
>absolutely gorgeous, top tier graphics and lightning
>bored out of my life 2 hours in, dropped

>looks like fucking ass, runs at 20 fps
>already spent like 30 hours dicking around in a half broken emulator, can't stop playing it and having fun

Thank you Nintendo for opening my eyes!
still not giving you a dime, fuck you

Other urls found in this thread:

>spending 30 hours on a game designed to be beaten in 4

Thats because Witcher 3 is a shit game my friend.
Haven't even played Zelda btw.

it's not a race

what did he mean by this?

Kinda similar experience with Witcher, it looks very nice and you can see that devs put lot of passion and effort in it, but for some reason can't get into it, just feels clunky.

>beaten in 4
fucking speedrunners I swear

>game has a narrative structure, a clear beginning and end
>end is the goal
It literally is

that's like saying the goal of minecraft is to beat the ender dragon

protip: it's not

It is though
Like it's not even argument, you're objectively wrong

How is he continuously doing the HMMMMMMMMM thing? Don't you have like one of those before you fall down?

if you think every game with a narrative structure is a literal race then you're a fucking moron.

>You have a goal
>Obviously you need to get there as fast as physically possible

Fucking speedrunners.

>hey man what are you doing?
>just completing this sidequest.
You sound like a fun guy

So you should kill yourself since looks like you like to rush ends

frame perfect jump

you have 1 frame to do the trick every time

he's a fucking monster

Oh, okay.


this will blow your mind

>autistic screeching
Kek, I mean I get it
It's a good excuse for being bad at videogames
>Dude, I'm jsut taking my time and immersing myself lmao

>already at completionist time but I've only beaten one dungeon

>got bored 2 hours into witcher 3
well that's your problem then my friend.

witcher 3 is the only open world game i could stomach actually finishing in the last 6 fucking years, and that's saying something.

>85 hours in
>40 shrines, 1 divine beast and 100ish seeds
>only 4 towers activated
>4 memories
Nice meme
Also, does anyone know what to do in the last Kakariko sidequest? I follow the shop girl to the graveyard but she just prays the whole night.

>well that's your problem then my friend.
actually a lot of people say tw3 is fucking boring

>but muh dialogues muh lore
so I could watch a no-commentary on youtube and get the same experience? neat

Yeah man, fuck people who have the free will to do what they want in video games, right?
Fuck people who actually want to have fun, right?
Every game should just be rushed and treated like a chore.

You can't actually be this stupid, user.

kids can't stop playing botw because they have no other games for the next 9 months LMAO

i thought the gameplay is fine, the highest difficulty is challenging at the start as well. It's no Dark Souls, but it's not the mindless shit I'm used to from most rpgs.

Granted, the gameplay alone is not the strongest point, if you don't get into the storytelling (both visual and narrative) then you'll really not enjoy the game. For once I liked that you actually play a character in an RPG that actually has a character and isn't just a blank slate. Helped me to get into it a lot more.

What game can I play that has great graphics, great story and I can get engrossed in for days?

go out and talk to people

there are other suspects

where's the joke, carlos


99% of the content in BotW is explicitly optional and unrewarded towards positively impacting your gameplay. The only part of the game that matters is literally just the beginning on the Great Plateau. Not even beating Ganon matters, nor is it even fun to do so.

Its not an RPG or a Zelda game. It's an open-world engine test demo without a game built on top of it. It's an exploration and puzzle simulator.

It's a sleight against the Zelda brand name and is ultimately a pointless experience lacking a multitude of more ways to have sandbox-style fun in it's cartoony environment that generally isn't graphically impressive.

Somehow, there was a retard at Nintendo who was promoted above his paygrade and had the influence to make a Zelda game where the only point is to explore it at a snails pace, as if there even are enough details in the environment where such a pace would be necessary, so in reality you're not even encouraged to do that.

theres no point to playing this game.

>theres no point to playing this game.

that applies to any game.


>It's an exploration and puzzle simulator.
congratulations user, you just described every Zelda game.

How is there any less of a point than OoT, ALttP, or Zelda 1?

>looks like ass
BotW is legitimately one of the prettiest games I've ever played. And I can run TW3 in 4K. At times it doesn't look great, but sometimes it's just stunning.The grass in particular really incredible. .

>>BotW is legitimately one of the prettiest games I've ever played

it looks worse than wind waker hd

But user, if Nintendo actually sold a new console with good hardware they wouldn't be making a 295 dollar profit margin on every 300 dollar console they sold.

Me too. I've tried with that series and Mass Effect. I just can't have fun with them.

>For once I liked that you actually play a character in an RPG that actually has a character and isn't just a blank slate.

I've actually found I prefer fixed characters over blank slates. Why? Because blank slates still get to do fuck all story-wise, you can merely choose what you look like.

It seems you have never played Fallout 1 or 2.

I never liked that piss filter that Toussaint has during certain times. Thank god for mods

You have no idea how money of manufacturing works. Parts aren't free.

>absolutely gorgeous, top tier graphics and lightning
>great story and entertaining quests
>put over 40 hours in and still not finished, have the entire DLC to do still

>looks like fucking ass, runs at 20 fps
>novel at first, but then gets boring and repetitive real quick
>got bored after playing it for a few hours at a friend's place

Really don't understand the hype for this game. It's incredibly mediocre.

when people say blank slates they generally mean bethesda games

Jesus Christ, you are a retard. Please, go drink paint or something.

well to be completely honest I played minecraft for over 1000 hours and it came out when i was older than 20 already

maybe it's just autism

>thinks Witcher 3 is boring

How can a game that runs so bad and terrible framedrops during gameplay get a 98 score? Oh yeah cause it's Zelda.

>Really don't understand the hype for this game.

Nintendo kids haven't played many open world games so it's all new and crazy to them.

Like I said, Nintendo puts 5 dollars worth of parts into a plastic shell and sells it for 300 dollars while marketing it as a current gen console.

Everything he pointed out is literally true tho.

I am a PC gamer
never owned a nintendo console

as wrote in OP I am just dicking around in CEMU

top looks like ass too

We get it, you pirate.

I haven't turned on my PS4 since I beat Bloodborne almost two years ago. But that's better than my XBone. I've turned that thing on like 3 times.

I hope you get your impulse shopping cured

Dat grass tho. And BotW has so much more going on on screen. WWHD definitely has an image quality advantage because it's 1080p, and I'd say it's one of the other prettiest games I've played, alongside Okami HD.

Top looks mega shit as well. The lighting is even worse than botw

Same. I hate open world but witcher 3 kept my attention enough to beat it twice.

No, it wasn't.

Honestly the game is really great both gameplay wise and graphically, its just they're limited to shitty Nintendo software. I'm sure if they had someone along the lines of ps4/PC levels of capability they'd do a lot better with it than it already is. Fuck Nintendo.

Do witcherfags feel scared already?

look at this

i mean that doesn't really show what it could have been given the proper hardware. That just show the current assets they made intended for the wiiu/switch run optimally.

>they actually designed a game that is obfuscated by menu management twice as worse than swapping iron boots in the water temple of OoT
>one of the design rewards are seeds to increase your inventory slots and force you to spend even more time in menus

It took some serious fetal alcohol syndrome to pull this off

Honestly, I'm not in a position where money is a major worry. I'm fine with my decisions.

But it was. I beaten the game and I can't deny that it is true.

For me, The Witcher is boring as fuck because there is no world interaction. I should just read the novels if I knew the (((gameplay))) would be shallow as fuck.

>Dude I played for 60 hours and only did 10% of the game haha

How? I'd love to see a gameplay stream of these people. Do they just fuck around with ragdolls and giggle themselves?

>have to lower the price and use cheaper chips to make the console affordable, some fags complain about underwhelming engine
>if they increase the quality of the console and its price, nobody will buy it
Can't win them all, son

Glad i'm not the only one who hates the bitcher

How about

>don't be a greedy cunt and sell shit for 150% markup

Nvidia shield costs less, and they don't get license fee from games like the big three does

I wouldn't be surprised, things like enemies throwing bombs back and grass catching fire is all groundbreaking technology to Zelda fans because the Switch and Wii U cant even run Far Cry 2

>genuine RPG with great gameplay, engaging quests, thoughtful story, beautiful open world, memorable casts, etc.

>babby's first open world ARPG overrated by Nint0ddlers and paid shills.

>game designed for mature audience
>game designed for children

I'm not surprised, OP

But I'm certainly past there and I've only killed 2 Devine Beasts and 61 shrines. There's so much shit to do in this fucking game it's silly

so what you're saying is every sidequest, minigame, or world detail that isn't on that "4hr path" is a mistake and should not have been included because the goal of the game is to complete the path in 4hrs and as you said once that is done the game should no longer be played?
You are an idiot.
Stick to your 2hr long on rails Call of Duty campaigns on your CoD-FIFA-Madden Station 4

>The only part of the game that matters is literally just the beginning on the Great Plateau. Not even beating Ganon matters, nor is it even fun to do so.
Even if you don't like the shrines, at the very least there are the divine beasts and Ganon to beat. If you don't even like that, why are you playing a game you hate in the first place?

Because there is tons of shit to do in BotW outside of just fetch quests and "go there and kill that enemy". Exploring the map is actually fun as fuck and provides hours and hours of entertainment.

I'm no Nintendo fanboy. I am primarily a PC Gamer but I also own a Wii U and figured it was worth buying BotW for it. I got the game a week ago and have played it straight since (outside of work), and still only beaten one of the 4 Divine Beasts. Just exploring the map, going shrine/korok hunting and finding stuff on the map is actually very entertaining. Its5the best open world game I've played by a long mile.

>99% of the content in BotW is explicitly optional
This is why its great and extremely ambitious.

What are you, 12?

So far nothing in BotW has touched Hearts of Stone quality. No character is as memorable or entertaining as Gaunter O'Dimm as of yet.

I've played tons of "open world" games.

BOTW is one of the few that actually let's you think of an idea and execute it.

It just means you're playing it properly.

I don't give a shit about resolution. But if they ever somehow fix the draw distance, that'll be the day when I can say the emulated version is better than consoles.

How many layers of irony are you on?

Beating Ganon is unrewarded. Theres no game after beating Ganon. Credits roll, The End.

Even if you could convince yourself of enjoying the environment, completing Divine Beasts fucks it all up with giant fucking red lasers streaking across the sky at all times.

And doing the beasts only make the last fight even more of an uninteresting pushover by draining 50% of ganon's HP before the battle even begins.

Gaining height is frame perfect. Maintaining or only slightly lowering height has significantly more leeway. There's like a 3-4 frame window for every one of those jumps.

>99% of the content in BotW is explicitly optional and unrewarded towards positively impacting your gameplay
Learn to read, there wasn't a period there bro.

>Wind Waker looks good

>buy Witcher, bored after 2 hours
>pirate Zelda, bored after 5 hours
>bought and played the buggy messes that were oblivion and skyrim for over 200 hours each

Sure Zelda and Witcher are technically good, but where's the heart? Where's the freedom to do whatever I want?

That part was bullshit.

Because it's a good game.

Beating ganon unlocks harder bosses out in the overworld. There's also a post credits scene. And a bonus ending if you found all the memories

wwhd is timeless and will look good in 99 years

OG Wind Waker still looks fantastic.

Nice bait