PCfag here, fell for the sony hype.
how did I do Sup Forums ?
PCfag here, fell for the sony hype.
how did I do Sup Forums ?
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at least you bought Yakuza,
bloodborne is literally the only reason to get ps4 but you got those fucking depressing bland meme-fests instead.
Horizon is generic shit but I suppose I can understand why someone might buy it. But David Cage games? Nigger why. You'd have 10x the fun watching someone make fun of them on youtube.
Should've gotten destiny instead of the david cage shit.
>David Cage collection
>But no Bloodborne or Nier Automata
At least you bought Y0.
>le fuck weeb shit and fuck white people
you did good, now don't fucking buy Nioh and buy Bloodborne
You can get them for cheap now, might as well just cop them and have your own fun.
Pretty good, hope you have a 4K HDR TV to take full advantage of the pro.
And get Bloodborne.
You fell for the meme
Where's Underage Panty Quest?
>David Cage games
> games
yeah I agree, they are a fucking interactive movie but still wanted to play their old titles before they release Detroit: Become Human hopefully this year.
Heavy Rain is one of my favourite games of last gen so yeah not too bad
1/3, user and the Pro is a goddamn meme. Next get Nier, Gravity Rush and Persona 5.
>Beyond Two Souls
>It's another Sonyqueer false flagging thread.
You really are pathetic.
No honorable PC man would buy a ps4.
If what you say is true, time stamp with a shot of your specs.
Natural Doctrine is really good despite what reviews might make you believe. It's just a bunch of shitters who can't wrap their heads around the gameplay mechanics.
You could have done better. Honestly, the only good game in your pic is Yakuza
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Gravity Rush 1 & 2
Ratchet & Clank
Nier: A Tomato
Dragon Quest Builders
Last Guardian
TL;DR you rather fucked up or you simply have shit taste.
Well done, I'm also buying a Pro around P5's release for maximum convenience. I haven't ''updated'' my PC in years and I'm just fucking tired of it.
Where's Bloodborne? It's literally the only game you are required to play for all PS4 owners, you'll love it OP because any other opinion doesn't exist.
Why would someone with a PC buy this.
i'm mostly a pcfag, but lately been wanting to try those new IPs in 4k like horizon zero dawn and this year sequels like last of us 2 and red dead redemption
should have gotten bloodborne and nioh and instead of far cry and a movie
maybe he was getting tired of playing league of legends and early access indie games
Out of all the games you could've bought, you got fucking HeavyRain+BTS? Are you for real nigger?
good job op, good taste but yakuza looks a little bit cheap
im just getting started bro, probably shit taste.
My wife wanted a bluray player so I convinced her that we should just get a PS4.
Got Bloodborne, TLOU remastered, HZD, and Nioh.
yo senpai how manygb is the heavy rain and beyond shit, do you have to install both? im only interested in HR curious to buy it as i never played on ps3
Its okay to admit that you're a cuckold :^)
What the fuck is wrong with BBfags? Yes we know it's a good game but damn are you that insecure about something else taking the spotlight for a few weeks?
Untill Dawn is a decent movie to get as long as its under 20 bucks.
You should seriously get Yakuza 0 aswell, just do it. Don't even look it up, go in blind.
if it turns out ps4 is a shit console, I'll just sell it. hopefully I can get some fun out of it.
>Bought a movie box set and SJW shit.
Sell your PC. I don't want you on my platform.
Well, at least now you have a reference point for future vidya purchases. Also Persona 5 is around the corner.
Godspeed and lots of fun to you.
Dont hook up your ps4 to your monitor, the jaggies are going to kill your eyes.
t. recently got a ps4 aswell.
Because if you have to ask that question in the first place, you fell for the digital lardass neckbeard kike jew pig PC Master Race meme.
>Not pirating Yakuza 0 on PS3
Sorry for your lots.
boodborne, R&C, Nioh and don't forget to preorder Persona 5 or I will be taking your sonybro card back
>But no Nier Automata
>Not pirating Yakuza 0 on PS3
There's no translated version on the PS3 though, just the jap version. The game runs like shit on the PS3 anyways.
there's two discs inside, you can install each individually, both are around 40 gigs.
>tfw can't stop playing the whorehouse management mini-game in Yakuza 0
you almost couldn't have done worse, sell all of that but yakuza
I'm aware that you were a PCbro just hours ago so this might be a hard concept to grasp but now you can afford to avoid western shit and still have plenty of games to play.
So why did you fall into the trap? You've got an AMAZING game right there (Yakuza0) but then you completely suck up with the other two. Horizon isn't complete trash but still...
As long as there are japanese options to pursue you should avoid western shit at all costs.
Instead of HeavyRain you could get GravityRush 1+2. Instead of Horizon you could get Nier Automata (hey on PC too starting tomorow, I think)
Just be sure not to repeat your error once more. When you feel the need to purchase MassEffect:Andromeda ask yourself "But why?" and get Persona5 instead.
>no nioh or BB
Nigga, why didn't you wait for horizon to be onsale
>cuck KEK KEK
Seeing this wlrd everywhere these days. I just HAD to get a photo of this when i saw it today:
Kys you degenerate weaboo
Well, you got yourself a blu-ray player.
As for games, if you like hand-holding dumbed down crap from the games industry aimed at kids, you got yourself a console!
persona 5 is also on my list but I haven't played any of the old ones, could a pcfag get started with the last one ?
get BB and Nioh
What does the app do?
Easiest way to recognize a console pleb:
>disses based as fuck and feelworthy indie games
Keep playing that weeb shovelware, I'll play another run of based Undertale, coupled with some of that Owlboy greatness.
Jesus Christ, that "collectable" looks like a fucking restaurant toy.
Pretty good but you should have gotten nioh and bloodborne.
heavy rain is good but beyond sucks
Kuk's you i guess?
I stood there like a tard taking a picture of the van. Guy comes round from the back with a puzzled look. I look right at him.
>cuck. Haha.
And i left.
Did you buy the movies to watch when you get bored of Yakuza?
>Installing middleware like Steam/Origin/Uplay
>Allowing Denuvo into your machine
>No physical copies
No thanks. Despite owning a top tier PC for productivity reasons I get the vast majority of current games on consoles and play old shit like MechCommander/warrior or Settlers3 because I can't bring myself to touch the cancer that is modern PC gaming.
I also couldn't stand the delay on PC, had to play Nier:A as soon as the jap version shipped.
for me there's not too many worthy exclusives on ps4 but the few ones seem to be a nice experience different from what you usually get on pc, wish there was a way to rent consoles.
>he bought the pro
wow nice fuck up. the games look barely any different when i compared my ps4 to my fat cousins ps4 pro. what a waste of $100. you could have bought 3 more games for that money or bought some upgrades for you pc.
Seriously go kill yourself if you are comparing Bloodborne to weebshit like Neptunia.
why is it so blurry? why are you screenshotting a screenshot?
>Heavy Rain
>Beyond Two Souls
now you just need to buy some good games for it
You should have asked him
>You want to get kukd with me?
And then left.
Get yourself Bloodborne and Dragon Quest Builders and you got a pretty good setup.
should have got a switch
you don't have to play the previous ones. it's like with Final Fantasy, all gams have their own stories and worlds.
If you are interested, you can emulate all main personas on PC through PPSSPP and PCSX anyway.
You are like a little baby. Watch THIS
Yakuza 0 is pretty good so far
Heavy Rain is super goofy and French but the story was kinda cool at the ending, didn't play Beyond
Haven't played HZD
Buy the Gravity Rush games
infamous first light was actually really good though, arguably the best in the series
You sound like a (lying) retard desu
wow look at all that garbage
You are wise, obi-wan.
aren't a lot of modern console games online required and/or require a shitload of updates to even play ? Whats the point of buying physical when in the near future they are unplayable ?
How much are you getting paid to post this?
>David Cage collection
>No bloodborne
>No nioh
You fucked up. You got only 1 good game.
>david cage ""games""
pretty good Horizon is better than most pc games since 2011
Yes you can easily emulate them. But I would advise that you play Persona5 first since it's so close to releasing and none of them are related to eachother in a direct way.
If you were to play Persona3 or 4 right now until P5's release you'd just get burned out. They are not short games.
when is this bloodbourne meme ever gonna end?
>heavy rain instead of uncharted 4
>no bloodborne or nioh
fucking casual go return it at once
Why do people still buy games from this failed hollywood wannabe directer?
Not him but nioh is fucking great
Where did you get this idea? You can play them offline and you don't have to patch them unless it's a multiplayer game like Overwatch or something.
>David Cage collection
>no Bloodborne
>no Nioh
>no NieR: Automata
Come on user.
Nioh is great you faggot.
I don't understand the hate for nioh tbqh, sure it isn't a masterpiece like BB but it's fun as hell
Yakuza is great
Is that game a good way to get into weeb games?
>David Cage "games"
Lucky for you you won't have any trouble selling those though.
of course that's not true. Stop going to fucking Sup Forums for your information.
>no Bloodborne
Literally why?
None of the games you have are worth buying a ps4 for.
not really