BotW thread

Breath of the wild thread

Post your links, ask questions, discuss lore, show off your weapon arsenal or mounts, whatever

What is your:
>Favourite character
>Favourite location
>Favourite weapon
>Favourite memory

I adore the exploration in this game, and hope the next one adds sky and underwater exploration in the mix. I also like how the dungeons and puzzles are framed, but they are a little too short for my liking

Where does the Zelda franchise go from here? What do you want them to carry over? What improvements do you want to see? What hopes do you have for the DLC?

Personally I think Zelda should remain open world from now on, but with an additional focus on dungeon and combat skills (ala TP), as well as items. I like that they dabbled with RPG mechanics a little, but I hope they don't take it any further

A MM like sequel will be swell, but I want a short prequel for the DLC

Other urls found in this thread:

Post your dress ups. Royal Guard Link here.

Is there a reward for completing every NPC sidequest? If not, is there any indication when you've completed them all?

I don't really care about the reward. I just want to help everyone.

Is there a helmet to complete this awoke as fuck set?

Anybody else keep the electric weapons they find? The stun's cool.


game is garbage

How much you wanna bet this will be the HMS of Majora of the Wild?

>swing in rain

What exactly was Riju's relation to Urbosa?

None aside from being a source of inspiration for all Gerudo.

Next game should have the same engin but be a smaller and denser map. So playing the entire game wont take 100+ hours and have the same feel as this one. Love the explore the sky and sea idea

If it's going to be WW 2 it better have fishing. I'm still baffled by that, plot point be damned.

>mfw we could have gotten minish cap

Okay so now I'm reading the zelda wiki and it says ganondorf came first and was an ordinary thief that got turned into ganon after getting the triforce or something. This can't be true, right?

>and punished link


>Entering Zora's Domain
>"You better watch out, there are hard enemies with lightning weapons here!"
>Have two lightning spears and a lightning sword

Can't really choose, character development is pretty weak all across the board. Don't really care though seeing as it's a Zelda game
Ma'ag Norah Shrine - There's a theme that plays in the caves of some shrines, but I only really first heard it here. Went through two fairly tough fights to get to the location, so the nice music in tandem with the view really did it for me.
Great Eagle Bow. I love doing slow mo horse jumps, and archery in this game generally, and the arrow tripling effect along with its wooden nature causing it not to attract lightening make this the most fun weapon to use in the game
I felt that the memories were all pretty lackluster, but I thought that the one with Urbosa, Zelda, and Link on the divine beast showed personality that I wish was fleshed out more

That's exactly true
He was Ganondorf, a human Gerudo
and then at the end of Ocarina of Time he transforms into his pig beast form Ganon which he stays in in the timeline where he defeats Link

>DLC comes out
>it's minish-themed region complete with its own tiny ancient beast

I can't think of a better race to use to expand the world.

Quests building towns from scratch has always been my favorite. Just like in Morrowind Bloodmoon.

I hope this "build Tarry Town" be a fun quest.

My house looks empty as fuck though, seriously.

>step on the beast
>you win

No, that's right. He was born sometime prior to OoT, then enters the Sacred Realm when you unlock the Temple of Time with the three gemstones, and then turns into Ganon.

Have you played Ocarina of Time? That's the basic backstory. Ganondorf was the king of the Gerudo who were primarily a clan of thieves and raiders. Link pulls the Master Sword in a misguided attempt to stop him and lets him into the Sacred Realm. In their final battle he uses his piece of the triforce of power to become Ganon.

Thing is I think later games started to imply Ganon as an entity existed before then and has many incarnations.

>favorite character
Oati the escort mission korok because he is adorable. Or Zelda, eapecially after reading her diary
>Favorite locations
Korok Firest is super charming. I also adore Zora's domain and Rito Village
>Favorite Shrines
Labyrinths and Eventide. Also, Trifecta and Pierce the Heavens stand out as neat
>Favorite weapons
Savage Lynel Bow x5, Two Handed Boomerang, Royal Guard Claymore and Savage Lynel Sword
>Favorite Shields
Savage Lynel and Royal Guard
>Favorite memory
The one where Zelda bitches you out for following her
>Favorite fights
any and all lynel

This game is top 5 for me easy. So hard to pick favorite parts out

Isn't Ganon supposed to be some ancient evil that has existed since the dawn of man type deal? Is he really just some thief that now has become an eldritch force of evil because reasons?

Why the fuck don't link/zelda get these crazy powers ganondorf does anyways

My favourite memory was the crying scene with Zelda. Had most of the story up to that point but it really drove home how sad her whole situation was. I teared up

Tarry Town is a long one with quite a few characters. Also, if you have an opportunity to waste a weapon on chopping down trees, do it. You'll need the wood

>Zelda picks up the beast while you are inside it and peaks in

Totally not because I have a giantess fetish, nope.

>character development is pretty weak all across the board
Did you read everyone's diaries in Hyrule Castle?

This game has the best Zelda by far.

He's technically the reincarnation of Demise's spirit, yes.

Demise is the ancient evil, Ganon is just a result of the curse of Demise which basically says that there will always be a hero, princess, and villain, and Ganon just happens to be the villain a fuckton of times

Technically speaking he's a reincarnation of Demise who IS an ancient evil

Why don't you just play the games

>Chopping down trees with weapons
>Not just blowing them up with bombs

Do you even lumberjack?

>Thing is I think later games started to imply Ganon as an entity existed before then and has many incarnations.

That's what I always assumed. I thought ganon kept coming back in every game, and in OoT ganon came back in the form of a human, Damien Thorn style.

I've actually only seen the memories, currently prepping for my final assault. I'll keep my eye out for those diaries, didn't really expect for there to be any more story development at this point in the game

I really want nintendo to patch the durability or hard mode to up it so I could do a theme'd run. I'd love to just load up on mops, brooms and pitch forks and just deliver some farm justice to the land.

>This game has the worst Zelda by far.

Where is the best place/time to see Dinraal? The other dragons spawns seem so much easier to find in comparison

See What I think really think they meant to do, at least back when Zelda continuity was simple and only had LttP for backstory, was that him corrupting the Sacred Realm also corrupted him and turned him into a reflection of his true character. Link turned into a bunny who can't attack when he first went to the Dark World. Kind of unfair, but it does mean he's a good person I guess.

Ganon in every game (with the exception of Four Swords Adventures) is literally the same Ganondorf from OoT. He's probably thousands of years old by the time you reach games like TP, but it's still the same guy.

Which was you favorite Divine Beast and which was your favorite Divine Beast boss?


why is the hylian shield black?

>Favourite character
>Favourite location
Gerudo Highlands. I like snowy mesas.
>Favourite weapon
Royal Claymore. Easy to get, looks cool and is spin2win.
>Favourite memory
The Ceremony one. Zelda just seems so miserable and is the only scene where her accent doesn't kill the mood.

I'm legitimately retarded and I don't absorb plots without voice acting. I've beaten FF7 3/4 times and still don't know what happens other than "aeris dies and cloud think's he's zack for some reason"

I've never been good with reading comprehension concerning books either. I beat every 3d zelda and 2/3 of the 2d ones, I just don't absorb shit

I really like breaking the shrine puzzles. There's one where you had to use wind power to time a ball that raises a platform, but I said fuck all that and attached an octorock balloon to the ball over the goal and shot it after I got to the platform. I also used a lot of illegal climbing to glide into a locked room.

Keep in mind even without the lore bloat of Skyward Sword, Ocarina is ancient history in terms of the timeline. Also Ganondorf isn't just any thief. He's the king of them, who is more of a dark wizard.

Objectively wrong, Twilight Princess has the worst Zelda.


Favourite beast was the camel, favourite beast assault was the camel or the bird. Lizard was the worst all around. Favourite boss was none of them, completely forgettable ends to a cool idea.

Why is there no reason to kill ganon it just doesnt matter jesus hes also super easy

wish his beast form was a giant lynel

Put them on a hill and stasis them up there.

Zelda MMO M8

Fuck, add in beast assault to your answers!

That's the Royal Guard Shield, Hylian Shield's a different item

All another Zelda has to do is show up for a few seconds and they're automatically better than BoTW Zelda.

>Also Ganondorf isn't just any thief. He's the king of them, who is more of a dark wizard.

I always assumed he was the 'King of Thieves' because he was the leader of the Gerudo, who are thieves. Not that he was a thief himself.

Does she swallow it too, faggot?

He's apparently about to destroy the world or something. Every other NPC in the game seems to talk about the event that happened 100 damn years ago.

Why the fuck can't I live in Tarrey Town goddammit

Fuck yes I'm mad

For anyone interested, this guy is uploading the cutscenes in Japanese with English subs:

I thought that the bosses were pretty fun. Fire one was the most boring, but tossingg a bomb while he was sucking things up for an explosion was still kinda neat. The spear breaking with Cryonis in waterblight was cool, as was me having my first heavy use of arrow slomo against windblight. And the magnesis lightning rod was definitwly a memorable boss moment

No reason it can't be both. If you're a leader of a thief clan you're probably stealing yourself but not in a plebby way.

Hateno has better music and the better -son anyway.

lay them on a slope and stasis em

Tanthar gorge, if you ride along the top by the serenne stable he generally goes along the top of it so he's easy to hit

He does pull off quite the heist on the Triforce in OoT.

No, but you have to climb her eyebrows for reasons.

>Link gathers the stones and then draws the Master Sword, falling asleep for 7 years.
>Ganondorf just 'dorfs right in and takes the Triforce at his leisure.

Not much of a heist...

I just realized after watching memory 7, is this the first time ever we see Link kill a normal human? He cuts down that Yiga guy stone dead.

What are you supposed to do for that start-gazer constellation shrine?

Is this your channel?

Does your name end in son?


I think so but its bloodless violence so not so bad. Plus he really cares for Zelda so fair dues to him.

Does LttP count? Always thought the Dark Nuts were humans.

No, but I like to plug it because he's the only faggot I see doing this and I know I'm not the only one who can't stand the English voices

As long as you can count to 5, you should have no issues solving it.

In LTTP you do kill tons of enemy soldiers who are definitely human.

Why is it called Breath of the Wild?

Then tough luck, kid

Pretty sure Darknuts are just possessed suits of armor.

Not like the japanese is any better

Because the focus of the game is the wilderness

Because there's an instrument you get called The Wild and you play it by breathing on it.

Anybody know a good way to catch lots of hearty bass? I've tried using the sensor to find them, but since the fish also move, its not reliable at all. Is there some place where I can just jump into the water, catch 3 or 4 hearty bass, leave, and come back and get more later?

it is

Does anyone know what to do in the last Kakariko sidequest? I follow the shop girl to the graveyard but she just prays the whole night.

I don't get it.

This isn't that true though. Why "breath", anyway?

Prove it. Last I heard, they're both trash.

You have to hide and watch one of the two guards. At night, one of them will start walking, and will wander all the way to the plate. You just follow behind him, and when he reaches the plate, a cutscene will start.

Wrong person to follow.

It is true though

Cause it's breathing on you

after you talk to her praying and she gets mad you should see a text bubble on the hill that leads to the shrine in kaka, then you should see a guard sneaking over in the forest where the secret shrine is underground

They're dog folk in WW for some reason and there's definitely a person underneath in TP as we see with the second form.

The game has more towns than maybe any 3D Zelda before it. Stables everywhere.

Since I think we can all agree that the story was barebones and lackluster, can we talk about the speculation and theories that we all had when the first trailers were revealed?

I remember when everyone thought this would be one of those 'nature vs technology', 'humans destroy nature so nature destroys humans' kind of thing, but it really wasn't about that in the end.
Also all those theories about Link's hood and arm things being from the Gerudo. Good times.