Podcast time

Podcast time.
Ben, if you please.

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It's up. Duration: 01:49:09. Nice.

pls not a damiani week. I hate him so much.



He really is worse than Ian. Ian's a fag but has good taste in games. Damiani's constant Zelda shit gets really old really fast. He clearly doesn't have the capacity to be objective about the game, hence the 4.5.


I've been shipping Ian and Ben for a while, but this is just getting crazy

they talking zelda this week?

Ian and Ben are best guests. I think them plus Jones and Bosman have the best discussions. I like all of them though.

Ian and Ben are this week's guests.

Post it if you got it. Somebody will, eventually. You can only justify that $5 so long.

>mrw my tetris song gets picked and Kyle thinks it's 'sick'

Nigger literally all Ian can talk about is souls and whatever indieshit his assclown san francisco friends develop, his taste is even more narrow

>He clearly doesn't have the capacity to be objective about the game, hence the 4.5

As opposed to the billions of 10s the game got, you're saying the 90 is the one that isn't objective

>always make my bet by choosing one of the retard mods and outbetting them by 1 point
>have piloted the Buran twice

>submitted a song the first day he started taking submissions
>still has never been picked
>later on it's revealed that the more recently a song has been submitted, the more likely it is to get picked

I even think submissions get deleted after a while. You have to resubmit them.

someone post the fucking link.

Stop trying to get validated by e-celebs who don't know you or care about you and do something with your lives.

>mfw mine gets picked and everyone hates it but it induces a good Kyle bit and pretty good score

The guy in charge of the bots is kind of an idiot that way, always trying to add rules and commands that don't need to exist. I don't know if he's made the code public, but it wouldn't be surprising if he's given higher probability to the admins or his buds.


Clown music?

Ben post the link already.
I thought you were /ourguy/

I loved their bit on Colin Who and Jontron.

Ok seriously now, i barely look into twitch chat, but what's up with the guy that basicly just does
>"sentence that someone just said" confirmed 2017
>"sentence=confirmed" name 2017

After the retards in the comments exposed him last week, the boys probably asked him to stop.

Why the fuck does Ian have to be Ben's regular podcast co-member


I missed this. What happened?

He's autistic as fuck. Just mute him.

I seriously thought he was some voice-to-text bot or something

reminder that this thing is brad's girlfriend and she's currently on her way live in los angeles and will probably be in streams soon

Danke Danke Ben


i can't wait to hear how hilarious she is and see all her fanart on twtitter yaaaaaaaay


Ben: "hey who wants to be on Frame Trap next week?"
Everyone but Ian: "I might be busy let me get back to you"
Ian: "All I have planned is staring at my cell phone waiting for Elyse to confess her love... so yeah I'm free I'll be on the show"

Thanks Ben


He gave it a 4.5 because he's too attached to the series to give it a perfect score if it has a single flaw.

He needs to talk to Blood and learn how to be a man and have the balls to call a 5 a 5.

she looks like female ryder from Mass Effect A

He needs to be handled with care. I've found him more tolerable of late, I think he's settled into a good groove where he can keep his own stuff in his own videos and keep joint productions focused on the topic of the video.

Thanks Ultima

FT has more variance which can lead to weird combinations but sometimes you get god tier combinations like Bosman / Huber / Brad.

If they're moving in together, EZA is fucked as Brad won't be able to get rid of her. Hopefully she'll be homeless and single within a month though.

Good looking out Ben-kun

I hope they have the good sense not to bring on someone who'll just rock the boat. Not to mention take another cut of the patreon money, which is getting closer and closer to office space.

I found him just as annoying on the last FT I listened to (the one before last week's zelda one). His attitude over not giving a shit about 99% of games is obnoxious as hell, I'm not saying everyone needs to be like Huber or Ben or to love and be excited for everything, but the way he wears it like a badge makes him come off as such a faggot who shouldn't bother being on a podcast about video games if he can't contribute anything to a conversation about a game that isn't Bloodborne / Dark Souls / Nioh.

Ben's a very special case of someone who truly, purely loves video games. Ian has his own subset that he knows and likes, so he'll tend to compare things to them, but I do think he's gotten better.

>tfw my tetris song will never get picked

>and bosman v woz will be ending soon
feels bad man

It is? Did Kyle say so or are people just speculating based on the score?

He said he's ending it at week 52. Granted we're at week 40 or something right now so it's a bit off.

He gave it a 4.5 because of frame rate issues and the allies are all frame rate and graphics autists.

oh for some reason I heard in four weeks. still sucks

Some faggot posted "Thanks ben." in the comments of the podcast before it was public and a bunch of nerds liked it.

>le epic inside joke xd

>tfw can't hate Ian just because you deal with bigger shitters on such a regular basis that he seems almost quaint in comparison

Good taste in dogs tbf

Ian has been decent lately.

>inb4 shut up ian

she has no place for her dogs to stay since moving to California apparently. I feel bad for the poor doggos

>they actually mention Anthony Burch on the podcast

Fucking commiefornia.