DOTA 2 Patch 7.03

So how we all liking the new look for Jug and balance changes?

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Post new Jug look, I havent played this for 2 years

He finally got his Arcana

That arcana is shit.

And they still haven't fixed the GUI

And of course all 'balance' changes have been made to talents, despite the fact that talents are inherently imba.

>jakiro model update

holy fuck, about damn time.

Still dont wanna play it though.

Only thing I dont like about the arcana is the dragon swirl every kill and the giant effect when you do a crit kill or something. Just seems like its trying to one up all the others and ends up being kind of obtuse

Come on, no comic?

Sad day.

Dota sucks

Can't believe they took this fucking long to make this garbage.
Patch is okay though.

You mean spirit breaker?

My problem is it really doesn't do much to Juggy.

He looks practically the same, this is as insulting as the Terrorblade Arcana where he just turns red, when they had infinite potential to have "Antimage's brother" as a skin for his arcana.

They really fucked it up with the greenish PA Arcana-looking color which tends to ruin most of the sets that are generally orange.

Some effects are good, other are very flashy.

>absolutely nothing for my favorite pub stomper

Not sure if I should be disappointed or relieved. I guess he gets kind of an indirect nerf with Echo Saber no longer slowing attack though

>moon shard can now be cast on allied heroes

>mfw reading Arcana story fluff
it's like a bunch of kids on the schoolyard trying to one-up each other

>complaining about the color

Hello, .reddit

I always thought you could use it on allies but never bothered to try

>+420 GPM for puck

Icefrog you dumb meme-ing fuck

Now he can start giving moonshards to everyone.

>slower early game levels
>less memeback, again, this time we really mean it
>less gold from T1s and passively and from creeps so slower early game snowballs/powerspikes
>Rod of Atos buffed, again, for like 20th time and multiple reworks
>Removed Shadow Strike cooldown
A fucking what

They need to drop this shitty dark blue PA/terrorblade color shit for arcanas.

7.00 killed dota for lots of people, they need to get rid of those fucking changes, shrines, the jungle, runes, all needs to go, runes spawning in the river was fine but that shit in jungle is just stupid

>another arcana for some ricing carry shitter hero
fuck off

Jungling alch can now farm aghs and a fuckign moonshard for his carry.

Fucking hilarious.


Fuck off, this is a video game.
Go be a casual somewhere else, preferably in youtube e-celeb threads

>braving the pit of /vg/

WISP was robbed!

What? the jungle rune spawns are great, they promote roaming supports and add another objective.

>Wispfags: redditor
>Juggerfags: bros

Prove me wrong.
The only niggers who voted for Wisps are "hehehe, fuck the system amirite guys" kids who thought they're doing an epic meme.

It's just another grandpa who can't move on and keeps complaining about every single changes every time the version number increases by 0.01

>7.00 killed dota for lots of people
only shitters who were always bad at the game and used the update as a justification

it adds pretty much nothing and it's just extra gold for no real fucking reason, most of the time it goes to junglers anyway

7.00 killed the game because it ran like ass, had nothing to do with gameplay

that makes zero sense, the only people who like the changes are bad players. Free healing! Free gold! Talents are fun!

Shit is just stupid and badly designed, we leeg now

oh user, I think I found your problem

It's going to be fucking awesome. Now, if only I could find a carry who actually knew how to use the bonus I gave him...

>free healing
no it's a finite resource that has to be used carefully
>extra gold
bounty runes are more important for the xp than the gold, you are aware of that right?
>talents are fun
They add more strategy and depth to the game, so yeah

>played Dota for a total of around 100 hours 3-4 years ago
>still check the patch notes every time for Undying changes

The fuck's wrong with me

>still no fix for 2 ult heroes I'm ability draft
Fucking valve

Fucking jug mains with no brains voted for this trash when we could've gotten something interesting like Io or Invo arcana

Jugg looks like Outworld Devourer

OD's death lines include
>the stone reaches my heart

Consider this. It's important.


dont care about cosmetics, but theyre literally balancing characters with shitty XP and respawn bonuses from the talents. this shit is cancer, this isnt dota. i want my dota back.

Valve rigged it against Invoker, they would never fucking add 10 new particles/models for his spells.

>Vote Io arcana
>Valve changes his color from blue to green
>But it adds crackling lightning effects!!1

And that's why I wasn't about to vote Io. Almost 100% certain they'd have taken the easy route with making something.

valve rigged the vote, Io beat heroes like Pudge and Drow but lost to jugg? pfft

You got good taste.

Have you seen the newest Undying cosmetic? Shit is cash.

I don't really like the arcana or some cosmetic because it is pay 2 lose somehow

Like omnislash will clear show your path so your enemy could simply know where you end up with.

Same for riki with the backstab if you are runing away with the help of your teammate it the cosmetics simply just show the blink direction.

I don't know, I stopped playing when the patch 7.00 went live

Why are there so many Undying autists? I really don't get it. There is always that one literal autist who for whatever reason absolutely loves Undying and plays him like a retard. This happened on every group of friends I've played with. Do you guys identify with him or something?

>exclusively play support kunkka
>hate jug with a burning passion
>this update

end me desu

Crystal maiden is the best arcana.

I'm still mad that qop lost to zeus. Shadow fiend is my best mid and his arcana sucks also :(


nah shit was cash for tb, it literally fits his theme

but for pa and juggs its pretty ass

stfu you wsip faggot, io winning was a meme. it wasnt just juggs main that voted juggs, it was all the fags whos hero got fucked over by io along the way

slark deserved it more than that gay ball

Undying is really fun now with scepter and octorine at level 25. That one and a half second decay that steals 50 strength is so powerful.

zeus had no cosmetics

queen has and still gets cosmetics

fuck off with your skank

I voted for Pudge arcana. fuck all of you.

It's the worst arcana in the game nobody uses it

who is this cow?

>already have a million items for it
>hurr lets give it an arcana too

fuck you jugfags

I get this much, I only play AR and he's fun to play whenever I get him. What I don't understand is that literally every time I play with a different group of people there is that one slightly autistic guy absolutely obsessed with Undying. I can tell they're retarded when they refer to him as Dirge. It happens so often that I'm starting to think this might be normal for Undying players.

it's weird but it's so common, also lots of female players like playing him too

>3 major patches later
>Still no UI revamp

I can't play with all this clutter

The fact that they're refusing to add in an 'old' option is the same bs reasoning why we don't have skeleton king anymore.


nah thats lina

I enjoy Shadow fiends arcana because he looks like Ragnaros and that's all I really want I suppose

You realize that shadowfiend is based on the firelord model from WC3, which Ragnaros is based on?

>Meat Hook speed reduced from 1600 to 1450
>Meat Hook no longer pulls invulnerable heroes


Removing shadow strike cooldown doesn't even matter that much.

90% of it's damage is over time and doesn't stack.

Arcana shouldn't be an important part of the hero's gear like a weapon or hat. It should be a fucking pair of pants or something so you can wear the cool weapons and hats of your choice. CM's was good; PA not the best same with Legion.

Valve dogfucked this one; it's basically worse PA.

Space cow is never going to get Arcana. If it isn't hot or a carry they go to the bottom of the list. That being said I don't know how Zeus made it. The people playing this game are too stupid to see how Valve repeatedly doesn't put in the effort this game deserves; they don't test anything for stability before releasing broken garbage. Wisp should have won simply to get the fucking company off its ass but whichever number or morons couldn't see past their dick sucking and had to stop it.

Haven't played this shit game since they ruined techies

I like the Zeus arcana, because if you use the chest piece without the helmet, He's just a shirtless Zeus, or you can use the helm with his new set and be made of stone. Honestly if he had more sets to mix in, the helm in the arcana could have potential.

why the fuck does it not pull invis heroes

theyre fucking invis not ghosts wtf

>still no UI revamp
U fucking wot? You're aware they completely redid the hud with 7.00, right?

Zeus made it because his model was garbage and leddit memed everyone into voting for him because that meant Valve would have to remodel him, which is what happened.
The Arcana was shit, but at least he looks good now and support cosmetics.

Inconsequential. If you're in a game with gold to spare to invest in Moonshards for allies then or already won or you're going to lose regardless.

looks like he's one of those faggots who refuse to adapt and accept that the new HUD is superior

it's invulnerable, not invisible

I was talking about balance, of course SB is never getting an Arcana. All SB needs as a scepter rework anyways

Exactly, and its garbage.

The fact that its forced and you cant turn off all the clutter is disgusting.

I wish they'd just give use APIs to make UIs already, because Volvo can't design a UI for this game worth a fuck.

How legit is buying boots first for mid rhasta? Boots advantage is huge and it's not like you need nulls since your base damage is so ridiculous now.

>Alchemist exists

that bullshit tho. hook isnt a unit target spell its basically a moving aoe spell. aoe spells should and rightfully so go through invis. wtf is volvo thinking

you couldn't do that with the earlier versions either.

Not being pedantic, but I'm just curious what stuff on the screen is clutter to you.



It just means you can't get hooked out of euls, which makes sense. Everyone else can get hooked. Relax.

Why is it garbage? Just because it's something new and different? "Cluttered" makes no sense when you consider it's smaller and a lot simpler than the old one.

>arcana gives him the exact same colour scheme as PA and aba
>implying 700 didn't make techies better than ever
Pity about the mine nerf in 703 though

>people still play dota2

Im going to assume you made a typo and are not this dumb

what would a new sb aghs be anyways

charges on his ult? striking all units in an aoe?(as in five sbs ult each enemy hero in the aoe rather than just knock everyone near the target) a totally new spell ala walrus kick that makes enemy heroes charge him?

Hook out of omnislash, sweetie

happened just in the last starladder

why the fuck is he blue? Looks like shit

Gets wrecked by most mids. Way too squishy and the mid game is real strong for most. Also sacrificing mana regen for dat risk free fork harass isn't worth.

Not just Euls. You can't hook enemies under Nightmare, Song of the Siren and Juggernaut while he's on Omnislash. Pretty much anything that makes someone invulnerable.


thought it said invis

techies serves no other reason than to prolong the game and make late game high-ground attempts fucking garbage.

I hate complaining about him because everyone is like LOL U MAD? GIT GUD XD but he literally serves no purpose other than to shovel salt and go "lel u walked over my mines :DDDD" I honestly think the hero needs a rework because his current skillset is boring as fuck and it means he's in fights less than any other hero.

No mid is gonna be able to fight him the first couple of levels. But you are right, he's gonna get wrecked later. I just remember his crappy movement speed. You have 285 without boots. Even with boots you are gonna be slow as shit and most good mids heroes have similar movement speed without boots. OD has like 315.

the problem is that the new ui changes everything around and makes it hard to remember at times where everything is. I have to skim through mroe pages to get an item that a hero normally doesnt get for example in the case that I need to, when the old ui was just two pages

in general, asking for an option to use somethign old isnt asking for much, unless you get assmad that people like using legacy keys to

good point, I just couldn't remember the other instances of invulnerability. onya

I want 0-second CD on Nether Strike or Charge with Aghs. Just fucking wretched. Without stats his mana pool is just trash; Aghs will boost it and give you something to do with that mana.

I love SB to death but if your team doesn't really capitalize on the lead he gives you he just dips off so quickly because of all the middling crap you need to buy for yourself: urn, orb of venom, treads, often you have to buy your own wards, dust, and have to spend so much time roaming. When you get your Echo it's a huge boost to your murder capacity but even then you still dip off pretty fast.

I'm shit at balance I know. I just want to race-car across the map and split push and Aghs can do that.