Horizon: Zero Dawn worldwide sales top 2.6 million

A true Zelda killer have arrived,

Horizon: Zero Dawn worldwide sales top 2.6 million in 2 weeks



>only 2.6 million in 2 weeks

Zelda did that in day one.


I was expecting this game to sell the minimum 5 million units. Remember when tomb raider sold around 4 mil and was deemed a financial failure by Square?

Played Zelda and thought it was ok but very barren and cryptic with things.
Just got Horizon today and I expected SJW shit and fucking poo in the loo level of quality.
I was pleasantly surprised it wasn't fucking horrible its actually ok.
Nier though is just fucking boring.


how can it be a zelda killer if they're not even on the same console?

This fucking massive shit taste holy shit

Nier > Zelda > irrelevant shitty FOTM games

tell that to every Zelda Vs Horizon thread

You have to take into consideration that horishit is fucking 2 weeks old while RotTR is like 2 years old

I referenced the first tomb raider though.

Dude Nier is boring as fuck.
The side quests are all just fucking MMO tier trash.
Main story is just faggoty 2deep5u tier shit.
Nioh is the best game out this year.

The first reboot is even older

>The side quests are all just fucking MMO tier trash.

And yet, you're praising horizon?

>muh saels!

See you creaming yourself into a media create thread

I said I expected Horizon to be nothing but 100% trash and what I got was meh quality so better than I expected which was trash can.
Only reason I got it was because there is fuck all out except Zelda, Nier and Horizon this month and I got over Nier for the moment.
Zelda I got sick of looking up a fucking guide for and just sold the switch.
Horizon I got because of curiosity and something to do because I was taking a break from Nier.

Except for the part where the game is multi plat

I forgot how that stopped successful sony exclusives like uncharted and the last of us from selling good before, pardon me.

not a zelda killer if people were choosing one over the other based on owned console. more people just have sony. nintendo may be able to get out of their trash hole, but the sad truth is that hardly anyone owns a wii u, and the switch is too new to say yet. regardless, both games are selling pretty well.

>Couldn't even beat Uncharted 4 in it's second week


How much did successful uncharted (the last of a franchise ) sell in 2 weeks again? I forget.

2.7 million in first week with slightly smaller install base.

New ip versus the final installment in loved franchise...hmmm

How much did it sell compared to the first uncharted again? I forget.

In it's very first week it sold 2.7 million. Basically .1 more than Horizon.

Shit in the Wild didn't even sell 1.5 million in that time.
Nintendo BTFO

Established franchise final game vs new IP

How about uncharted 1? How did that sell compared to horizon?

Compared to Horizon? Pretty low. Drake's Fortune sold I think over 30k in it's first week. Which is understandable since PS3 in it's early days had a lesser install base.

>Remember when

Yes? It's not like the square press release was yesterday.

Breath Of Wild sold over 1 million copies in 1 week with a new hardware. People literally paid 400$ plus to play zelda.

Horizon barley scraping ps4 install base.


You mean new hardware plus the wii u right?

>all this console war faggotry

2.6 million within 2 weeks is very good for a new IP. It's definitely the highest-selling new IP on the PS4, which bodes well for future success because it came out in the middle of a storm of other better games.

IT sold 1.3 million along with the Switch.

Wii U numbers have yet to be reported.

There aren't even 2.6M Switch units sold.


>All these false flag poss

I love how no one ever seems to bring up Horizon unless it's to compare it with Zelda.

It really makes you think.


I'm actually considering getting the game. It looked really bad at first from what I had heard from it, but then I looked up some gameplay and it seems pretty fun. Just wish Aloy didn't look so ugly.

>horizon gets talked about
>zelda fags show up

>zelda gets talked about
>horizon fags show up

its the same both ways.

Friendly reminder sony considers rentals as full sales for both, consoles and videogames.

That's great for developers.

>it's only for switch a roo

wiiu still exsits unfrotunately.


What is this the fucking 90s? Those stores are dead chump


I'm happy just for the tech departement :
They've done an amazing job concerning the rendering.
It was like playing crysis 1 for the first time.

>horizon discussion
>hurr WE WUZ millions
>omg that tranny mc is such a strong womenz

>zelda discussion
>actual discussion about the contents of the game

>horizon discussion
>man this gameplay is fun as fuck
>check out this screenshot I took

>zelda discussion
>I want to fuck Link (male) xD
>feminine benis xD

>Enter Zelda thread
>Anons discuss their findings, how they beat X and Y, waifus or argue about how they'd score the game
>Shitposting is inevitable but there's healthy discussion

>Enter Horizon thread
>The few trying to explain why the game is good can't articulate further than "fighting robot dinosaurs is truly Epicâ„¢"
>Fanboys claim the story and setting are incredibly original despite being an amalgam of sci-fi and post-apoc cliches

I try to understand what would make people love the game, but i can't and they're not helping
And i don't own any current gen console so inb4 "you must be a drone!"

>Not 8 million
Sad, maybe next time.

Said the toddler, while also desperately trying to push Horizon as SJW to badmouth the game

how mad do you have to be to type all this out? Toddlers are incredibly passive-agressive. It's ok. Nintendo's already assfucking you. No need to be mad at Sony for not doing the same.

didnt like battlefield sell like 10 million


It sold like 1.2 million in its first month, sold worse than BF3, even after all that boasting and the sales cratering of the Call of Duty franchise it still didn't beat it in sales.

>Zelda I got sick of looking up a fucking guide
go back to school jimmy

Tell me where the heck i mention SJWs

Although i do find the black Muslim burqa-wearing scientist from Tehran to be an incredibly funny combination

And here we go
Aside from the handhelds my most recent Nintendo console was the fucking NES. Try again

Don't reply to shills

How many people pirated the Wii U version though? Every Wii U out there is 100% softmoddable and able to pirate from Nintendos servers.

The few thousand neckbeards on Sup Forums and Reddit won't make a huge dent in sales from pirating

There are people on eBay and reseller websites literally selling hacked Wii U's with Zelda preloaded. Any normie can get their hands on it.