the C&C department?

This game is fucking quality

>he went through the upstairs doorway
Didn't Deus Ex teach you anything?

>Scarlet ending is #1
This, Scarlet is the best girl. She and Mike are perfect for each other.

I would say yes, but it doesn't feel organic like it did in AP. You have very clear "choose from A or B" moments in Tyranny while AP is full of small decisions that feel like your own personal choices.

Negro plej.

Sie is clearly best gril.

>one-note psychotic
>doesn't get on the boat with you
Look, user, I respect your choice, but personally I don't think she matches up with Mike as well as Scarlet does. I definitely would've enjoyed more interaction with her, like before the final mission.

i killed sis

why does the stealth suck complete ass? honestly, just max out rifles and you win the game

Even after fixing the camera jerking the controls are garbage.

ayy lmao

shotgun curbstomp was the best playthrough

yea shit sucks

Are these posts ironic? The gameplay is fucking horrible no matter what your build is.

The stealth gameplay sucks ass, but stealth in general is pretty overpowered. Shadow Operative perk is ridiculous.

All this fucking bullshit about best girl and not one mention of sis

dude she is a child you sick fuck

it was legitimately fun to use the shotgun to knock someone down then run up and kick him unconscious

This. Shotgun, Aviators and all the asshole responses.
Best Thorton is a complete fucking asshole.


More pics?

i know

stealth + pistol = ezmode

Leland is my waifu

Sis is only for cute, not for sexual!

>with that taste in shirts&ties

the best part is melee was counted as nonlethal so everyones treating you like a stealthy saint when in reality you went in loud as fuck guns blazing

dont forget the beard you need the beard

I'm not 'that guy' who creates or posts in 'bad games Sup Forumstricked you to play', but this is one the the few times i really felt like I was tricked. It's not the worst game I've ever played but gameplay is very dull and story part is not amusing at all, I've expected something like Bond game or at least trashy funny shit, but it's like shitty version of Mission Impossible and that movie is pretty bad itself. Variety is nice, though.

Nobody's claiming it's a masterpiece.

Sometimes it's okay to enjoy a severely flawed game.


Yes, the beard. Fuck yes, the beard. That one.

Although if you're going with a hat...

the game bugged out and insisted I had killed americans, even though I never killed a single one in that mission with the Russian guy you have to rescue or whatever

You did kill Americans.

This is the only valid look. I chose it every playthrough. I should do another one.

>That anal destruction you can give Marburg if you get all his intel and are constantly antagonizing towards him

I do it ever game. It's just so beautiful.

I never did, the entire game I used fistfighting and tranq guns, and in that mission I didn't even use the tranq guns

I had something similar happen at the Embassy mission. The American guards were marked as green (friendly) but I was fully kitted out in stealth tactical gear so I reckoned they would've shot a guy trying to break in to the roof.

I used a non-lethal stealth takedown and afterwards Leland is giving me shit for massacring them all. Worst of all, Mike just cops up to it!

Is it possible to only use melee against Brayko(?) (the rock and roll boss).

>play this game after a 6 year hiatus in which I lost my saves
>decide to play full dickbag and be aggressive all the time
>game gives me perks that encourage it
>Michael becomes Alpha/Jack Bauer as fuck
>everyone hates my guts, but has to put up with me due to muh Secret Agent uncovering a conspiracy

Shit was jarring when I was too beta to be a dick to people in this game a few years ago.

I remember you could do something similar with the gadgets guy in this game if you speak to him on the big screen during endgame.

Martial arts and pistols master race

only if you spike his coke. i had maxed melee and was getting fucked trying to fight him normally. think you could win without spiking but it would be hard

Only for platonic hugs and rescues
She dresses really cutely though. I've never noticed all those bracelets before

It's like Deux Ex, if you take the upstairs door, the game thinks you've killed them.

>Or did the fact I didn't go down the same route when I was abandoned really get under your skin, *Conrad*?
Delicious Marburg tears. The fact you get the best gun in the game as a reward is just icing.

You can spike the coke?!

God. Damn it.

Yeah. He has two vulnerable periods, while reloading and while panting after he's run after you during which you can use your combo (once I think). The you have to run away/crouch some more. IIRC the only boss you can't beat by punching is that blonde prick with the sniper outside the base in the last mission, whatever his name is. The cunt.

But Mike can be however you want. You can make a blood thirsted merc that would make a great duo with Sie, and have fun making lead rain

>That shot in the hand

>>everyone hates my guts
I see you haven't run across Sie.
Get ready for ze sexy-time, ja herr thornton?

Anyone else kick open every door just cause you could?

I was trying to piss off everyone including her to be honest.

When I redid Professional for Thorton. inc, it felt pretty nice pulling the rug from under Leland if you depending on whether you sided with him or not.

This game is either a guilty pleasure or a diamond in the rough depending on how you look at it

Forgot to give you a (you)


it's just incredible how the game turns the fun to maximum when you stop "playing seriously" and just decide to be a full blown dickhead with too much time, money and firepower on your hands

I only try to make sure to max out Conrad's trust. I love to see him ditching Leland at the end with pure disdain.

>Is it possible to only use melee against Brayko
You can! I'm not sure if it's viable to tank his coke-rage hits with Iron Will and epinephrine, and he's impossible to combo in that state, but even without it you can just evade him while he's coked-up and then hit him when he fatigues.

>Shit was jarring when I was too beta to be a dick to people in this game a few years ago.
Honestly, apart from faggots like Marburg, Westridge and Leland I can't bring myself to be mean to many people in this game. They're just too fucking cool (Scarlet, Heck, SIE, Albatross and Sis, Omen Deng, Parker, Grigori, Gelato Man)
>I remember you could do something similar with the gadgets guy in this game if you speak to him on the big screen during endgame.
Yeah, you can confront Parker, but as far as I recall taunting him doesn't really accomplish anything unless you're using him to try and kill Marburg. If you've outplayed him in a few situations through the game, though, you can convince him to side with you.

>mfw sie sent me an email about how she literally wet herself when she found out I killed Marburg

This fucking game, man

Best thing about Sie is you keep telling her off like
>Fuck off stop emailing me
and she keeps putting moves on you. Man this had some fucking great characters.

>IIRC the only boss you can't beat by punching is that blonde prick with the sniper outside the base in the last mission, whatever his name is. The cunt.
What's that, Mikey? Don't go running and hiding like a coward, Mikey, come back and face me like a man!

>tfw there will never be an Alpha Protocol 2

i played Jackie Chan mode and it was pretty fun for a while

>not fucking BROKEN pistols
Holy shit everything just melts the moment you even start to spec into it.
Just line up a half dozen headshots as slow as you like like and next thing you know god itself descends from the heavens to smite them.

>tfw wanted to leave with Scarlet but didn't want Mina to die

Life is suffering.

>killed all the final bosses in 2 pistol/stealth bullet-time combos
I died instantly if I got spotted (didn't invest all the way into stealth), but Jesus Christ that fucking damage.

Let's not.

>He didn't push the old man over the edge

It was SOOOOOOOOOOOO satisfying making him angry enough for him to actually try and kill me personally.

I hate how this game baits you into thinking that your choices actually matter.

Better than Telltale's, that's for sure.

All you you who are thirsty for a new Mass Effect game should play this instead to sate it.

What are you talking about? AP has the best execution of choices and consequences so far.

user, what the fuck. You child murderer.

We're here to suffer, alright user
>want to conclude the game with Best Girl Scarlet
>accept her as handler for the final mission and everything
>platonic but best-friends relationship with Mina
>only way to get the proper boat scene with Scarlet is to completely ignore Mina, because if you rescue her her friendship ending gets priority over Scarlet's romanced ending
What the fuck, Obsidian?
A-at least Mina should be fine if you leave her there and kill everyone else in the building, r-right?

>he didn't kill that faggot in Rome

Is the guy I taught to hex edit on the PS3 version here? Did you succeed?

I'm pretty much convinced that Thorton has some kind of high functioning autism. He's a prodigy who knows multiple languages and espionage tactics, but the way he talks to people makes him seem a little autistic.

Yes, I did it on hard mode. Overclock+Ephipine Spike+Fury.

Nope. It's outright stated that she dies.

I told that dumb bitch to fuck off and hide but she still got captured.


The game is literally an Archer simulator so it's not a surprise.

If you met Steven before the fight and have a good relationship with him


Love this game, but I can only replay it like once every few years. Game mechanics needed work and stealth was hilariously OP.

I hate how the high tier combat armor makes enough noise to alert everyone in a 3 block radius every time you move. It only has a small amount of extra health over the stealth suit. I feel like it's just there if you want nonstop combat.

The G22 ending was pretty funny if you played ghost and did the tell him anything.

>Lol dude you have no one
>Oh god why did the lights go off
>Who are these ninja breaking in what the fuck

I'm working on it

But my computer crashed So I forgot to save it