There's still an assassin's creed game due out this year

There's still an assassin's creed game due out this year
What if it''s good? It could be good. maybe they approach the series with a newer take on the formula, maybe make it less open world clutter, and either focus on the stealth, taking notes from hitman or meatal gear v, or delivering a better metagame like shodow of mordor.

or it could be a convoluted mess that has so many ideas working against itself that it seems like a competent game that just has no idea what it wants to be

but i still feel like ubisoft has the potential to make a good assassin's creed

After Syndicate, I have extremely low expectations.
>SJW pandering everywhere
>shit story and characters
>janky combat animations
>a fucking combo meter
>an Arkham grappling hook
>leveled characters and enemies
>a skill that literally makes Evie invisible when stationary
>top hats
>have to crouch to wear hood
>retarded Legacy outfit selection
>the absolutely terrible DLC
Huge waste of potential. The only thing Syndicate had going for it was the Dreadful Crimes missions.

Oh, almost forgot
>only three weapons
>looks worse than Unity
>no co-op or multiplayer

I love the creed games. Haven't gotten the last one still because unity was such a travesty but I hope they pull through. Honestly for a single player experience they put a great amount of effort in the historical aspects like recreating civilizations and designing apparel and weapons. Dialogue and story is usually pretty interesting as well. I'm thinking it will be good honestly, two fucking years and they usually shit out a whole bunch of content in 1. There's no excuse this time though.

syndicate was a shit game built on a solid engine
what it had going against it was too much meaningless shit, a terrible business model and iterations that didn't make sense in the same game anymore

but there's still the potential for a good game if they get their fucking shit together
fucking yeah, a well made coop/multiplayer mode would be great

What is so bad about Unity, in your opinion?

I've heard that they're going for a "Witcher feel" whatever that means. But hopefully it means they realize TW3 was the standard and hope to match it or exceed it.

I finished Unity which was a pretty underwhelming and shittily constructed game, but then I started playing Syndicate. Fuck me you can tell they churned it out in a year, it's so bad. I live in London and thought this game might be cool but this sort of condensed version of London is jarring when you know the real thing like the back of your hand and you can see big ben from buckingham palace. The story and atmosphere are very Oliver Twist too, which makes the game an uninteresting cartoon rather than something remotely interesting. Complete dog shit.

The Witcher 3 is highly overrated.

playing through syndicate i hated the story and pretty much skipped it because i gave no shits
but the combat and leveling was satisfying for a while, not $60 worth, but i wouldnt write it off. i enjoyed most of the moment-to-moment stuff until it was nothing but completing checklists.

Well when it came out ur was very buggy with many glitches, also I hated the ending. It was like a big slap in the face cause they were just like "lmao he died in the catacombs no way to really locate it now" THE END. They didn't move the plot at all or really do anything with unity, it was just a fucking mess man. There was no great mystery, I always loved how near the end of these games you got to explore some ancient ruins built by this highly advanced civilization. Like in 4, that shit is cool as fuck and I love that aspect of the games but there was none of that with unity.

It wasn't a bad game really but I was disappointed and mad enough to return it and not want to purchase Syndicate. However all it will really take for me to be back on board is a cool hype trailer at e3 with some evidence of it being high quality.. double points if it's a numbered title but I'm not gonna hold my breath cause Ubisoft is faggy like that

Why do you say that? It sure wastes time when I need it to, and I generally enjoy it.

I also mainly play really old games.

the witcher 3 is a bad comparison, combat isn't what makes the witcher good and the story is the strength of the assassin's creed games.
if anything, it sounds like the new assassin's creed may lack focus.

Nah. It has amazing characterization, choices, lore, and world. It's RPG elements are top notch I haven't seen anything better that's came out in this era of gaming.

That shit got patched.
>the ending
Arno's gf dying was pretty dumb, and the story was lame overall.
>Like in 4


your whole complaint is about the story
what about the game part of the game didn't you like tho

Hey OP,

Have you tried eating your shit?
Maybe it will taste good today. Sure, it tasted like shit yesterday and the day before that, but you can never be sure.

>he's only defending the game because he's a fanboy, not because the game has merits

Unity wasn't bad.

Why are you in this thread, faggot?

So what if it got patched? Do you think that excuses them? Do you think consumers should have to wait for a patch to fix what should not have to be fixed in the first place? I couldn't care less if it was patched, I sold it long before that. And IV is one of the best games in the series you fucking pleb.

No my whole complaint isn't "just about the story". It was riddled with bugs, the story was lacking, the ending was stupid and basically made the game mean nothing overall, and it missed essential aspects of the series I greatly enjoyed. Besides that it was a beautiful game that ran like absolute shit and was pretty fun to play, some points more than others.

Whatever you say guy. I've played like a quarter of the first and a little over half of 3.. it doesn't take a fan boy to realize that the game is very high quality in many aspects.

>kotor II > Kotor
>burnout paradise > burnout revenge
>resident evil 4 > resident evil 3
sometimes games get better with iteration

IV is a shitty AC game, unless you just love tailing missions and lame characters.

Also, Unity is a 8/10 game after patches, more if you don't care about the story.

it's gonna be a game based on the movie, screenshot this now

IV is the second best in the series after 2. It was more assassin's creed than unity too. Call it a pirate game with assassin's all you want it's still better. Unity was a rushed piece of shit, fuck the patch. Muh 50gb patch fixes everything months later!! I should have known this thread was just going to be an ac fag defending Ubisofts bullshit.

Wrong, dumbass.

there was talk of it taking place in egypt
was egypt in the movie

okay okay didn't realise you were working on the game
there were talks about it happening in the uk or japan before they made that american circle jerk 3rd installment

Yeah cartoon is a good way to describe syndicate. Felt like it wasn't serious at all.

>sometimes games get better with iteration

You listed games, that were already at the very least good.

AssCreed series has been terrible right from the start and there are now like 15 or 20 or whateverthefuck games already. And all of them are shite.

>that first sentence
Fucking Chad. IV is shit. "muh pirates" doesn't change that.

>fuck the patch
I experienced bugs on the PS4 version of Black Flag about a year ago (sold it since then). Shit that forced me to restart the mission I was on.

There was a leaked screenshot a week or two ago. It's Egypt.

Fuck off, retard. Why are you a thread about a game series you hate?

Not him, but probably because OP is bringing into discussion the possibility that the NEXT Assassin's Creed game could be good. The user you're replying to has perfectly relevant criticism for this type of thread.

I recently got the plat for black flag lmfao. Game was actually fun, especially the shanties and exploring

>where am I go to m'johnnies

We need Jade back.

>caring about trophies
>muh shanties
Hello, underage.

>the dunkey loser is here

pls it was fun

If they mixed it well into the setting like 2 or 3 it would work well. I'd prefer old combat to new but to make it harder they should just return to things like medicine to restore health.


>I have no argument

Rogue is superior. Even Freedom Cry (IV's DLC) is better.

I live in London and this was pretty much the only reason I was considering ever playing Syndicate. Really disappointed to hear that real life familarity lessens rather than enhances the experience.

They could've easily improved the atmosphere by adding a foggy weather setting, some clouds, and some prostitutes.