Worst character in their respective game.
I'll start.
Worst character in their respective game.
I'll start.
character wise yeah she's pretty bad but in battle he's good
worst in battle in garnet, eiko is better in everyway
Yeah Eiko is a far superior white mage, and a far superior character to boot.
yup, garnet was great the first half
fucking shit second half, cut her hair and became ugly to boot
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this guy
>blu mage
Nigga you dumb.
>contributes fuck all to the story besides his irrelevant subplot
>blue mage where blue mage shit is limit only
>it's all shit anyway except mighty guard but at that point riku can do way better shit
>furfag b8
khimari was a mistake
my line ups as a kid:
ff6: locke, mog, yeti
ff7: cloud, caitsith, redxiii
ff9: Quina
non ironically.
perhaps I should have been more clear, but I'm talking about the worst character plot wise only.
>Quina will never eat you and learn the "bad hygiene" ability from you
Locke shits out insane damage with the right setup.
would that be insta flee?
I havent played it in ages. I just really liked playing
with cute animals and stuff in my team.
I was SO excited when I got to golden coral and met cait-sith. I just knew they would let me have him in my team after seeing him.
I always just used him as a enemyskill/healer character.
w...what's wrong with cloud?
agreed on the other two, power rankings are:
Cait Sith
You misread.
Those are the only characters I played with because I liked them. Didn't know people hated cait sith and quina until like 2010
Don't really get what there is to like about them.
Cait Sith was a fortune teller, turned shinra spy, turned friend again. I thought it was all pretty dull, and I had 0 emotional investment in him. Didn't really use him much unless I had to, so in terms of strat I can't say.
Quina is a super retard from a tribe of chefs that goes around eating people. Trying to eat Mog the moogle was the LAST straw. Literally hasn't said anything important ever and looks like the stuff of nightmares.
"Muh Zelda OC do not steal! She's friends with everybody and is super nice. She never messes up and is more powerful than anybody. She's 100% good and has to defeat her DARK SIDE...By the way she has a crush on Link and is kinda clumsy!"
Im not sure why I liked quina, but as for caitsith, I liked him because he was a freaking cat riding a mog. That's all that mattered.
Caused every single problem in Muv Luv
This bitch is an apparent 'professional swimmer' in her bio but I'M ordered to swim underwater to get the cable thing for the boat or whatever?
I mean, I hated them all but this shit was a particularly useless parasite.
wait forgot pic
i'm high
i will gut u like a fish u fkn mitsurugi loving swine I bet you are american fuckkng eat shit burger
I got Vincent so late in the game because I thought 'the place where light cannot touch' might have been the Nibelheim basement and I found the safe clue then.
Feel like I coulda gotten more important dialogue outta him if I got him earlier.
>hating blue mages
what a faggot
tell me how you can like THIS blue mage as a character.
educate me.
>golden coral
>that part in FFVII where sephiroth busts into the golden coral doing a shoot for a commercial and he just goes fucking apeshit on Jeff Foxworthy
truly the best part of the game
It was difficult for me to disown Quina after learning some pretty sick stuff, like 1000 needles, but my end game party is always based on 50% strength of the characters and 50% how much I like the characters, and I just hated him so much that I couldn't take it.
If I'm gonna save the world, I'm gonna save it with people who give a shit.
Amarant is so much worse than Quina
literally wut
More like insta flea.
Most musou games where it brings together people from multiple timelines always have a character like this though, don't they? Warriors Orochi sure had one
Because shes deliberately meant to represent the simplistic view of life and death in the thematic context of the game.
Which is so insanely refreshing to those who played the game at an age where they could detect such psychological nuances sublty influencing them.
Quina was almost always happy and made you feel happy, and had some suprisingly deep and comforting conversations with Vivi, Stiener, and Zidane.
Fuck OP Amarant was worse FF9 character.
he did nothing wrong though
>If I'm gonna save the world, I'm gonna save it with people who give a shit.
I like that that point of view, I think I just have autism and have to replay the game exactly the same way for nostalgia everytime. It's a shame because Barret is a fucking badass gun weilder and I should want him on my team.
Hopefully I can break the autism with REMAKE
>your class defines your character
I enjoyed the Mt. Gagazet fight. Although it was mostly due to the music.
Oh fuck I just realized I called the golden saucer that. Jesus.
I disliked amarant far more for the exact same reason. At least Quina was fun and happy, not an edgelord.
Amarant was lame as fuck.
>not Amarant
You stupid faggot.
>Cloud. Caitsith, Red XIII
Literally me.
Can't recall any of these 'surprisingly deep and comforting' conversations.
Just because a character who is usually shallow and retarded has moments of clarity, does not make them a good character,
Obviously the game is theatrical, and I suppose your representation of life/death is a fine subjective reading, but he could be easily erased from the story without any issue.
Perhaps he's a kind of lighthearted comic relief character in an otherwise fairly tragic tale, but Zidane (sometimes) and Zorn and Thorn fill that void nicely.
I did like the connection to Vivi's Grandad though, and the clarity he gave in that regard to his extension crisis and lack of identity.
I played the game for the first time at 18, so maybe he had a nice place for children, but he's never made me feel happy unless the other characters are ragging on him.
at least he makes up for it in porn
Do you have high hopes for the remake?
It kinda looks like FF7 thrown onto the FF15 engine, and I know they're changing the story up in places, but I'm definitely gonna play it because (as pleb as this might be), 7 is my favourite by far.
>not Gladiolus
didnt explain shit to his students and acted rashly
I'm not a fan of Amarant either, I felt like he was hurled into my party so abruptly, I didn't even really want it.
Got no time for some apathetic 'cool guy' character. When Freya had the option to push for his back story I chose 'nah' lol.
Over the years, I stopped playing new RPG's because I couldn't justify sitting around for 80 hours just for storyline with no real good gameplay.
So it changing to more action RPG style is actually a blessing for me.
I doubt it will be amazing, and I haven't played a Final Fantasy game since 12, but I finally buillt my first gaming PC, mostly in anticipation for it (and other things of course)
oh god I don't wanna know, kid me is crying.
>can be anyone
kek alright.
Mm yeah, I reckon it'll be confirmed fun in terms of it's mechanics, and it'll be interesting to see what changes they make to the story, but I'm guessing that nobody will consider it cannon.
If they add any of the advent children/crisis core shit to it I will not like it and might not by the new volumes.
Still gets more porn than Yuna, Lulu & Rikku combined; more than a decade after the game's release
Fucking this. If I get one whiff of Angeal or Genesis or any of that shit, I'm fucking out... Immediately and permanently.
wouldn't mind crisis core stuff desu, but a super no on advent children.
>Genesis is canon
They need to stop with the extended universes, they add nothing and only detract from the base game.
It's okay, I've done it in person multiple times. I just couldn't resist though.
Fuck you. CC was good just by the virtue of featuring playable Zack. Genesis is a shitty j-rock self insert, yeah, but that's something you have to deal with.
I don't get the hate. He's pretty legit in my book. I've heard people say he's spoiled or entitled but he never asked for any of that shit. His dad and country were destroyed for basically no reason and he just says, "Fuck that, we're gonna do something about it." I don't remember any point where he was crying "WHY ME?!" or anything. And in the end, he voluntarily went to his death because he knew it was the right thing to do. I actually liked all the main characters in XV. Most of the secondary characters were pretty cliched though.
>hating Quina
Fuck off faggot.
Is there moar?
>Blue Mage
>Two of the coolest FF classes.
>Somehow fuck it up.
Fire Emblem 6
> Awful base stats
> 4 movement speed in a game with large maps
> Comes right before the chapters where every enemy has an Axe
> Her growths aren't even that good
Arguably the most useless character in Fire Emblem history.
ronso waargh
You're the best, user.
Because in a game where you always have access to your party members at all times being a jack of all trades is useless.
>being able to play as Zach means that we have to shoehorn in all these other characters and plot points that had essentially nothing to do with the original story
Bruh. The whole problem with both CC and AC was that they added so many irrelevant characters and events that it didn't even feel like a prequel game or sequel movie. I was expecting Zach's story to somehow tie in with what actually happened in FFVII, but it's basically a completely independent story where in the end they go, "Oh yeah, this is that one scene you saw in the original game so I guess this is how we have to end this one." CC and AC were both absolute trash. I'm not kidding when I say I will stop playing if I see more than a passing reference to them in the remake.
Tifa has some of the shittiest stats in game as well as the shittiest ultimate weapon
>CC and AC were both absolute trash.
this right here, if the game had you kill amarant it would have been a 10/10. his motives were stupid, his story was stupid, his character looked like a gigantic faggot, and not in a good way. amarant ruined every part of ff9 he was in.
viv and steiner bros for life though
Quistis, is that you?
I know you're supposed to hate him but it works. I hate him. I even tried to think of other characters that I hate more but I can't. I even have some sympathy for that cunt Meliadoul.
Phantom lancer is cool though.
>not wanting to gain your powers by eating your enemies
>hating his race being great chefs as a parallel
10/10 character
I'm talking about their worth as CHARACTERS in the PLOT jesus christ, you autists...
I'm not going to debate the thematic nuances of the character development in FF9 with you.
Just understand Quina has a specific and deliberate roll to play in the context of her outlook on life and thats what was more refreshing about him/her. Those "Suprisingly deep and comforting conversations." I mentioned happened mostly in Discs 2 and 3 and were probably lost on you for not enjoying the character to begin with.
Quina is not a "Shallow and retarded character with moments of clarity." You were closer with your other interpretation that he/she is a lighthearted comic relief but it goes far deeper than that in a very serious and deliberate way that I'm sad was cheapened in your experience.
Quina is fucking based and hilarious. You suck. You all suck.
Be honest.. are you fat? could a rowboat support you?
I: Astos II: Leon III: Desch IV: Cecil V: Cid VI: Cid
VII: Priscilla ACVII: Denzel BCVII: Fuhito CCVII: Angeal DoCVII: Rosso the Crimson
VIII: Ellone IX: Doctor Tot X: Yuna X-2: Paine XII: Vaan
XIII: Serah (She got awesome after.) XIII-2: Lightning LRXIII: Louise
>IV: Cecil
Nigga, what? How jaded do you have to be to not love a redemption story?
No not at all but come on Quina was pretty funny. He always gave me a good laugh, I liked him better than steiner, Beatrix, and dagger that's for damn sure.
>Not Edward
did you just assume their gender?
This bitch and Zelda are equally bad.
t. fag
>II: Every single 4th slot party member.
Didn't quina marry vivi?
Dunno. The game already Cia so it didn't need another one.
>can literally only heal
>ai can't fucking use headshot
>cooling down so she can do literally anything is her signature move
>muh gadolt
I'm more inclined to believe you're a contrarian, pretentious cunt who argues a shit character to actually be good for some strange, ephemeral sense of superiority over others that gives you.
>Tiffa and Yuffie over Cloud and Barrett
That's even worse
Not that guy but
>calls others pretentious
>uses "ephemeral" in casual conversation
Hi, Pot, meet Kettle.
Keep in mind the cutscenes for FFXIII were the first parts made, and the rest of the game was a mad scramble to build a game around them.
In other words she only exists because of a single scene, and Cid is only revived off-camera because of an endgame cutscene still featuring him lol
First of all genocide is something I will always hold against a person. But beyond that: He's really whiny and after becoming a paladin he's really bland and barely says a thing. He uselessly stands around while everyone sacrifices themselves for him, then walks away with a "Let's go." as though he doesn't care and after that he laments to the others that he couldn't save them,so all the remaining party members give him a verbal blowjob as though he had sacrificed the most, since the world revolves around him. When Rydia of all people tells you to stop being so down, but you won't because your feelings and sins are paramount, I get fucking annoyed. Beyond that the indecisive prick has trouble forgiving people under mind control, when he committed his atrocities willingly.
To hell with Cecil.