Am I alone in noticing a decline in overall quality of western published games and the opposite in games that come from Japan?
Am I alone in noticing a decline in overall quality of western published games and the opposite in games that come from...
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western AAA games make ridiculous amounts of money, if successful.
japan tried and failed to emulate this practice. faced with no other options, they ended up being the first ones to figure out that they'll have better luck sticking to reasonably-budgeted games that play to their developers' niche strengths. (or, some of them, at least; konami's shot their dick off and capcom has yet to justify its existence since, at best, dragon's dogma)
if/when the western indie world starts to grow a new mid-budget single-A middle ground between bloated, all-things-to-all-people megagames and small one-offs, expect them to follow
Great Nippon-sama always supreme!
what's the fucking point when japanese game don't feel like japanese game anymore?
>metal gear in the past
>a wacky version of spy movie with art by yoji shinkawa, 4th wall break
>metal gear now
>a sandbox game
>final fantasy in the past
>an amazing adventure taking place in such evocative place such as midgar with nomura at it's best
>final fantasy now
>a sandbox game
>zelda in the past
>overrated shit but with it's own personality
>zelda now
>a sandbox game
Yes only you.
Yes it's just you
The decline is everywhere, not just in the west
Oh man, did we get tired of "guys plays as girl" threads and go back to spam posting "east vs west" threads? Gonna make multiple of these a day? How about coming up with something worth talking about for once? no? Maybe you should just fuck off.
Japanese games have always been the best ones. It's just that the difference is even more noticable now with the decline in quality of Western games.
I can't see any overall quality increase in Japanese games
>have always been the best ones
Unless you want to play on PC
Japanese games started pandering to the West like crazy. This is genuinely what you mean when you say their "quality" is going up.
Nobody buys games in Japan.
Western games have been shit for a long time and Japanese ones have mostly been in sharp decline for just as long barring a few isolated cases
Western games haven't been relevant since 2007.
YOua re not the only one. It is specially happen with anime and manga, Hollywood and Comic industry is falling down. Videogames are going to follow I wish, the problem is that you are too closed to western audience and most of your games don't get released here, specially if the games are online.
>Implying open world is not the future since now e have the technology to make good open world games.
It's just like the jump from 2D to 3D, accept it.
You posted two games neither of which is good
DOOM and Witcher 3 are the only non jap games I enjoyed in the past years. everything else from the west was a complete disappointment, Mirrors Edge, Mafia, anything by Ubisoft, Deus Ex, the new Mass Effect looks terrible too
but japanese games are shit
Personally i have nothing against what kojima tries to make. But i think he's looking too much at western (american) games and how they work, rather than what made his and other Japanese dev's games unique.
Japan was barely relevant for the entire PS3 era and most of the PS4 era. They're just now getting their shit together. They just couldn't handle the jump to HD.
You just think so because you are a weeb.
That mus be why most of the money Jap publishers make come from pachinko machines and shitty f2p mobile games.
This. If they were so great their games would consistently outsell games published by EA, Activision, etc.
Sup Forums is full of weebs so they constantly circle jerk around Japanese games. Even Sup Forums's own darling BOTW basically is a Skyrim copy.
Name FIVE (5) good non indie western game that was released in the pat 5 years
Yeah. That's the other ironic thing. Faggots on here hate western games yet their heroes like Kojima and Kamiya love western made games like Skyrim.
>painting Japan's problem in a positive light
Faster way to kill your point than spouting Sup Forums memes at mega-liberals.
So why can't you read Japanese yet?
-Turn based games because managing 4 units in real time is hard :(
+Real time skill based games like: Nioh Soulsborne, Vanquish
Build a farm
Build a city
Build a civilization
Build a civilization in space
The entire stealth genre
Manage ~100 units in real time
Manage 10-100+ units each turn
The Witcher 3
Pillar of Eternity (won't be counting expansions)
Hearts of Iron 4
Xcom 2
For Honor
>Build a city
>Build a civilization
>Build a civilization in space
All relatively plentiful on PC98.
As far as building a farm goes, ever heard of Harvest Moon.
Western games sell because GearsofHaloDuty shooters, sandboxes, not-RPG's and sports are what the audience here loves. And they buy completely into the bloated advertising and Season Pass DLC shit.
Weebshit-aside (since that along with mobileshit and gambling are Japan's own lowest common denominators), I do have to agree Japan's passion in their western-targeting games yields much more memorable and fun games. Or at least they used to.
Not him, but
>For Honor
ffs you almost had it user
RS6 would have been a better Ubi title to list
japan is for the weak and the degenerates
it´s a magnet for losers
Yeah, you could have named any modern sports game and it would be a 10/10 list. After winning eleven got BTFO by FIFA, they have absolutely no good sports games.
Perhaps there's a correlation. Stupid weeaboos tend to dream of living in Japan. But what does that have to do with learning Japanese?
Ok ok what about dunno Divinity Original Sin or Doom or Mount and Blade or whatever. Not like there isn't plenty of those to pick from.
why they dream of japan? coz they cant make it locally
so in a way everybody dreaming of a way out into magic land is suicidal and flawed, inferior individual that has no limb stuck in reality of things anymore
Because basement dwellers think they can get pussy in Japan. They think they will be accepted.
Sure, they're not cool guys like you /r/japancirclejerk regulars, but why should that stop someone from learning Japanese? If anything, those weeaboos you describe are the one's that won't be able to do it.
You are alone.
3D was a mistake
>good open world games
Citation needed.
The only western games I've enjoyed recently have been indie games.
The AAA scene in the west is a mess. It's all either the same stale shit or all pandering tripe that's too focused on meeting a quota than actually being a game.
It's not just west, it's both. The power of capitalism at work. Quality no longer equates to profit, so just keep cutting costs and raising prices.
It's a social problem really, people starting getting complaisant and dumb, now they'll buy anything regardless of quality.
Capcom can live off for another millenium thanks to MH.
thing is, 90% of games from japan are VNs,
also this, even jap companies are trying to do AAA games, not understanding how they make money
>Quality no longer equates to profit
It never did.
Graphics got good enough normies didn't have to suspend their disbelief and people who played games as kids grew up, removing the social stigma, turning a niche interest mainstream. What followed was inevitable.
West still sells more, mass effect will sold more than every japanese game combined that's released till now.
But even normies hate it, judging by the like:dislike ratio on the videos for it.
It's also not an exclusive, so it doesn't have fanboys to save it.
Once the big companies touch it, it will turn into shit. They will do the same thing the original devs did only bigger and more. There is basically no innovation.
That's why I'm happy Japanese games are sort of coming back up a bit. Competition is always healthy.
I mean OP saying all good games come from Japan must be deluded. More than 80% Japanese games are just recycled shit. Their own shit or western shit, it doesn't matter. There are a few gems but let's not let our inner weeb get the better of us and say all games from Japan is good.
It's been like this for a while.
Nah, you're just a weeb. Everyone in this thread, except for me, is a weeb. Quit sucking so many gook dicks.
Almost didn't play any japanese games a few years ago, now it's more or less all I play
"Western game by AAA studio" sets off warning lights like a motherfucker these days
This 2bh former westcuck here I only play jap games now.
>>zelda in the past
>>overrated shit but with it's own personality
> If they were so great their games would consistently outsell games published by EA, Activision, etc.
you are fucking retarded
The reason western games sell better is because they aim for the mass tastes (casuals and normies) way more than japanese games. A shitty Cod/AC will sell over 20 million copies even with mediocre reception while Japanese games will strugnle a lot more even with much better reception from western critics/users.
This is also the reason why western games are shittier and shittier, they are dumbind down rpg mechanics, dropping genres like rts, and making shallow shooting gallery and walking-talking simulators out of everything.
this is the problem with western games its not about gameplay or fun its all about money.
Yakuza 0, RE7, Breath of the Wild, Nier Automata and FUCKING PERSONA 5. Japan dominated this year and it's barely even started.
It's AAA games in general that feel tired out. even if alot of indie games are becoming low quality, I still would choose them any day.
I mean, name me a single AAA game that fits the following:
>good gameplay
>no casual garbage
>no online multiplayer, unless it's designed to not be esport garbage
>no excessive violence and gore
>no sex fanservice
>runs at 60 FPS
>no DLC, unless it's free
>no angry white men as the main protagonist
>no teenage anime kids either
Name me a game like that I'll show you a good game.
>Japanese games have always been the best ones
Persona 5 isn't even out in the west yet cuntface.
They got making vidya for the lonely virgin fan base down to a science.
Unfortunately most the money in gaming isnt spent by neets so we see more games focused on gameplay from the western world and leave the fapbait to Japan.
Fuck off weeb
Wow, that sprite art is horrible.
Not him but you're legit insecure if you think that has anything to do with what he's saying.
>no online multiplayer, unless it's designed to not be esport garbage
why is this a good thing?
>no excessive violence and gore
no AAA game does that
>no sex fanservice
no AAA game does that
>no teenage anime kids either
no AAA game does that
>graphics > gameplay
You're not helping your case, sampai.
Yep. Was a good while there where they were copying Western shooters and fumbling hard trying to figure that shit out but with MGSV and BotW they're running rings around our stagnant shitty open worlds.
Fuck off ACfag.
When it comes to 2D games, you better make good art, faggot. The graphics
The point is you shouldn't be on Sup Forums if you don't appreciate Japanese culture or the Japanese language.
kek, I always forget my privilege of having early copies because 3rd world don't give a fuck about street dates
>why is this a good thing?
Esports are cancer. all you need to do is look at the genre that is MOBAs and you'll see my point.
>what is Call of Duty
>what is Dead or alive
>what is Final Fantasy, Xenoblade, Dragon Quest, and pretty much any RPG from any jap company ever
>someone saved, and is now using, my shittily made PSA image
What a strange feeling.
I agree with the sandbox game statement... I do like the freedom and all but they all end up being kind of the same. Similar combat, similar gameplay mechanics and all those fucking fetch and escort quests piss me off.
I would rather have more original/diverse gameplay on a game with mini map like say Ni no Kuni than an open world full of filler content unrelated to the game.
It's not even fun most times... all that fishing, cooking and whatnot. I rather have a few treasure hunts or meaningful memorable locations with rewarding secret items or characters or whatever than a spam of fetch quests post on a board...
Do tell what the problem is.
Dumb fuck, Kero Blaster is butt fugly and is one of the best games of the past 3 years.
Luckily there are multiple boards for Japanese culture. We're on a video game board right now and not everyone has to suck Japans dick to be here.
Stop being such a sensitive twat and grow a pair.
>read down the list
>see some odd stuff
>notice in the bottom comment where it says that "he thinks Super Metroid has a better story than Final Fantasy"
Wait a second, how is that not right? What kinda Square shill thinks that FF has good writing in any capacity? It's just angsty teenagers cutting themselves for 50 hours.
>I am talking to the person who saved my post describing ACfag in his image talking about me using it
Or you can stop being a fucking nigger and realize you're not welcome here
Did you not read the part where the non-Japanese boards (like Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /k/) are literally named from their Japanese equivalents?
You fucking dumbass.
I honestly forgot I even made that image and it was criticized for having the bottom posts be too small to be legible so I just, stopped using it
That's why it's a fair comparison.
Then fucking stop me from posting bitch.
What does that have to do with what I said? Where in the rules does it say I have to love everything from Japan? What Japanese reference is Sup Forums?
You're the fucking dumbass.
Goodness, I hope you're not implying EA, Activision published games are selling for their quality.
I truly think that the japanese industry has gone to the point where they're just much better.
>actually defending Square Enix
That's a laugh riot.
They took Phil's words to heart.
That's as close as good taste I've seen from that type of list across 10 years of Sup Forums. Did he attack a popular game or something?
>What does that have to do with what I said? Where in the rules does it say I have to love everything from Japan? What Japanese reference is Sup Forums?
Sup Forums is a place for people into Japanese culture.
Sup Forums is a board for people into Japanese culture to discuss video games.
It's simple, really.