>blue eyes
>great at videogames
>O negative blood
>teenage hairline
>youthful skin/appearance
>20/20 vision
>warm blooded
Anyone else won the genetic lottery like me?
>blue eyes
>great at videogames
>O negative blood
>teenage hairline
>youthful skin/appearance
>20/20 vision
>warm blooded
Anyone else won the genetic lottery like me?
I naturally look like a girl despite being a boy, I get bullied for it a lot...
im australian so no
Too bad you'll forever be alone and gay.
How tall are you, cutie
Taller than a girl should be...
Nice post OP! I'll subscribe for new updates.
This is some weaboo shit so she looks japanese to me so i will consider her japanese user but other than that yes she is my ideal mate
smash that like button!
No you're the only human ever to be best at life, you're so good that no one else will ever compare.
...but you're here gloating to a bunch of man children on Sup Forums, so clearly none of this is true.
I don't know about the genetic lottery but I'm winning all my matches right now, sitting at a 70% win rate 8)
I don't mean to brag, but I can't help but display my superiority over you. My DM and gamesense is definitely too much for you to handle, boy.
>O negative blood
nice try pleb
Nice try.
too bad you're retarded and can't your bait just a little bit
Shut the fuck up loser! Im gonna punch you in the fucking face!
Come see me at LAN, if you do as much as enter my FOV you WILL get fragged. You will lose without earning a single point against me and you will leave the building just as you entered, an embarrassed young man.
It's almost like he did it...on purpose.
it fucked me over hard
>blue eyes
Sorry buddy, green eyes are the true sign of god-tier genetics.
>not listing your height as well
Fuck off manlet.
Anyone else wanna hold hands.
makifags won the genetic lottery to be natural fuckboys.
if height, face and frame are good, then yes
let me guess, 5'3"?
yeah you sure won the genetic lottery
>1/20 vision
>small dick
>four nipples and six toes on my right foot
>get a nosebleed when I get an erection
why was I born this way
Some people are just unlucky.
Is this the anime thread? you should go watch konosubas last ep it was pretty awesome
No, because you're not worth my time. Not only are you an uninteresting person but you're also lacking in the skill department. If you spent less time chasing traps/gays on the internet you could've had a chance! LOL, play some more games loser.
> sandy/red colored hair
> blue eyes
> good looking (very depending on who you ask)
> 130ish iq
> 8 inch dick
> naturally good at games
>5'9 manlet
> socially inexperienced
> sort of neet
Mixed feels but overall happy
does she finally grow a penis
>get a nosebleed when I get an erection
At least you can be an anime character
> tfw too inteligent to properly use memearrows
> sort of neet
You're either a NEET or you're not. You can't be "sort of" in employment, education, or training.
what board am i on
I pass in and out of neetdom
So you're not a NEET.
Sup Forums - Video Games
Sup Forums - Not Video Games
Sup Forums - Video Games
I am openly making offers for people to prove their worth to me but nobody seems to be able too...
If you think you're any different you're welcome to see me at LAN too. It might be best if you don't show up though, most people don't handle loss very well 8)
its 2017 being white makes you inferior because the other races finally realized they are stronger and smarter so they shouldn't bow down
I can eat as much as I want and not get fat
are we talking quake or 1.6
challenge eccepted, but i should warn you, i a ma wicked quickscoper
CPMA or PQL, patiently awaiting the next TF2 Florida LAN.
Weak, if you somehow hear me through my dead silence your bullets will either miss their mark or barely put a dent in my health pool as I gun you down with automatic fire from my AK-74u. You'll be dead on the floor and my K/D will increase by another kill.
no. this is where you are mistaken. one shot one kill motherfucker. if i see you, you die
Good luck, my SMG compliments my mastery of the movement mechanics. Your only chance will be to switch to your sidearm. Juggernaut is the only ally I need. Soon, I'll be one frag closer to my airstike, and then it's only a matter of time until I call in my helicopter.
My genetic so good that no girls dare come close
Everyone would reroll as white if they could even shits don't lie
quick scope head shot can one hit through juggernaut bitch
i had maximum rank camo before my first prestige, i do not fail
>was able to grow a full beard at 18
>large hands
>large feet
>naturally muscular
>8.5 inches
Looks like I have lost the genetic lottery, poor me.
maybe if this was year's ago
Go back to the cave with thee
I fucking hate this board.
>tall/skinny white guy with bishounen appearance who is good at vidya
Yet here you are again
desu i don't know my blood type but hit the rest of them. not expecting the hairline to last too much longer but it works for now
>good looking (very depending on who you ask)
Your mother doesnt count you faggot
I think personal worth is derived from how useful you are to society.
I work in the medical field so I'm already better than all of you.
>Grey/Green eyes
>Good at video games
>A+ blood
>Balding as all fuck
>Good skin and perfect feminine nails
>Horrible vision as in I cant see shit without my glasses
>Warm blooded
>I help jew people out of their money so I'm superior to all of you
>four nipples on my foot
Check it manlet
you're pretty cute, OP.
your eyes seem a little large though.
>warm blooded
Who brings this up? This is a given if you're a human. Why are you trying to reassure me you're a human, OP?
Fucking edgelord
Enjoy your minimum wage job tomorrow while I save dozens.
ravage my face bby
thats me, but im also 184cm tall and blond hair. you didnt list height or hair colour, so im assuming you didnt quite win, buddy
Great video game thread you have here OP.
>White (Black)
>Green eyes
>Pretty good at video games
>Youthful apperance
>Degrading vision
>Crazy good memory
It's a cruel world
>Green Eyes
>Great with Cars/Technology
>AB+ blood (universal reciever)
>Perfectly Average Height & Weight
>Nice Hairline
All of my boyfriends love my eyes and say they are pretty, Feels pretty good.
Also I am a gay dude, not a cunt.
>Big jaw
>Beady af eyes
>Quad amputee
>Scaly Skin
>tfw you're a snake
>kinda grey eyes
>think i'm okay at games but everyone I play with says im great
>forgot blood
>best hair out of everyone in my family
>i think I look bad
>ugly as fuck
>tfw you probably had more sex than half of this board coz of your charming personality
women will not date you unless you are at least 6'0 and have a 8 inch penis
I too call my trusty ol' rope charming personality user.
>tfw bald
>tfw kissless virgin because no girl likes someone that is bald
How has this thread been up for 2 hours?
Hotpockets are asleep.
tfw no cool Sup Forums bf
>you will never have a cool personality
what should I do, bros
Play video games.
Are you 6 foot or taller
If so, then you don't need a personality, you automatically get a gf.
>tfw you look completely average
>No personality to boot
>just 5'10 with black hair and brown eyes average body
It's depressing, but hopefully when I become a cop I'll be so busy I'll forget about it.
As someone who is 6'2" this is wrong.
You need to be tall, athletic, outgoing, adventurous and above all else, attractive.
What would you do with a Sup Forums bf?
what is the point of remaking this thread?
I think traps are disgusting.
>on Sup Forums
everything ever was a failure
evolution was a mistake
a pack of naked roid raged space niggers should come down and snuff life from this planet, starting with the biggestfaggot of them all - OP
Play games. Hang out. Be chill. Cuddle.
Stop spreading this meme. If you act like an autistic shitlord like most people here then no amount of good genetics will get you laid.
>Won the genetic lottery
>Still spends his nights posting anime girls on NEET imageboards
Nu-male Sup Forums user
I would reroll as a petite japanese woman.
who doesn't
I could be streaming video games on Twitch and be earning 2k every day