Been playing this and it's really got me in the Cthulhu mood.
Anyone know of other good Cthulhu games?
Been playing this and it's really got me in the Cthulhu mood.
Anyone know of other good Cthulhu games?
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no , thats the only one
that's a shame
Remember playing this back in 2005
It was the shit.
Gamespot gave it a 4 then a 6 then an 8
There was going to be a sequel but the company went under
try Undying
I tried shadow of the comet which was
ok, but not enough complexity.
I also picked up cthulhu saves the world on steam. It was pretty interesting for the first 5 minutes or so, during the intro. Very nice artwork and music. But as soon the actual game started it was a whole different story. There was actually dialogue in the first bit of the game remarking on how now that you've bought the game, there's nothing you could do.
anyway looking for something different
I take it you're not very far into the game then.
その光その翼 ~アザトースの遺産~
this looks pretty interesting
>good cthulhu games
I've beaten it
Darkest Dungeon.
Its bleak, its painful and you'll feel like raging at times. Its exactly what you're looking for.
I have darkest dungeon. I really liked it until I realized how much of a grind there is and constantly having my party wiped by a round of massive enemy critical hits
Eternal darkness
Disable critical hits, take the newest "less grind mode", alternatively it's extremely simple to mod the game.
Amnesia The Dark Descent isn't directly related but its got heavy Lovecraft vibes
Call of Cthulhu Prisoner of Ice is breddy gudd if you can get it to work
where do i get it from?
oh nm it's on steam
>heavy Lovecraft vibes
you've got to be fucking kidding me. have you ever read a Lovecraft story or do you really think "dude spook lmao" is enough to sum up Lovecraft
Not anyone's fault that you're retarded.
This, Undying is really good.