CRPG thread

What are you playing right now anons?
What did you finish lately?
Anything worth getting right now?
I just finished Pillars with DLC and it wasn't as bad as everyone makes it to be.
What can you guys recommend to me?
I prefer RTwP.

I played all the cult classics so i am looking for something new

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Hello, fellow Living Lands Monk.

You played Serpent in the Staglands yet?

Is there a crpg where I don't have to have a party. I just want to be solo but without taking a hit to my options.

no friend, is it good?
worth getting?

There is literally bunch of achievements for finishing Pillars Solo and it's hard as fuck

It's ok. If you're looking for something new, you'll probably have a decent time with it. Can't think of any other modern RTwP games aside from that.

am i the only one who likes RTwP?
Sup Forums seems to be turn combat babbies

The best RPG ever made

wew, we are looking for isometric crpgs though bro

Not exactly crpg, but had you tried roguelikes?

I like RTwP for the sake of variety, but TB tends to be better.

Might and Magic 7 which isn't as good as 6 or Xeen but still fun

Is Torment: Tides of Numbers that bad?

it seems so, it certainly doesn't deserve Torment in the name

Fuck off with this shilling man, I have no idea why you are trying to make this shit into a meme and why you are desperately trying to promote this game.

>promote this game.
isn't that Gothic?
it's like billion years old

That's G2 which is as old as IWD2

if I've played PoE, is there any reason to play BG1? BG2 has received a lot of praise but BG1 sounds just ok and is apparently very similar to PoE

Promoting not in the sense of advertising for money faggot. Promoting it in the sense where he wants to make it a meme game similar to what VTMB has become where massive amounts of people, including absolute retards and shitters, in on the discussion of the game.

BG1 is nothing like PoE.

That's a bummer. Never played a crpg, always been more into jrpgs. If I were to start with something fairly recent, what would you recommend?

i didn't really like bg1 that much, bg2 was better

eh i would say go with classics, Planescape Torment, Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale.

If you want something new go for Pillars of Eternity


Sticking with JRPGs.

BG games complement each other. BG1 is a low-level adventure, while BG2 is a high-level one. Also you can transfer your save into BG2.

>was playing Pillars of Eternity, finishing the White March campaign; started BG2 but I'm not very far
>achievements don't work for some reason

What are the best stats for each class? I'd like to make a custom party so I can finish the WM dragon fights.

or maybe he wants to make more people play this game because it's literally the best RPG ever but it went unnoticed because it never had any advertising?

If you like Shin Megami Tensei or any of the early jRPGs I recommend the Might and Magic series.

Alpine dragon was the hardest one imo, i was fighting it at level 14 though. Nothing else really gave me problems besides that

And why shouldn't the game stay unnoticed? Why should it be popularized in any way other than to those who were hungry enough to seek it being true RPG fans. Why should it not be kept as a gem?

That's what I want to know.

>I just finished Pillars with DLC and it wasn't as bad as everyone makes it to be.
because it's just a bad meme

Yeah, the furthest I get him down to is ~20%. I'm worried about the 2dragonlmao + mage fight as well.

Because it has the best open world ever made, and it should be an example of a good open world made right, and it shows how lazy and garbage modern open-worlds are.

Even morrowind's world was empty and lifeless compared to Gothic

Summon statues, scrolls of paralyze. Kill the weaker dragon first, pretty easy to kite them both.

Llengrath fight with 2 dragons is as easy as Adra dragon, just bring scrolls of paralysis.
Literally 20 second, one-sided fight.
Dragons in both those fights have pathetic resistance against paralysis

Thanks, I'll give these a look.

seconding Underrail, the game is great

Oh boy. Where can I find scrolls of paralysis? Is there even a shop I can buy them from? I never used scrolls

You can grab all the M&M games for free off /vr/'s HoMM general and it has tips

not that user but i played Underrail and didn't like it, am i a fag?

Currently playing through PoE very slowly.

This is like my first CRPG and there's a lot of shit to learn.

Nice, heading over there now.

No, I dropped it about halfway in because I wasn't enjoying the build I played. I decided to give it another chance, experimented with a few more builds before settling on one I like. Playing through it now. Unfortunately, most builds don't really give a decent idea of what it's like to play them until you've put several hours into the game, some of them aren't even doable at the start - it takes at least a few hours of playtime before the first sniper rifle or chemical weapon shows up.

you craft them, mats for these are common so you won't have much problems
1x Orlan's Cradle, 1x Pearl, 1x Spirit Residue.

There is no way to paralyse that fucker Alpine dragon though, he is genuinely a tough fight.
Throw all the summons you have against him to buy you time to buff up and clear up adds.
Especially the wraiths cause they can stunlock the shit out of your characters.
Try to make it face away from most of the group cause breath will probably 1 shot everyone.
Stack up on critical heal scrolls on anyone who can use them.
Main problem there is his fear aura which causes huge accuracy debuff, so buff against fear and get accuracy boost spells and shit,
Elemental resistance spells/potions and eat food before fight.
This cunt probably took me like 3-4 hours for my party.

>roguelikes aren't exactly crpg

Finished Shadowrun Returns on monday, already finished Honk Kong and Dragonfall.

Not sure if moving to something else or try mods.

i would move to something new tbqhfam

You're probably not gonna like it. It's very rough. Then again, that kind of also applies to BG 2.

What's the "easiest" class in PoE? As in what class can I facetank shit in

OP class, monk wrecks shit

>I just finished Pillars with DLC and it wasn't as bad as everyone makes it to be
personally i found pillars to be a mashup of baldur's gate and fallout, but minus everything that made both of those games good.

I think I'm too nice in PoE. The windmill quest and the underground temple I both didn't get any money out of. One for obvious reasons, I told him to keep it.

Did I make a mistake or is money easy to come by? Or will I need that initial money?

None of the mods I've played were worth it.

Move on and hope you forget your time with Shadowrun so that you may discover it again in the future.

top 5 CRPG all time and def most comfy.

ssi stronghold

post some new game user

Alright well I've got a metric shitload of paralyze scrolls, and a whopping four figurine summons.

Wish me luck!

good luck user

which dragon?

the ingame economy is a joke, if you loot everything and sell your mountains of shit equipment then you'll have more money than you ever need

that Might 20 check


ye i finished the game with DLC and had 200k gold.
bruh, paralyse scrolls do nothing against that single fight, he shrugs it like rain.

do this

>laughing sharkman portrait


What this guy said. I'd also advise keeping everyone (except your tanks) as far away as possible. This was the only dragon fight for me where the breath attack seemed to hit 360 around the dragon.

Kana was top companion, wish he summoned the dragon instead OF THOSE FUCKING SKELETONS REEEEEEEEEEE

That's what I'm going to try. If I can use all the resources then I should be able to fuck it up.

It's a niche game, so that happens. There are a lot of amazing things in the game even those who are not interested in gameplay can appreciate, but unless you enjoy the gameplay you will never get invested enough to find them. There's a reason why we usually recommend pirating first to those who are not sure if they would enjoy a game like this.

also don't give up if you fuck up, you need a bit of luck on your side too.
One bullshit dragon breath or stun at the wrong moment will shit up everything

How is Serpent in the Staglands?
Would i enjoy it afte PoE or would it eyerape me?
Is it clunky?
I really need some good, new, RTwP game...


I fucked up positioning the first try, easy peasy second.

>Would i enjoy it afte PoE or would it eyerape me?

>Is it clunky?
Very clunky.

Can anyone recommend some crpgs that either
A.) Have a really fun and engaging combat system
B.) Takes a somewhat unique approach to the genre to make something fresh and interesting
I feel like I've been playing the same shit over and over for a while now.

gratz bro, did tips help?

what level are you?

>Very clunky.
can you recommend me something bro?

The figurines helped. Nuked the adds early on so I could focus on the dragon faster.


well you had it easier then me, i struggled at 14 with him. Gratz though.
I don't think anything will give you any trouble anymore.

Llengrath will but only if you don't use scrolls of paralysis. But that's just making it hard yourself

Age of Decadence is great

Yeah planning to head over to her now.
Gonna focus her while my two tanks tank a dragon each, then go from there.

>Age of Decadence is great
but it's low fantasy, i prefer muh dragons and flashy spells.

How is Tyranny?

All of this is true, but I think the guy was originally referring to the fact that that faggot keeps spamming G2 in every halfway appropriate thread, and keeps making shitloads of threads shitposting about how it is the best game ever, always with the same picture

Good luck.
But seriously they hit hard.
Without scrolls they quickly wiped my lvl 16 party but i might just be a faggot.

Finished W2 and Age of Decadence (and i loved every fucking minute of it).
Now playing pillars, looks fun to me.

>cRPGs that don't use D&D rules

>mages are gods and everyone else is irrelevant

>They still haven't fixed the bug where Kana spawning skeletons will sometimes infect that zone with a static skeleton that does absolutely nothing, which can stack until you have a huge blob of unmoving skeletons just standing somewhere.

That's true in most games that have mages, regardless of rules

>can summon drake
>can summon living weapons
>keeps spamming skeletons anyway

Magic's more fun to use and a couple companions are great, but it's clearly unfinished and disappointing in the end.

fuck, anything you can recommend me or am i forced to get fucking BGEE or IWEE?
I would really prefer not to... i played those games to death as a kid

Play NWN 1-2 with additional modules.

>German video games

wouldn't wish them upon my worst enemy

Divine Divinity

For RtwP? That's not easy.

If you haven't played the classic IE games, then go for those.

But if you have, well, I don't know.Aarklash Legacy has good RtwP combat. Divine Divinity is a really fun game, but it's pretty much RtwP on paper only, you will rarely have much reason to pause so it mostly plays like a RT game. Also, no party. Or you could play Dragon Age: Origins, I guess? Or there's Inquisitor, but it's... well.

played NWN, all the classics were my childhood, that's the problem. PLayed all that's worth playing.
I need something new that is not shit

Two tries here too. Not too terribly difficult.

Just reinstalled NWN yesterday. What mods and overrides should I get?

>Or there's Inquisitor, but it's... well.
The phrase you're looking for is "an amazing game everyone should play"

guess i am a faggot then. couldn't do it without scrolls. I tried like 3 times only though

What are you top 3 CRPGs, Sup Forums?

eh, standard.
Planescape Torment
Baldurs Gate
Icewind Dale

But that's what i grew up with.
Right now Pillars of Eternity i guess.