These games are not influenced by political correctness and thats why they are great. You cant deny this

These games are not influenced by political correctness and thats why they are great. You cant deny this.

Other urls found in this thread:

They're not influenced by Nationalism or Alt-Right ideas either.

Correlation doesn't imply causation, fuckface.

No, of A doesn't contain B and is equal to C
Then A must equal C because of the lack of B

And this

>These games are not influenced by politics
Fixed that for you

It could be that A and C both contain E or a lack of D and that B has nothing to do with it.

>Two video games
>One interactive storybook
One of these things is not like the other.

>cinematic experiences
>"great games"


This game wasn't influenced by political correctness and it was shit

>and thats why they are great
Go back to Sup Forums you fucking piece of shit.
You don't even care about video games.

>and is equal to C
Something you haven't established. Now fuck off with your non sequitur.

it's crazy how you can just take the term cinematic experience which was coined during an era that was plagued by games removing hud elements, restricting player movement, set pieces with heavily focused and streamlined narrative experiences and then just plaster it onto things that by all definition do the exact opposite.

I get that you have different tastes to me, that's fine, but it bugs me that you're so recklessly using that word incorrectly when it has a strict definition and is to be used when something in this medium imitates that of another. specifically cinema.

it's in the fucking name, user.
Try to get your shit together.

Oh, but I'm using the term rather correctly user. Take this into consideration:

>one game is just glorified sex fanservice, made with "cinematic" combat that's more flash than substance, and has denuvo which is only used by movie games
>one game is always capped at 20 FPS for that ''cinematic feel" and anyone who complains about it is banned from Miiverse and/or Nintendo's online network
>the last has a minimum of 3 hours of cutscenes and 50 hours of dialogue, showing its roots as a novel
>if you took out the story and waifus from any of these games, not a soul would consider them good anymore

tl;dr they're games held up by crutches.

>Link is a tranny
>not SJW

>implying the exclusion of moogles wasn't a politically correct thing to do

fpbp, like always

> Witcher 3

No, western games in general are polluted as fuck

My conterpoint to that is that games are a diverse medium. What you describe as crutches other would describe as essential features to the experience of the game. I think it's just a preference and what you want in your games.

This. Thank you.

It's because they're great fucking works. Only troglodytes like you are triggered by politics.

Nigga nobody gives a fuck about Zelda's story what are you talking about. Also
>"cinematic" combat
>has denuvo which is only used by movie games
What does this even mean

I'm inclined to disagree.

I can't say that Denuvo is a sign of cinematic games because Hitman 2016 exists and barely clocks in at an hour of cinematics if that at all. hitman existing as an example shuts down the argument that Denuvo is strictly for cinematic games (I'm not saying it's a good game, please don't strawman me). Additionally, a games anti-piracy software has naught to do with the game it's attached to, it's just an appealing software to developers who fear piracy.

I don't recall Nintendo claiming the 20 frame 'drops' were a purposeful choice to emulate that of a cinematic frame rate. all it takes for you to disprove me here is an official statement that states that they did this on purpose. I do, however, think that's more of a hardware restriction.

I don't think it's awful that the witcher 3 has 50 hours of dialogue, it is a setting with a rich environment and characters, shame to boil that down and make it more cinematic.

I'm certain that if you took out the story for a lot of games they'd be bad, this is such a silly point to make. not every game is an tech demo. taking out the waifus, I'd say they still hold a merit because they still have substance through any of their outlets of game interaction whether it be the narrative focus, world building or combat. hard to judge games in a vacuum like that.

Games need to stop with real-world politics.

>not influenced by nationalism

>Nigga nobody gives a fuck about Zelda's story what are you talking about.
And the 50 threads a day discussing nothing but the waifus in the game are just a coincidence?

My issue still is that these games should be good with nothing but the gameplay, but their respective companies couldn't do that. Games need to be able to survive in a vacuum, otherwise we'll continue to pay for 60 dollar movies with barely any interaction.

>not every game is an tech demo
What I'm saying is that a game should be able to survive with a story as basic as Mario, with graphics as complex as ASCII. If it can't, can you say the gameplay is worth it?

Uh user there is a Zelda thread up with most poeple not talking about waifushit

And Zelda does have a story as simple as Mario, and it still feels great to play

Actually why am I even replying to ACfag

>Uh user there is a Zelda thread up with most poeple not talking about waifushit
Care to link it?

>And Zelda does have a story as simple as Mario, and it still feels great to play
The threads would aptly explain that then.

The critism one

And why are you using Sup Forums threads to judge the quality of the game, and not watch videos or anything?

Anyway, this is the last (You) (You) will get

>The critism one
Ah yes, the one with waifu discussion between the fish and gerudo. Very fruitful.

>And why are you using Sup Forums threads to judge the quality of the game, and not watch videos or anything?
I've seen the videos, all of which were capped at 20 FPS to maintain that silky smooth cinematic feel, as Nintendo intended.

It was better than all three games in OP.

Sometimes I'm not directly after the gameplay, sometimes I've after the setting or I really love just immersing myself in the world they've created, I love brilliant game mechanics as much as the next person but they're not necessary for every game, sometimes I'm more than happy with 'serviceable' mechanics.

An example of this would be the witcher 3. Its combat gets shit on by a lot of people because it's not complex, they can shit on it all day but I'm of the opinion it doesn't have to be complex at all, in fact, I don't care about the combat at all in the witcher 3, I'm not after combat in the witcher three.
If I want good combat I'll play a game designed around good combat.
In a game as big as the witcher 3, and like you perceptively stated it's adhering to its novel roots with all that dialogue, I'd say some people might be after something else from that game. this is why I said serviceable, the combat isn't the focus but it still feels like a part of the game that was worked on, it's not terribly broken, you could argue boring even, I'd agree, but it's not broken, it's not bad. it's serviceable and in this example, i think that's all it needs to be.

Some games just don't require good stories to be good. some don't need to look good. some don't need to play well. I'd argue that good games have a bit of everything but sometimes a master of one is better than a jack of all trades.

These games are not influenced by political correctness, and they are also great games. There's not a link between the two.
Unless the two refers to Nier and The Witcher, in which case there definitely is a Link between the two.

Why lie? Actually why do you convince yourself os something so hard that you are making shit up

The weapon degradation one also has little Waifu discussion

You are literally seeing what you want to see. But then again, it is established that you are autistic

>Sometimes I'm not directly after the gameplay,
>sometimes I'm more than happy with 'serviceable' mechanics.
> I don't care about the combat at all in the witcher 3, I'm not after combat in the witcher three.

So I ask you, why even buy the game? Why not watch it on youtube? You said it yourself, the gameplay isn't really necessary, and you don't care about it. So clearly watching someone else play through it would mean you lose out on nothing. I learned this lesson the hard way with FFXV.

>I'd argue that good games have a bit of everything but sometimes a master of one is better than a jack of all trades.
So why not have it be a master of gameplay? it should honestly be taking the upmost advantage of the medium, which is based around interaction.

>Why lie?
50 threads a day filled with crossdressing link and gay porn posting doesn't lie. Again I'd like to see your thread if it supposedly exists.

Except that you are literally lying about the capped framerate thing, and making the quote up

Also here

>Except that you are literally lying about the capped framerate thing,
So BOTW runs at a smooth 60 FPS? I would like to see source for that.

>Also here

Oh Wow. Discussion starts out with some potential, but then immediately devolves into calling people Horizon shills because, to put it bluntly, "you're jealous that your SJW game doesn't have teh sexy women".

Just couldn't go one single thread without throwing another game under the track, especially because of waifus.

>Why not watch it on youtube? You said it yourself, the gameplay isn't really necessary
No, but the choices are, being in control of the character and being able to experience the game at my own pace is what's thrilling to me, to have moments of realisation as I read a letter on a table and see how the environment of the world is built to reflect the events, events you can discern for yourself, to have the freedom to explore the world and how it all connects and to make my own mind up when characters ask me a question.

I can't make choices in a youtube video, I can't tell the player to hurry up or to take their time and enjoy the moment, I can't say "this would be more efficient" or tell them to stop the main story and look at the notice board.

If you think the main story of the witcher 3 is what I was after then yes a youtube video would suffice. If you didn't like the story of the binary domain a youtube video would suffice. I'm after the side quests in the witcher 3 because they're the real substance of the game and i can't get that experience through a youtube video.

I remember seeing someone say Nier was political? I didn't see it. The only remotely modern political thing I could have alluded to were the cult blowing themselves up and the desert being full of jihading bots

Anyone care to explain how it could possibly be considered political?

>No, but the choices are, being in control of the character
Then watch a playthrough with interaction annotations. Again you literally miss nothing.

>I can't make choices in a youtube video,
Interactive annotations.

>I can't tell the player to hurry up or to take their time and enjoy the moment,
Fast forward and slo motion buttons.

>I can't say "this would be more efficient" or tell them to stop the main story and look at the notice board.
Literally the pause feature. I'm not missing anything.

>They're not influenced by Nationalism or Alt-Right ideas either.

besides COD-type games and fringe indie titles, can you list four examples?

You've got some high standards OP

Fucking this.

Well, Witcher 3 is influenced by politics, but not modern politics.

What are some good SJW games?

Their the good kind of Nationalism, proud but not overtly racist and make all their media about themselves

>moving goalposts

You said it was capped at 20fps.

Then you asked me to find a thread with minimal Waifu discussion

And now what the fuck do you want?

>COD-type games
Even those are no longer really influenced by nationalism because everyone is trying to target mass market.
It's almost always Dude vs Spess Aliens or Evil corp or Fascist Empire.
If it's modern setting it's probably a multinational team of elites (or multiple teams if it's COD) working together to fight terrorists who are increasingly worse than Hitler.

i agree

You're totally missing my point. but that's fine, what I'm describing isn't something you're after and aren't fond of but I enjoy exploring the world on my own. pausing or speeding up a video isn't as engaging as trying to do things on my own.

>You said it was capped at 20fps.
Yes, and? It never once goes above that. "b-but it does for me". Not for me, and that's all that matters.

>Then you asked me to find a thread with minimal Waifu discussion
I want ZERO waifu discussion, that means you can't even start wars with other games over it. Mentioning Horizon is an instant disqualification.

>not for me

What? It objectively does? No seriously what is your argument. You are saying it doesn't go abide 20fps, which is false?

I don't get it

>What? It objectively does
It doesn't. My argument is that it would be pathetic if the game even dropped from 60 FPS to something lower, but the fact that Nintendo couldn't even do 30 is disgusting.

>Games that are not fueled by political or social agendas make better games

You couldn't be more correct, OP

>It doesn't.

What do you gain by lying

I've never seen any video "supposedly" running 30 FPS.

>politically incorrect

>witcher 3
>pure white world full of nationalists and racism
>made in the most nationalist, white country in the world
>not influenced by nationalism or ""alt-right"" ideas
Holy shit libtards are fucken delusional.


totalbiscuit pls go

>lets analyze the frame rate of a youtube video rather than the game. We can totally tell how fast the game is running on a video locked to 24fps.

The game has fps drops, no hiding it, but this is full retard.

>a fucking stream

>Gimhardt Goldbeard

>silky smooth 20 FPS is fine because Totalbiscuit doesn't like it

How about explaining to me why this game doesn't run a minimum of 60 FPS? Instead of spending your time telling me that a lower framerate is somehow better.

I think you quoted the wrong guy, so fuck you.

I never said 60fps is not better. I am saying you are wrong to say the game NEVER runs at 30fps. Keep shifting those goalposts though

>I never said 60fps is not better. I am saying you are wrong to say the game NEVER runs at 30fps
But it doesn't. Assuming you tweak your hardware correctly, you MIGHT reach it if you're on a field without enemies, not in a town, not in a forest area, and completely still, it could possibly get to 30 FPS, but it's silly how much of this "open world" game you have to avoid so the game doesn't completely mess its own pants.

Durgan Goldsmith

>the good kind of Nationalism
and the bad kind is america
well not america, just texas

Bolgar Hammersmith

>Anyone care to explain how it could possibly be considered political?

If you look hard enough anything and everything is political and potential source of getting triggered. Your average Sup Forumsbro scours the Internet looking for thinga that make him mad. He's got so good at it he can find reasons to blow his top in stuff in most unrelated of things

Beside the fact that all three games were a product of nationalist cultures, which isn't exactly indicitave of anything in particular, I would say that none of these games have anything to do with the umbrella of social justice ideologies at all and that in fact if it were, there wouldn't be much of the games intact.

>not overly racist

>They're not influenced by Nationalism or Alt-Right ideas either.
Name one just ONE AAA game made in last 5 years with Nationalism or Alt-Right ideas.
That's right there are none.

>and thats why they are great
That just means they aren't shit.
It's not a guarantee that they'll be good.

Name one (1) game that was ruined by far right propaganda.

>COD-type games
CoD is full of quotes against patriotism and nationalistic sentiment

>Y-you too!
Is this really the only argument SJW apologists can come up with?

But every leader in Nier Automata is a female, even Pascal whose supposed to be a male bot sounds female.

>Name one (1) game that was ruined by far right propaganda.

>if you take out the good aspects of something, it's no longer good

>breath of the wild
It's merely above average. It's a poor Zelda game with no dungeons, an awful durability system, tiny main missions where most of your time is spent traveling.

I didn't like Horizon either, before you get up in arms about it.

pick one nufag

"Political correctness" and "virtue signalling" are just made up phrases by far-right people for those who act like decent human beings.

Really? Why is it okay if Nintendo has fat ugly nigger women (males) and get Link to crossdress as a slut?

He said 'far right' learn to read.

Someone made an ironic video shitting on the game and that video mentions the Illuminati. How does that make the game itself right-wing?

Even so, the game is shit to begin with, it wasn't ruined.

Worst b8 ever
Try harder next time.

Tell me more about how BotW doesn't make you play as a twink femboy who dresses up in women's lingerie and owns a house built by a queer.

>reddit memeshitters
>"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""far right"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""



Nobody asked them to be, but even if they were there would be no problem with that. Please go back where you belong.

Nintendo and CDPR both support SJWs so fuck them.

Political correctness is just a right wing buzz word used to try and justify being shit stains next

>samefagging this hard

>having pride in your nation and culture is just as bad as promoting all of your men to start taking estrogen

fuck off reddit

>muh alt rite boogeyman
just as bad as the sjw imaginary enemy, kill yourself

Read above.

Actually this is my first post in this thread.
I didnt bother reading other posts since political correctness is just right wing rhetoric that babys invented to feel safe about their conservative "opinions"

Nationalism is also BS.
Essentially exploitation from ones country. Lol you can aid your country if your ideals allign just dont expect amything back and when those ideals inevitably change. Not to mention the unnecessary pride just cause other people did something not you lol.

Even South Park shits on PC culture and they mocked trump and bush politics. What now?

>you in charge of not being BTFO in the ass

wtf i hate nationalism now

That's not a joke trailer. That's the official trailer.