Anyone else irked that this game doesn't get acclaim here? The combat is actually good unlike Botw...

Anyone else irked that this game doesn't get acclaim here? The combat is actually good unlike Botw, surprising for a western game. The story and sidequests are also some of the best in open world games I've seen.

Who cares fuck off

It was everything I wished the Witcher 3 had been.

I'm not the most avid open-world game player, but HZD is leading my GOTY list at the moment.

Though I had to craft way too often during fights to keep up my stock of arrows.

>Why can I only carry 30 arrows at a time, but I can carry 3000 ridgewood, 8000 metal shards, and 1000 wires?

Why do you make bait threads

Game's fine, it has its following. Not every game needs dedicated 24/7 threads. GR2, Nioh, and Yakuza didnt need 24/7 threads. People talked about them and moved on, its not a big deal.

Look at how miserable the Nier threads are. It's barely alive but autists keep bumping them.

Dumb Breath of the Wild shill.

Not OP, but why are you so ass blasted?

No this is Sup Forums i could care less of these vermin like good games, i'm just here to shit post

>Zelda threads discuss Zelda
>Horizon is such a bad game they make threads to discuss(cry about) Zelda instead
There ain't a board big enough to hold your massive inferiority complex

>unlike Botw
I want console war fags to leave.

>tfw playing it on that fake 4k with HDR.

Looks pretty damn good, game is pretty interesting so far, I just copped it today and I'm in the part where you finish the trial or whatever and the niggas from a different tribe start killing the other participants.

Blah blah blah SJW something or other.

Can't hold a thread without mention Zelda, whines when everyone discusses Zelda. What could possibly be the problem?

Not OP, but why don't we just discuss HZD then?

I really liked the cauldrons personally. I thought they felt great aesthetically in terms of being dissonant with the outside world.

I actually was surprised how much I liked a lot of the side characters. Varl was a fucking homie.

not at all, I bought it on release day and thought it was fine but I don't care if people on Sup Forums agree with me. I did like BOTW more though like everyone else that actually played both.

>The story and sidequests are also some of the best in open world games I've seen.

I wholly agree it's better then Zelda: Not Zelda, but have you played many triple A games in the past 3 decades?

The combat is really nothing impressive. Tomb Raider 2013 still has tighter and more creative bow.

I just did that side quest with the npc who drinks machine blood. I swear they based that guy on heath ledgers joker

I must have missed that one.

I enjoyed almost every side quest with recurring characters. Vanasha, Nil, Erend were all totally legit.

Nil is a pretty bland concept executed extremely well.

>I just love killin' humans
>B-but... bandits right?
>Yeah sure, whatever, bandits.

> Arnold = Zelda
> Lou = Horizon

>explore first cauldron
>fall to my death twice trying to hitch a ride on those flying drones
>exit cauldron

Just run into Nil's faggot ass in the desert again, probably wont revisit this shitty cauldron thing for a while.

>Anyone else irked that this game doesn't get acclaim here?
>The combat is actually good unlike Botw, surprising for a western game. The story and sidequests are also some of the best in open world games I've seen.
Oh it's a bait thread.

Curious, I didn't feel like any of the environment navigation was particularly challenging in the cauldrons. It was mostly the fact that you had to deal with some of the bigger machine without any opportunity for cheese.

Doing the Thunderjaw one early was pretty tough.

On that subject, what level did you all finish the game at? I have no idea if I was high/low/right on the mark.


NIgga, I just said I ran into Nil in the desert again. Does that sound like I finished the game.

>you all

question directed at the whole thread, friend