How does this get out the door? HOW is this acceptable?

How does this get out the door? HOW is this acceptable?

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they all look the same

Nevermind the clipping, I still can't get over how silly these alines look.

Bioware don't employ people based on talent, they employ them based on what kind of genitals they have or skin color.

As such, their products suck.

As an example, there were basic literacy testing done recently done in universities on teachers. Over 50% of black and mexican "teachers" failed it due to getting their jobs based on diversity quotas.

What does that tell you about liberals?

At least they made a pretty good comedy

It's like they have penises growing into their heads. Why? What is the function of them?



mass effect & knuckles

They're straight ripoffs of Twi-leks. I have no idea what Bioware is thinking.


>hand in pocket
What are you getting at here mate, what are you on about?

God damn

The one to the left has the same pants, there are no pockets, its just the hand is inside the leg.

>seamless pockets
what is your end game here?

>guy on left moving to cross his arms
>guy on right has hand in picket
>all their faces look well modeled
>but hurr durr they look funny
They're fucking aliens

You faggots bitch about anything.

>moving to cross his arms

>t. EA marketer


What's this, Butt-Ugly Martians?

10 seconds in GIMP

You think they model pockets on those characters? God damn you're dumb. Name one fucking game that has modeled pants with functioning front pockets.

there you have it folks. now expand this into every single job field in every major western country and you get the collapse of every western economy and then the fall of western civilization. Marxism Schemes 101 folks.

Does anyone have that youtube video that's like a compilation of shitty Andromeda stuff with some voice over and music shit

I like your implication that white men are more qualified and talented than people of other groups. Well done. You can wear your "Make Vidya Great Again" hat proudly today, my friend.


yea by the sheer fact that the entirety of the western world. all of its products both physical and philosophical were made by white men. the basis for the computer or phone you are using to post was developed by whites and even the simple political idea that you should be able to speak out and say whatever you want about either the government or a how a society is run was brought about by whites. so yea id say so

Absolutely 10/10 post.

Worst video editing ever. Shit audio.
Using sex appeal in the preview image.

Ur a fukken shit cunt m8.

Since when facts became "implications"?

Spore sequel?

thanks man, took me 10000 hours in Shotcut

There's no way this is Mass Effect. That looks like the Clone Wars cartoon.

Wow you got him good, Pajeet