Most champions have escape skills

>most champions have escape skills
>higher TTK
>champions are overall more versatile
>faster gameplay
>each character has 16 cards that affect their abilities
>you can buy items throughout each match that further affect abilities such as increased damage vs shields, cooldown decrease on abilities, heal debuff, etc.

Paladins blows Overwatch out of the water.

Other urls found in this thread:

Also cutest girl.

bordering on sexist but she is attractive

>we want the sadpanda audience

Except blizzard made more money therefore it's a better game

You forget to mention more creative character overall design as well.

Overwatch may be somewhat cool but it stands no chance against Paladins.

As someone who's put in a lot of hours in both games, I must say, I do prefer Paladins.
There's just so much crap in Overwatch that makes it unfun while Paladins is at 99% of the time fun, even though if you're losing.

Things Overwatch does better:
-Overall presentation
-Polish (fewer bugs, more stable servers, matchmaking)

Things Paladins does better:
-Everything else

I can see reasons for liking either but the lack of variety or options in OW caused me to drop it and pick this up recently. I really do like it, the deck system and burn cards. However there are bugs that really fucking need fixed as well as other shit that needs work.

Been unlocking and learning each champ but holy shit do I love using Cassie.

Quick rundown on Drybear:
>redditors bow to Drybear
>in contact with Blizzard
>rumored to possess stolen assets
>control f2p shooters with an iron fist
>owns servers all over Russia and Brazil
>direct decendant of Michael Morhaime
>will bankroll the first completely free AAA game (it will be called Project U.R.S.I.N.E.)
>in the process of nerfing tanks as his personal bitches
>owns basically every BR with a credit card
>first designer skin will be Drybear Fernando
>Paladins is said to have 400000+ players
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of laggy servers and unprecedented amounts of Russians with them
>This is Drybear
>He owns stakes in the esport scene all over the world
>You likely are playing Paladins right now
>Every player has the crystallized sweat of Drybear granted to them weekly
>Drybear is in regular contact with the Archangels Prettyhair and Raynday, forwarding the patch notes to the masses
>Discovered the secret to balance
>He learned fluent C++ in under a week
>Alyssa allows him full access to her person under her clothes
>Steam entrusts their users' information with him. There's no info in Steam HQ, only Hi-Rez HQ.
>He is 26 years old, from the space time-reference point of the base vidya designer
>In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of vidya development from Pong to the end of vidya
>He has been able to access the Blizzard files since birth, and has spoken about designing Paladins while he was a newborn
>Drybear will guide f2p hero shooters into a new age of ragequitting, despair, and sorrow

Oh fuck off, everything about Paladins feels just like a broken ass cheap copy of Overwatch. I tried playing few matches and it feels so slow and sluggish, the maps are awful (especially I got some shitty aztec temple that was basically a single path with little to no flanking routes), the hitboxes are also broken it seemed like wherever I shot I was hitting someone.

Also cards are moba-tier shit. It makes balance more fucked up I like OW's simplicity and how player have no advantages or stronger gear regardless of the level

I agree she's nice, OW is too butt focused

>it feels so slow and sluggish
>I tried playing a few matches
no you didn't.

+Drogoz, Bomb King, Pip are all really fun
-Every character except Skye and Kinessa (who are useless) is busted and items only exacerbate this

also it's free and not p2w at all

lot of shilling going on itt.

Don't forget the developers of paladin.

there are big issues with paladins right now like shitty servers and bugs that haven't been fixed for months. but at it's core it's a way better game than overwatch.

Sup bro, don't mind if I fuck up this previously not p2w game with grindy bullshit, do you? Hey don't worry about it bro, this is necessary. Skins and cosmetics just weren't bringing in enough money.

Before the essense update, it was an extremely fair F2P game. Now, I'm not really sure.

>you need gold to open chars, ehich you need a lot
>you need millions of essence to buy cards
>game is all buggy as fuck and looks like chinese cheap shit

The game is fun as fuck.

To bad the client game is buggy as fucking shit. They better not release the game like this.

At least with Tribes only the client was buggy and in-game was fine, this is both.

You mean the gold which you can make in just an hour of fucking playing to unlock characters and you make so much gold you can unlock every character in a little over a week??

>can't change hero during the match
>ultimates are way more diverse and way more situational

That alone makes it better than overwatch

I have a founder pack, bought when it was really cheap, but my friend had a big struggle to get some gold even for one character.

>spend 40/60$ on OW
>still have to deal with rng-boxes
>It´s okay when blizzard does it

>You get only cosmetic items from ow boxes, meanwhile in Paladins you gotta pay to get characters and then buy cards that give you advance in game against other players

Now that's bullshit. Me and my friend got all heroes extremely fast thanks to the daily quests and the bonus you get for leveling up. The essences on the other are absolute bullshit to get

>cards give gameplay advantages
>can buy cards through essence
>can get essence through boxes
>can buy boxes with crystals
>can buy crystals with cash american

>skins do not affect gameplay

I dislike overwank but I dislike ill informed retards even more

I enjoy it but it's far too clunky and glitchy. You can't even use some characters like Fernando because they're so buggy that they're too unreliable to pick.

Also everyone having escape skills with higher TTK makes it a bit too easy sometimes. You fucked up and got into a bad position? No worries, there's plenty of time to turn around and run the fuck away. Also inability to change characters mid match means everyone has to be doing their job or you instant lose, you can't make up for a shitty frontliner who won't get on the objective by switching to one yourself.

I do enjoy the variety that cards/items in match leads to though. I wish Overwatch had some form of customizing your characters playstyles but it would probably cause the game to be a mess. Also the maps don't have nearly as many chokepoints and have actual flank routes so that's nice too.
>pic related

>hitboxes STILL lag behind so you can get shot through Fernando's shield and Androxus' reversal
It's just a beta bro :) they'll patch it ))))))))))))))

No, Op, all class based shooters are unbalanced garbage. i played paladins for a week and after being the highest dps and best tanker on my team after 100 games i uninstalled the game.

how long ago was this?

I hate her fucking voiceeee

>Main cassie
>Everyone just jumping around especially opponent maeve
>Just casually hitting her
Oh boyyyyyyy

it was after the fernando nerf/buff where they gave him 1% more damage but also made all of his skill animations slower and clunky, so basically it was just a nerf

The comparison to Overwatch is stupid. Paladins is literally badBattleborn.

Looks to be around OB39. Legendaries have just further fucked the balance though, and wrecker/cauterize as still broken.

What's with sha lin hitbox ? Way too big apparently in ob45. Hide behind rock still got hit

>you can either do 150% more damage to shields
>or get 15% life steal
its like hi-rez studios is figuratively retarded

Even if you stand still you can get hit through Fernando's shield sometimes.

They honestly might as well just change Fernando to only taking shield damage when his shield is out, even if he's shot in the back. He's weak enough anyway that it wouldn't make him broken anyway, just more able to do his only job of being a big distraction/staller.

carrying with any champion at low ELO is easy, but i was just curious because the introduction of torvald and the legendary buffs further fucked fernando.

Pip is the best waifu.

i was watching my sister play this earlier, it was 5v5 elimination and the enemy team had 4 people pick the energy shield character and there was fuck all the other team could do to stop them. they would just shield eachother and themselves while the 1 person who picked an actual damage dealer went around killing everyone whilst shielded

>escape skills

The thing about Blizzars is they have the knack to spearhead a genre then completely make every other game in that genre irrelevant, even if their game has tons of flaws. You see this in hearthstone for CCGs and OW for hero shooters. Even if they end up being literal shit like Hearthstone is now, they will have more players due to brand recognition and loyalty alone.

Their only mistake was HoTS because they cashed in way too late during the MOBA boom.

You can get both of those things (as long as you have the money for it)

What you actually have to decide on is if you want more damage to shields, damage reduces enemy healing, or faster reloads, since all three of those go in the same slot and you can only have one.

>Those people who have unlimited ammo weapons who still take faster reload every time

I uninstalled Overwatch months ago and then played Paladins, and I agree it's better than Overwatch and has FAR more potential to be much better as well. However, I stopped playing Paladins as well because the developers seem very fickle. They make such radical changes so often that they can completely kill off their game in one patch (which they've almost done with the recent one).

I also realized that both Oerwatch and Paladins are pretty mediocre in terms of shooters, and that even Halo is superior to both of them. Only issue is I don't have an Xbone, so oh well. I just don't play either anymore and moved onto other games, 2017 has some good stuff in store anyway.

i was literally doing 100k+ damage and 200k+ shielding game after game; whatever, enjoy playing a game that records your keyboard inputs

They're mobility. Can be used to initiate, duel with, escape, etc.

>can buy chests with gold
>get a chest for every account level and some more for leveling the characters


Paladins is fun and all, and it really has some good features to make Blizzard sweat bullets, but, like any game that is unleashed free to everyone and anything from third-worlders, spics and Brazilian niggers, the players are so goddamn fucking retarded it makes me fucking mad just thinking about it. I'm mad.

Like for example. I just had this match with a Fernando who was shit afraid to push for the payload and get into the middle to contest the point that he was acting camping in the back with Kinessa like a sniper shooting fireballs from the back and strafing the wall when he gets hit. Only time he would use his shield was when his little camping spot was in trouble and he had to use it to run back so he can shoot fireballs from a distance. I tried raging at the idiot but he couldn't understand what I was saying and speaking in a different language.

It's unbelievable. This game really does make you heart rate go up.

overwatch is bleeding players because it's shallow as fuck and the esports side of it is a total fucking failure.

>their only mistake was HoTS
and diablo 3.

>almost every has "escape" skills
>fighting someone
>he "escapes"
>follow him with your "escape"
Retard. Play the game before shitposting.

no, you're right, a team based game should be everyone going gung-ho on their own instead of coordinating. If they can escape an encounter easily, there's no need to wait for your team to back you up.

who /quakechampions/ here

>can get a maximum of 110~ chests at the moment from levelling characters
>account level never stops increases experience needed to advance instead of overwatch, so you can be grinding millions of exp just for one chance at something you want
>grind gold instead to have a chance of getting what you want or at the very least getting more essence
>or just buy chests with money you silly goy
pay to not grind is still pay to win faggot. same shit as league

>Those Ruckus players who spend the whole match sniping like Kinessa
>People in /palg/ defend this by saying Ruckus doesn't have enough health to frontline
>On a character who has the 4th highest health in the game, with a personal shield and defense ability that he can still attack with and can wipe anyone out in close range before they can kill him through his defenses

I don't understand people.

>initiate with mobility skill
>enemy just escapes with their


>now he has to wait for his to come back up and has left the point for a bit so you can fire on the frontliner for a bit
>or you could just not engage with your skill
>or use the character with two mobility skills

I'm cautiously excited for it. I was a console player all the way up to the Xbox 360 days, so I never got too much into Quake. If this one's good I'm hoping to put time into it.

I don't play bad games.

>wahh everything i dont like is shitposting

>I don't play games I shitpost about
way to confirm it dude, you really showed me


Or you can
>Find opponent with mobility skill and wait for cd
>Hit him
>Opponent escape
>Chase him with mobility skill
Its not that hard user as long you know hit range of your champion for maximum damage

idk who the fuck you're talking about so fuck off kid

he has the health if you play the point. his objective shield is great

also is some drunk asshole at highrez just thinking up pve gametypes and shitting them out?

Lets talk about why Torvald is a fucking madman and a half on any map with ring out capabilities.

>making a moba fps like overwatch
>hey instead of making the fps part more important let's do more moba-focused shit!
fuck this
this is exactly why I switched to titanfall 2 after I got tired of overwatch

>start playing yesterday
>do vs AI bots siege with real players for practice
>first game nobody will fucking go on the point
>we lose
>second game with new people
>nobody fucking goes on the point until we're tied at game point

I just don't understand. I eventually got to where I could play against real players and had some very intense matches but those early practice games were beyond frustrating.

So what are the big differences between Paladins and OW? I've heard people say they're very similar.

Not him but I have 20-30 matches in this game and it's pretty fucking slow. I even spammed nothing but a gimmicky roll build on Cassie. It's still slow, just with bursts of mobility.

People are so trash in this game it's really kind of sad.

>20-30 matches

I'm on about 500-1000 and it gets pretty fast when you're playing against/with people who actually know how to dish out some damage.

But trash still exists at those levels of matchmaking.




>You forget to mention more creative character overall design as well.

tell me about it

Never played Paladins but going off of what people talk about
-characters have abilities and ultimate, abilities are cooldowns only, no cost
-ultimates are slow charge but mainly dictated by damage/healing done so you can get them within a minute if you do well
-character customization is purely cosmetic: voice lines, taunts, skins/weapon skins, sprays
-most characters have 200hp, tanks and beefier characters can have up to 600, tracer has 150
-any character can kill a 200hp character in at most one magazine/a few seconds if aimed properly
-nearly every hitscan/projectile character can crit on headshot

Listen to these anons. They are correct.

>literal pay to win

if you play this game and support hi-rez's shitty money grabbing you should consider suicide

Is he the Junkrat knockoff?


So is he the king of the bombs or is he a king that happens to be a bomb?

jesus man there's only so much area-control-by-throwing-sticky-bombs classes you can do in a game like this.

inevitably paladins is going to copy OW, and vice versa.

Maybe in the broad terms of explosive character, but his normal shots actually take skill compared to junkrat.

>shit graphics
>shit sound
>shit voicing
>bugs out the ass
>bug fixes never ever
I wish paladins was overwatch

>play this shit
>jerk off
>get back to playing this shit
>she's a healer
>fucking destroy people faster than supposed fragging character from Tankblobwatch
>also keep everyone alive
>also have pretty cool GW2 mesmer abilities

it feels like im beating up children though so i had to delete it

You can pay to win for shit in the game to buy more little cards or whatever? Yeah fuck off.

This desu. It's honestly funny watching poorfaggots on Sup Forums shill this game. It doesn't even have voice chat for gods sake. What kind of fucking multiplayer shooter doesn't even have voice chat?

She's kind of crazy broken in most scenarios, there's maybe one character that can counter her effectively and even then that's assuming there's no one shielding for her.

LoL is the most popular multiplayer game and has no voice chat. 90% of people would just talk shit.

>OW is extremely polished but dull
>Paladins means dealing with Hi-Rez, buggy, not polished, questionable or greedy choices, but it's actually fun

Last I heard, the game went Pay to win* (Not grind for hours and hours and hours just for a portion of the shit to reach max potential)
That still the case?

So you only played the bots?

>no voice chat

Strangely enough the console version has it but nothing for PC.

You don't know what pay to win is. You can play the game for a week and have every card unlocked.

that is extremely not true

The game was decent but its basically pay to win. The cards were such a great system and made each loadout unique but now its just a mess. Better off playing OW or do yourself one better and avoid these shooters.

yes, not very pay to win but very grindy

>doesn't know what pay to win is
Fuck off shill.

Ironically, OW isn't even polished. It's also buggy, terribly balanced, and the matchmaking and event modes are low-effort shit. The only polish it has lies in the music and art-style. The audio for weapons itself isn't even that good; them sounding so weak was one of my main issues since I saw the first gameplay trailer of OW.

Paladins is worse off, but it's free so you just expect it. I think the best decision is t just play neither because you can find far more engaging video games anywhere else. Hell, even Warframe's more entertaining than both of these games, and that's a grnid-fest.

I played the game for about a month and unlocked every character and every card with 100k gold to spare. You get more gold if you aren't shit at the game so git gud.

>pay to win
Stop saying shit if you don't know what it means. Buying characters and cosmetics is not pay to win if you can unlock them for free which you can.