Is Lightning the prettiest videogame girl of all time?

Is Lightning the prettiest videogame girl of all time?

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No ass, no tits, into the trash it fits.

>tumblr nose

I love Reisen!


I worship Goddess Lightning's armpits!!

Bayonetta is the most beautiful woman from video games.

Raya-O will always be the prettiest to me!

She's not even the prettiest girl in her own fucking game, let alone of all time.

Not even close.

that's a very sweet berry.

what flavor do you think Lighting Farron is?

Pfft, no.


I LOVE Lightning!

For now maybe, but check out all the hot babes in the soon-to-be-released smash hit Mass Effect: Andromeda

no that's Kat from Gravity rush


Unpopular opinion

just what I needed!

It's not even cropped porn. It's just cropped. Why though

No quiet is

>chop off Cloud's dick but give him even bigger balls
>dye his hair pink
>force him to wear a cute skirt
>call him a girl
I don't think so.


Oh fuck, this gal is from a Wii JRPG, isn't?

Shut up Boco

>Lightning thread





The devil must be beating his wife.

Ah, I see you're men of culture as well

I'm going to marry Lightning!



Is there anybody here who didn't download my Lightning mega file who still wants it?

That doesnt look like Mipha to me.

Lightning is the Venus/Aphrodite equivalent of female (female) vidya protagonists. Merely associating her with "prettiest" is a fucking insult. Are you insane?

And yet she ends up with Hope

The only one to model for a garbage fashion company at any rate.

So, yeah, I'd say she fits right in with the mold of shit taste in women.



Lucky bastard

I agree. She has great hopes, in being with serah.

Can you compete with him?

>arm stockings

Give it to me, daddy!


Hmm... Sure, I'll take it.

no but lulu is

Literally Cloud with pink hair.

>Implying Fran hasn't won that title for life.

Solve a sudoku sem-pie


>no right arm

lightning muv luv

>Square Enix's Rosalina

zack is the prettiest girl of all


Man fuck XIII. They should have just have Hope and Lighting going on adventure while she mentors him, kind of like Claymore/Arms Peddler, instead we get fucking Snow with him shoving his ideals down your throat and this weird romance with Sarah, which you honestly don´t really give two fucks about. Fuck this. Not even going to mention Fang that is of no importance and twenty other sideplots like Black dude with his son and evil wife and so on. WASTED POTENTIAL.


uhm, there is a lightning sequel

I didnt really like the second game but Lightning returns was pretty good and I didn't have any issues with the time. By the time I was done I had 3 days left so I just slept in the hotel

Nope, Krystal.

h t t p s://mega .n z/#F!v0lFHArJ!-UyiE4Yz17_9i49hbB8TfA

>no ass
>no tits

Not even the prettiest girl in her own games.

Solo RPG ain´t all that fun.


>Strayan Dyke

you say that like it's a bad thing

>don't forget you're here forever
>Do It For Her-1.png


Kuja is a much prettier girl than Poochie the rockin' goddess

pic related

That's not Zelda

She is a girl though.

I had fun, to be honest i didn't really care about the other characters much besides Light and Hope. Probably because in the first game I self inserted as Light and I wanted to protect Hope. Sazh was pretty cool though. Snow was Snow, Vanille seemed nice but unremarkable and Fang was a traitorous dyke.

You have to be legitimately gay to not find Fang attractive.

>not liking a dyke is gay

>be fatgirl
>see Lightning
>really want to cosplay her
>don't want to be a joke
>end up losing 45 pounds
>game comes out
>not really a big fan
>final game is good though

I still owe Lightning a great debt


What country are you based in?

>don't hit on my silly boys


Luna is cute but she is so plain compared to Noctis' beauty.

Thank you daddy

She has no tits
She has no ass
Lightning is an ugly lass

The one redeeming thing about this entire FFXIII trainwreck was that it spawned a lot of Lightning porn.
